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| He graduated on Stardate 2403.05.15 and was transferred immediately to Starbase 968 to wait the pleasure of Captain [[Susan Rivers]] as [[Tactical Officer|Assistant Security & Tactical Chief]] (TAC/ASC) of the almost-commissioned [[USS Boudicca]]. | | He graduated on Stardate 2403.05.15 and was transferred immediately to Starbase 968 to wait the pleasure of Captain [[Susan Rivers]] as [[Tactical Officer|Assistant Security & Tactical Chief]] (TAC/ASC) of the almost-commissioned [[USS Boudicca]]. |
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| Thanks in advance and good luck! :)
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| Ola, what's up amigos? :)
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| In first steps it is really good if somebody supports you, so hope to meet friendly and helpful people here. Let me know if I can help you.
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| Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)
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| ===Serving onboard Boudicca (Tour 3, Current)===
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| Sevant took command of the Boudicca on Stardate 2606-06-07, but the ship wasn’t ready to launch. She had been rushed through her refit, in which she had gotten several weapons upgrades, a holographic main screen, and an interactive Tactical holo-command suite. Sevant was given two weeks to get her up to speed before he would have to start patrolling the border, to protect the 52nd fleet while they relocated to an area much further beyond the old explored grounds of Freedom Squadron.
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| His Captaincy kicked off to a rocky start when the Boudicca was found to have been infected by an altered version of the Marine BDU Nanites, maliciously put into place by agents of Admiral Doenitz. The Boudicca wasn’t the only ship affected, but the Boudicca was also on a skeleton crew at the time and it was a long time before they could bring the infection under full control.
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| Once that was done, however, she left after taking on crew for her two week shakedown cruise. What should have ended up as an easy fix-it cruise ended up turning into a nightmare after the Boudicca answered a distress call and came upon the remains of a civilian science vessel. The ship was a hulk floating in space with only a few compartments left with air and frame integrity. Sevant sent an away team aboard, mostly comprised of Marines, and that away team rapidly came under attack. At the same time, an enemy ship of unknown affiliation arrived and began pounding the Boudicca, which was hardly in position to fight back. What followed was an invasion by what have since been designated ‘[[psi-ders]]’, apparently mechanical creatures that responded and fed on psychic emanations.
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| A long battle ensued, Sevant fought especially hard as the [[psi-ders]] were attracted to his telepathic ability, and the ship was cleared of these invaders at high cost. High enough, in fact, that Sevant was forced to put the ship back into drydock for three months worth of repairs.
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| Near the end of his refitting he met with newly promoted Captain Winters as she took command of the [[USS Mystique]]. It had been then-counselor Winters who had counseled him through his troubles after the death of his family. By way of parting, he wished her luck and asked the same in return, that he should do his job well enough that she and her new ship would not need to see combat.
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| After the refit was finished and the Boudicca was fully operational, they were again put out on patrol. The fleet had already moved, so their new patrol zone was territory that had only been vaguely mapped. The Boudicca was given the task of mapping as they could, placing sensor pods on the [[Subspace River]] to watch for invasion, and to look for possible allies on the fringe. Sevant used this time to train his crew, but that training was cut short when they exited the river near a large multi-anomaly and were beset upon by two [[Defiant Class]] vessels.
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| The attack knocked out their engines, and the Boudicca was quickly sucked into the event horizon of the multi-singularity, which was being fed by rubble from a destroyed planet in a nearby star-system. Time slowed as they traveled further into the anomaly, and it was only quick work by [[Chief Engineer]] West that allowed them to turn their nose, fly ‘around’ the inside of the anomaly, and exit again. But once they had exited, they discovered that a specific mineral combination from the planet rubble, interacting with their shields, had actually created a time-travel scenario and they had traveled hundreds of years into the past. The planet which had been destroyed in their present was a fully functional society in the past; there was an entire 1990’s earth-style society in place.
