Editing USS Spectre (NCC-8741)

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{{Template:USS Spectre Data Box}}
{| class="wiki-sidebar" align="right" border="2" style="background:silver;" bordercolor="white" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
| colspan="2" align="center" | [[Image:USS_Spectre.jpg|300px]]
| class="even" align="center" style="font-size: 90%" colspan="2" | USS Spectre
| class="odd" | Registry:
| class="even" | NCC-8741
| class="odd" | Class:
| class="even" | Spectre class
| class="odd" | Affiliation:
| class="even" | [[Robert LoDona|LoDona]]
| class="odd" | Launched:
| class="even" | ''2380.07.16''
| class="odd" | Commanding Officer:
| class="even" | Captain [[T'Vhor]]
| class="odd" | First Officer:
| class="even" | Lieutenant [[Brian Rogers]]
| class="odd" | Second Officer:
| class="even" | Lieutenant (JG) [[Andrew Williams]]
| class="odd" | Status:
| class="even" | Active

The USS Spectre is the first [[Spectre_class | Spectre Class]] starship to be launched, serving the [[52nd Fleet]] under command of Captain [[T'Vhor]].
The USS Spectre is the first [[Spectre_class | Spectre Class]] starship to be launched, serving the [[52nd Fleet]] under command of Captain [[T'Vhor]], Lieutenant [[Brian Rogers]] and Lieutenant (JG) [[Andrew Williams]].  
== Crew Roster ==
''Warning, this roster may be out of date. Please update if you have the current roster.''
=== Command Crew ===
Commanding Officer, Captain, [[T'Vhor]] - Betazoid/Vulcan
First Officer, Lieutenant, [[Brian Rogers]] - Human
Second Officer, Lieutenant (JG), [[Andrew Williams]] - Human (''also CMO'')
=== Operations Staff ===
=== Counselling and Medical Staff ===
Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant (JG), [[Andrew Williams]] - Human (''also 2O'')
COUNS, Ensign (JG), [[Jynea Kreung]] - [[Orion]]
COUNS, Lieutenant (JG), [[David Taxia]] - [[Betazoid]]
Nurse, Chief Petty Officer, [[Perses Douwsy]] - [[Orion]]
=== Tactical/Security Staff ===
Chief Tactical/Security, Lieutenant, [[Yelena Vasilyovna]] - Human
Security Officer, Lieutenant (JG) [[Walker Isengard]] - Betazoid
Security Officer, Ensign (SG) [[Richard Davies|Richard 'Patsy' Davies]] - Human
Security Officer, Ensign (SG) [[Nathanial Yates]] - Human
=== Engineering Staff ===
Acting Chief Engineering Officer, Lt. (JG), [[Chenoll]] - Bolian
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer, Ensign, [[Jacqueline Teresa Bristed]] - Human
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer, Ensign, [[Robin Bourne]] - Human
Chief Engineering Officer, Ensign, [[H'chir]] - Andorian (''Medically Incapacitated'')
Engineer, Chief Petty Officer, [[M'Rurrh]] - Caitian
=== Science Staff ===
Assistant Chief Science Officer, Ensign (JG), [[Serixs Ssarumon]] - [[Gorn]]
Acting Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant (JG), [[Yayla Nollys]] - Bajoran
Science Officer, Ensign, [[Alexander MacDonald]] - Human
=== StarFleet Intelligence ===
Agent, Lieutenant (JG), [[Jo Smith]] - Human
===Flight Operations===
CONN, Lieutenant (JG), [[Lalo Rodriguez]] - Human
=== Marines ===
MCO, Lt. Colonel, [[Krige]] - Human
MXO, Major, [[Bruce Kowalski]] - Human
Forward Assault Squad CO, Master Sergeant, [[Scott Bowie]] - Human
Corporal, [[Scott Houseman]] - Human
=== Other Starfleet ===
Ambassador, Vice Admiral, [[Sh'Rok]] - Vulcan
"Mission Specialist", [[Unaru Castigan]] - Human (''Mission Specialist is a cover story, Castigan is actually an aide for former President Rondar Nell'')
=== Production Command Advanced Theoretical Technologies Unit ===
Warp Technologies, Ensign, [[Dr. Tanya Leigh Dervin]] - Human
=== StarFleet Command ===
Strategic Operations, Ensign (JG) [[Korak]] - Vulcan

== Fleet Update ==
== Fleet Update ==

Ships Log, Lt Remae Ktell, Acting First Officer and Chief Engineering Officer
The fate of the Federations repatriation now hangs in the balance as the Spectre sets off on a perilous, cloaked mission into Romulan space to find & bring home the deposed President Nell. The race is on now to reach him before the crack special ops team sent by the self styled leader, Admiral Doenitz reaches him first & either returns him to his prison cell or terminates him outright.
Stardate 2414.10.16
== Current Mission Overview ==

Remae found a quiet corner of the transporter room and opened a comm-channel to the computer. He had a moment to log a status report.