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| The Boudicca’s scientists quickly discovered what had caused them to time-shift, and they figured out just what kinds and how many of these minerals were needed. So with the cloak engaged, Sevant authorized a retrieval mission for the necessary ingredients so they could return home. This mission included a ‘bank robbery’ because one of the metals necessary was found in greatest quantities in this planets coined money.
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| While this mission was going on, however, a very disturbing fact came to the attention of Sevant thanks to his astrophysicists. The anomaly had started fluctuating from the passage of the [[Boudicca]], and thus was sending out gravity waves. ‘Ringing like a bell’ was the term that was used by the scientist. It wasn’t dangerous, but it would become so if the Boudicca passed through again. He considered it very likely that it was the [[Boudicca]]’s return trip which had caused the destruction and death of the planet and civilization. This was one of the hardest decisions of Sevant’s life, the prime directive and the temporal directive prevented him from staying and changing the timeline as he had found it, but by traveling home he would be condemning the multi-billions of people on the planet to sure-death.
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| In the end, he chose to preserve the temporal timeline and they traveled back home. The results were as predicted and they arrived back home (two days later than when they first flew in) and the planet was rubble. Sevant swore the scientist to secrecy lest it become common knowledge, Sevant himself told nobody, though he did dictate his decision and the consequences in his personal log… which wouldn’t be opened until 100 years later, for posterity.
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| The ship continued on patrol afterwards, and after a time, he received a message from Captain [[Suentar]], the former First Officer of the [[Boudicca]]. The message appeared to be authentic and promised secrets vital to Admiral LoDona’s success, but only if the Captain arrived alone at one of a series of times. Sevant considered that it might be a trap, but set aside those concerns next to the possible benefits of such a meeting, if true.
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| He left orders for his absence, which should have been near 24 hours, and departed in a shuttlecraft. However, when he arrived, he discovered it was indeed a trap. He was captured after his runabout was fatally disabled by [[Federation]] weapons fire.
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| He awoke in captivity, originally highly drugged and in a chamber that very much resembled what he remembered from his captivity and torture on [[Medial IV]]. However, the illusion only lasted for a couple of minutes before logic took over and he realized that he couldn’t be in the hands of the Romulans, which was far in the past. The whole situation proved to be nothing more then an illusion created to test his reflexes and ability to cope, in preparation for interrogation by [[Starfleet Intelligence]].
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| Before he could be more then superficially interrogated, however, he was brought to a temporary base not far from where he was taken and put to Court-martial for the charges of High Treason, Conduct Unbecoming, and a slew of others, all while in a time of war. They even went so far as to refer to him as Commander Sevant, his last held rank before he joined the defection of Admiral LoDona. Sevant fought the issue for as long as he could, including telepathically attacking one of his guards, but the mock-trial went on regardless and he was found guilty and sentenced to death in three days time.
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| One day before he could be tried, however, he was released from prison by a combined Nimitz/Boudicca extraction team which had battled their way through the temporary base. They quickly got him off the planet and onto the ship, from whence they sped back into controlled territory and into relative safety.
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| '''''Authors Note: This is another one of those things where I really can’t say much about what went on out of Sevant’s sight. This mission was a Joint Mission between the Nimitz and the Boudicca, just imagine six months of wild posting… it was interesting. I will be describing what happened in more detail in the [[Boudicca]] history.'''''
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| Sevant recovered from his time and interrogations and the boarder patrol continued until Admiral Doenitz declared himself President Doenitz and began forcibly attacking federation worlds suspected of harboring rebels. This was the final straw for all concerned, and Admiral LoDona ordered that a Task Force be formed around the USS Boudicca with Sevant as the Commodore. Boudicca was ordered to a near-by planet to rest and gather supplies for 2 weeks while Task Force 2 formed around them.
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| '''''Authors Note: see [[Federation Civil War]].'''''