“First Officers Log, supplemental. We’re attempting to retrieve the away teams of our Marines that are stuck on the Garallon.”, he said before looking at the time, he had a few more moments.
The Spectre has now left Starbase 375 & has rendevouzed with it`s new First Officer Lieutenant Brian Rogers. Captain T`Vhor has just received a priority one secure communique direct from Admiral LoDona aboard the Steel talons.

“In order to location the team, we had to send a massive signal for the dish, we burnt it out but we were about to arrange a transporter sequence that will grab anyone on their pad and beam them over., said the FO knowing that they were beaming in the dark but it was their best shot.
After discussions with Admiral Doenitz`s recently repatriated niece Debora Ansara, it has come to light that the former president Rondar Nell, with the aid of a group of sympathisers has broken out of a secure holding facility & is now on the run. Reports hint that he is travelling incognito on a variety of small inconspicuous transports. Doenitz has despatched a small, crack unit to track him down with orders to either terminate him or return him.

“As soon as they team is over, the Spectre will have to leave the void... with us already using a tractor beam on the warp core of the Garallon, I don’t see how we can also rescue the Garallon as well, at least, not this time.”, Remae looked over at the transporter chief, he nodded, it was time.
Unconfirmed intelligence reports say that six decoys known to be in league with the ousted president have travelled off in various directions in an attempt to lay down false trails away from the man himself. Two of these have already been assassinated by Doenitz`s unit & a third (it is not yet known wether he is a decoy or the real thing) is currently being stalked by them.

The transporter beam energized...
The Spectre`s mission is to get to the president before this unit!!

== Current Mission Overview ==
To do this however will take the ship beyond the Neutral zone & deep into Romulan territory. This mission is frought with danger & it isn`t helped by the fact that there is a particularly zealous & paranoid Tal'Shiar operative aboard the Romulan warbird DihVael which is covertly tracking federation vessels as & when it encounters them. This officer is not only convinced that there is a secret plot to attack the Romulan senate, but is also intent on starting a war with the federation.

To follow...
Will she succeed? Will the Spectre crew reach Nell in time, will she return with her prize or end up a burning hulk in the cold, airless vacuum of space...

== Status Report ==
== Status Report ==

"Captain's log - Stardate 2414.10.14"
"Captains Log, Stardate 2407.02.05..... 14:51hrs."

After arriving at the perimeter of the Tsinkada Void and finding no trace of the Garallon, we have now proceeded into the expanse. Tension is high in this place, a presence of some kind appearing to shadow us and interacting with the conscious minds of the crew in a manner that defies logic. Dr Riven has managed to create a psi bubble to protect us from the effects of this presense and has assembed what can only be termed, a 'telepathic relay', between those of the crew that possess such abilities, myself included, in order to bolster its efficacy.
"It is with some regret that it appears our liason
with the Ferengi Daimon Brak has proved fruitless. He
has been unable, or unwilling to provide us with the
necessary information to enable our sensors to
function normally whilst under phase cloak & as a
result we remain restricted to passive scans. Daimon
Brak continues to be under moderate surveillance
during his time aboard the Spectre"

Initial scans via our Class 2 probe have identified what appears to be a warp signature, but the size of that signature excludes the possibility that we are seeing the Garallon. It is my belief that what we are seeing is its warp core, although why it has been jetisoned I can only speculate at this moment in time. 
"Evidence of interference has recently been discovered
in the cloaking device itself & as a result of this,
Acting CEO Chenoll has advised that we do not lower
the cloak until this interference has been rectified.
This of course leaves us out of contact with our away
team but Lieutenant Vasilyovna believes that our
previous CEO, Ensign H'Chir may be able to assist,
regardless of his fragile state of mind"

[[spectre status reports|''Access Previous Status Reports'']]
"Major Kowalski`s report via Lieutenant Major Savage
has indicated covert transmissions between a warbird &
what may possibly be the second Zulu Alpha vessel.  My
own calculations have revealed a ninety two point four
percent probability that both of these vessels are now
en route to the Carraya System."

== Ship's History ==
"Irrespective of the status of our cloaking device, we
must lower it in three hours fifty six minutes for a
scheduled cool down & precharge, this means it is now
highly likely that we may encounter direct & hostile
intervention unless we are able to retrieve the
president & leave the system before their arrival"

The [[USS Spectre]] is what is known as a Black Ops vessel, this means that when a mission calls for covert operations, particularly beyond enemy lines or in enemy space, the Spectre is the ship that is called upon. She is unique in the fleet in that she is fitted with a phased cloak in order that she may carry out these most special of missions.  
"Unfortunately, my calculations reveal only a thirteen
percent probability that we will complete this stage
of our mission in time & evade contact....."

The Spectre fought the "''war without a fleet''", in the [[Federation Civil War]].
"....End of log"

She is currently under the command of Captain [[T'Vhor]] who was promoted to Captain after her previous Captain [[Remae Ktell]] was involved in a landmine incident on the occupied planet Betazed which cruelly robbed him of his lower limbs.

== Registry Number and Current Configuration==

USS Spectre NCC 8741 Designated Explorer/Refit Interceptor Starbase 968

=Specific Mission Timeline=
"Captain's supplemental log"

2407.01.17 - The USS Spectre mounts an away team mission on Betazed under the command of Captain Remae K'Tell to retrieve Debora Ansara, the niece of Federation renegade Admiral Rodrigo Doenitz. The Mission is a success but Captain Remae suffers an accident resulting in the loss of his lower limbs and is duly medically incapacitated from duty. First Officer T'Vhor assumes command of the Spectre.
"The President has now been brought aboard the Spectre &
is currently under the care of Doctor Williams & his team,
our cloak has been repaired & is now online, but we have
been prevented from going to warp by the arrival of a
Warbird & the second Zulu Alpha vessel. So far they have
yet to discover us"

2407.02.02 - As a direct response to information received during the Betazed retrieval mission, the Spectre is ordered into Romulan space under DOA (denial of awareness) clause, it's mission, to find and retrieve the usurped Federation President, Rondar Nell.
"The USS Hood is now on station at the Federation border of
the neutral zone, tension is high & the likelihood of
conflict is probable, crew morale however remains good"

2407.02.05 - Rondar Nell is found living in a forested camp on Carraya IV and is subsequently transferred to the Boudicca.
".....End of supplemental log"

2407.04.15 - Reports to 52nd fleet command signify that Captain Talasario of the Doenitz loyal vessel USS Alacrity, intends to defect with a significant intelligence database along with four other vessels. The USS Spectre is ordered to the Arachnid Nebula to effect rendezvous and assessment of the situation.
== Ship's History ==

2407.06.29 - The USS Spectre successfully negotiates terms of ITD and the USS Alacrity, Swansea, Cathay, Wilhelm Steinitz and Kissimee form a specific battle group alongside the Klingon Vessels IKS B'Quaj'ah, Ha'Quj, Tong, Pach and the SuvwL'Vaj.
The USS Spectre is what is known as a Black Ops vessel, this means that when a mission calls for covert operations, particularly beyond enemy lines or in enemy space, the Spectre is the ship that is called upon. She is unique in the fleet in that she is fitted with a phased cloak in order that she may carry out these most special of missions. The Spectre fights the "''war without a fleet''", in the [[Federation Civil War]].

2407.07.09 - The new alliance battle group consisting of the above joins the battle at the MDP resulting in the fall of Starbase Valhalla.
She is currently under the command of Captain [[T'Vhor]] who was promoted to Captain after her previous Captain [[Remae Ktell]] was involved in a landmine incident on the occupied planet Betazed which cruelly robbed him of his lower limbs. Lieutenant [[Brian Rogers]] is her current First Officer & Lieutenant [[Andrew Williams]] is her Second Officer.

2408.02.04 - Spectre Mission. 'The Gates of Prometheus' - Heading out for an encounter with the Borg, and an adventure with time.
== Registry Number & Current Configuration ==

2413          - Spectre Mission. 'Cry Havok and Let Slip the Dogs of War' - A waterworld, narcotic agents, bandits and a very special vessel await us in a mission that will throw the Spectre into uncharted, and unimaginable conditions that go against it's very design!
USS Spectre NCC 8741 Designated Explorer/Refit Interceptor Starbase 968

2414.03.10 - 'Slipstream' - Mystery, intrigue and danger lurk aboard a research station apparently devoid of life, but hiding a multi-dimensional mystery that is beyond belief itself.
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<tr><td><small>Her Plaque</small></td></tr>

== More then One? ==
== More then One? ==
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Yes, there is more then one USS Spectre buzzing around, 3 in the current universe, I wanted to get 1 back from the Alt Timeline [[Utopia Planitia]] the last time we played it, circa 2402-2404, of course, we brought it in the current timeline along with all the members of Utopia Planitia, gee... confusing much?  
Yes, there is more then one USS Spectre buzzing around, 3 in the current universe, I wanted to get 1 back from the Alt Timeline [[Utopia Planitia]] the last time we played it, circa 2402-2404, of course, we brought it in the current timeline along with all the members of Utopia Planitia, gee... confusing much?  

The other Spectres? At least one of them is a long, long way away in the Gamma Quadrant, if memory serves... the other? No idea, maybe I need to think something up? :)
The other Spectres? At least one of them is a long, long way away in the Gamma Quadrant, if memory servers... the other? No idea, maybe I need to think something up? :)


[[Category:Active Ships]]
[[Category:Active Ships]]
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