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| Just before they arrived at the planet, the first of the federation ships arrived as part of his task force and brought with them some much needed crew replacements. What was surprising about this is that Sevant felt a tugging on his mind, and he was called to the shuttlebay after the crew had arrived. Once he had gotten down there he was in for the single biggest shock of his life, his mental bond with his wife which had been so cruelly severed snapped back into place as he beheld a woman who was, but couldn’t be, his wife. They touched each others minds and discovered that she was from an alternate-universe, one exactly the same as his except for one significant fact: Caladryll and the kids had died in her universe, rather the Vicki and the kids. Sevant, completely unsure how to deal with this, broke away and left Vicki in the care of the quartermaster so they could proceed with the mission.
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| '''''Authors Note: This was more than just my way of bringing back his wife sans kids. It took root on the [[USS Mystique]], in a mission that dealt heavily with a temporal rift. The [[Mystique]] saved 20 people off a ship that was trapped in that rift, beamed them off before the ship was destroyed. Victoria Sevant was one of 6 major ‘dead’ characters that was beamed aboard, also included was Winter’s ex-husband David Dark. I decided to take this opportunity to screw with my PC’s head a bit. I mean, think about it… she was enough his wife for the unique, never to be duplicated bond to reform, but IS she his wife? This is a question I expect to wrestle with for many many months. Katherine Mazurok is/was unable to play the position, so I’m playing her myself, but the possibilities are still very real.'''''
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| While at this planet, which boasted a very small stone-age population, Sevant set up a full rotation so all the crew could spend as much time as possible on the planet, either for R&R or so they could gather fresh supplies for what was likely to become a very hard set of months. Things did not go well at this tropical paradise however, and communication was almost immediately cut off between the ground forces and the Boudicca. The crew of a crashing runabout told the story of how an energy web had formed around the ship, forming something approximating a shield.
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| Some of his crew was attacked at near the same time by some locals, all of whom wore bits of advanced technology and preformed technological feats they referred to as Magic. By all indications, these inhabitants were living on the site of a former Inchon or Iconian civilization, and his crew had landed in the middle of what could only be called a War. Sevant was contacted by several of the ‘good’ natives, and after several of his crew was abducted, he made the decision to storm the enemy stronghold and use his ‘magic’ to bring an end to (at least) this part of the conflict.
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| '''''Authors Note: About time I had to disappear for a few months, so I did almost nothing to guide the mission. Thus, Sevant had almost nothing to do with how it all turned out, more’s the pity.'''''
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| After a hard battle, the crew was rescued and it was discovered that the controls for whatever was holding the Boudicca were also present, so they managed to put it out of commission and within minutes every crewmember was back on the ship. Sevant took command, ordered that all supplies be beamed to the Boudicca, and then declared the planet unfit for habitation and requested that supplies be sent via convoy.
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| For two weeks the fleet gathered and Sevant began preparing for war. While he did so, he also, inexplicably, began ignoring logic and visiting his ‘wife’ again, so who knows what will happen next... '''''From this point on, we’re in our current mission, and the history will be written after it is over'''''
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| ==Biographical Information & Other== | | ==Biographical Information & Other== |
Captain Caladryll Sevant is the Commanding Officer of the USS Boudicca.
"Attention all hands. Most of you are unaware of what exactly has been going on in the Federation over the last year; I've kept it that way on purpose. But now is the time, it should be obvious that we're heading back into Federation territory under arms."
"Admiral Doenitz has declared himself President Doenitz and he has instituted invasions and forced takeovers of several core worlds. He has declared war against our own. We can no longer stand by on the fringes, the fight is over our homeworlds, the people dying are our own friends and family, those we swore to protect. We can not allow this to happen any longer. Our duty prevents it. Our conscience prevents it.
"LoDona has ordered us, our Task Force, and all available personnel to engage Doenitz's forces with all due prejudice. Not to avenge those already lost, but to save those destined to die if this regime is left unchecked. Doenitz will find it difficult, if not impossible, to maintain occupation forces for the core worlds with the Rebel fleets and the Klingons invading after more then a year of defensive actions on the fringe. And make no mistake; there is more then one fleet. The 52nd is no longer alone in this endeavor; other Fleet Admirals have rebelled and are going to war to free their homeworlds and people. The Klingon people have also declared war and have joined our side. We are not alone, and thus neither are our friends and family in the Federation."
He looked at the chronometer, "As of 0723 hours today, USS Boudicca is going to war. One way or another, We. Are. Going. Home."
~Captain Sevant to the entire crew of the USS Boudicca
Author’s Note[edit]
Captain Caladryll Sevant |
Sevant is my first and oldest character; he was first created before Star Trek: Freedom was even a consideration, back when most of the oldest players were still FGN (Federation Gaming Network). I first put him on paper as my joining character of the FGN in late 1998. That’s six, almost seven, years worth of gaming history… and as such, his history is twisted.
Most of the details I have to gloss over on his official gaming bio, the sucker is just that long, and thus the substance of his life is lost in a series of dates. This is my attempt to write out all the forces which have shaped him into what he is today. Watch for further Author’s Notes within the text that is to follow, which will explain much of the behind-the-scenes concerns.
So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the ride!
Pre-Starfleet Life[edit]
Sevant was born to a human mother and Vulcan father. His mother was a classical music composer and music teacher, his father a diplomat with the Federation Diplomatic Corps, they met on Earth during one of his fathers many visits to the Diplomatic Center.
He was born on Vulcan, where his mother had elected to move, and spent his first five years in her care as his father traveled the galaxy. This changed in tragedy just after his fifth birthday. And they were, until his marriage, the happiest of his life.
During a short jaunt out-system, on the return journey to home, Caladryll and his mother had the misfortune of being on a passenger liner that was taken by Romulan terrorists opposed to the reunification of Vulcan and Romulus. The only thing Sevant remembers clearly about this time is, after ten hours of terror, the craft coming under attack by Vulcan Defense Forces. The attack blasted a hole in the hull, causing a massive air-rush. His mother, in panic, managed to get Sevant’s belt secured but not her own, and the suction pulled her outside the hull to her death. Her final scream, along with those of a half dozen others unlucky enough to be caught before the emergency force-fields came on, still haunt his dreams. This event also left him marked as a piece of debris cut across his face moments after his mother disappeared, he now has a prominent scar running from the base of his hairline, across his left eye and down to the base of mouth. It serves as a constant reminder of his favorite parent and how she was lost.
So then began his life under the control of his father, who took a one year leave-of-absence to bury his wife and take his son under his wing. T’Valdec was a man who did his best for his son, though the strain of training a half-human son and trying to make him conform to the rigid logic of Vulcan society showed.
Sevant only went on one diplomatic mission, that shortly after T’Valdec’s return to service. It was during that one month set of negotiations that Sevant met Victoria Reighly, the daughter of another Federation Ambassador and Caladryll’s future wife, as a playmate.
Authors Note: Vicki was first played by Sal Hammond, perhaps my first and best friend from my first stint on the Boudicca. More will be found on Vicki when I write up her history, but almost all of Vicki’s habits mirrored Sal’s… right down to her love of Crown Royale on the rocks.
Shortly thereafter, T’Valdec left Sevant’s care and education to a series of Tutors and family members. Often was the time that one of T’Valdec’s personal friends or acquaintances would stop by on leave in order to teach Sevant something specific. One of Sevant’s favorites was a Klingon, a former Starfleet Officer who owed Sevant’s father a favor. This came at a time when Caladryll was particularly ill-at-ease in the rigid society of Vulcan, K’Ratoc was sent to teach the young half-Vulcan self-control. To do that, K’Ratoc trained the boy in multiple forms of Klingon Combat, from bat'leth and mek’leth down to hand-to-hand. The technique worked, Sevant’s hot blood cooled as logic and self-discipline took root together.
These skills were put to the test years later when Caladryll was a teenager. The beloved Klingon had turned up missing months before, and he was standing armed in the Sevant family gardens when Caladryll returned from school. And as though it were a bad murder mystery, the Klingon attacked Sevant. Caladryll always carried his bat’leth with him as a child, he would practice with it at school and had even gone so far as to form a small squad for ‘practice’. Like poker, the Vulcan parents didn’t mind the oddity as it served to teach physical control… the bat’leth is deceptively difficult to use. A battle ensued, in which the Klingon was grievously wounded, and died in Sevant’s arms. Sevant, after years of immersion in Klingon society, bellowed for the fallen warrior… the sound of which brought the authorities. It was later determined that the Klingon had been captured and conditioned to kill Caladryll’s father, who was in the middle of tight negations. The culprits were never caught.
Sevant then attended the University of Vulcan, at age 16, with a Major in Federation History (focusing on Starfleet) and a minor in Race Relations. It was thought that he would follow in his fathers foot-steps, thus it was a surprise when he immediately applied for Starfleet Academy upon receipt of his diploma, at age 20. Many of the basic educational classes he opted out of due to his previous diploma, and he only spent one year at the Academy proper before being moved to the Meridian Advanced Undersea training facility to finish his Starfleet Training. His last three years were spent there, learning tactics, command and other related skills.
Authors Note: That was the basis for the FGN, that our cadets were ‘more’ then your average Starfleet Officer, that they went through advanced training under a mile of ocean in the Pacific and became the Elite… the best of the best. So I’m not just ringing my own bell here, Sevant was exceptional because that was the idea of the game :-)
Nothing significant happened during his college years except for a falling out with his father when he chose to take a Security Major. He spent his time studying, he made few friends, he applied himself to his position with vigor. And all the while he held onto his hard learned ideals of Logic and self-control.
He graduated on Stardate 2403.05.15 and was transferred immediately to Starbase 968 to wait the pleasure of Captain Susan Rivers as Assistant Security & Tactical Chief (TAC/ASC) of the almost-commissioned USS Boudicca.
Biographical Information & Other[edit]
Bio Information[edit]
Captain Caladryll Sevant |
Name: Caladryll Sevant
Race: Vulcan/Human (50/50)
Rank: Captain
Sex: Male
Eye Colour: grey
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: 6'2
Weight: 180 lbs
Blood Colour: green
Skin Colour: Olive
Physical Description:
Sevant cannot be physically distinguished from a normal Vulcan without going through a medical scan. He is of medium build and has a scar running from the base of his hairline, across his left eye and down to the base of mouth from an accident.
University of Vulcan: Major in Federation History/Starfleet History and minor in Race Relations.
Starfleet Academy: Security Major
Also took a stint in the Federation War College during his time in the academy to learn Strategic Operations.
Medical History:
Has undergone many hardships in life and duty
He has a scar on his face, from a disastrous affair on a shuttlecraft over vulcan.
Has been injured many times in many ways while in service in Starfleet. He has been shot once, on the Nimitz. And he has multiple scars over his body from the Torture on Medial IV by Romulans. He also has a new scar on his face from a Romulan knife that slashed him during the Romulan Boarding of the Nimitz on Stardate 2405.03.25
He is officially under Medical Watch for ten years, since his 'death' and 'rebirth' after having his Katra reattached by Vulcan High Priests.
Phaser Marksmanship : Highly Skilled in Vulcan Martial Arts : Moderately skilled in standard Starfleet Security Hand to Hand Combat : Skilled with a Klingon Bat'leth : Guerilla Tactics and Shipboard Combat Tactics : Standard Tactical training with the Security BDU.
Racial Abilities:
Moderate Broadcast Telepathy/Empathy : Strong Touch Telepathy
Hand to hand Combat, 3d chess tactics, Combat Tactics and Strategy under adverse conditions (Guerilla Tactics)
Plays 3D chess.
Was trained as a boy to wield a Klingon Bat'leth, and practices with it upon occasion.
Sevant likes to discuss matters of security or history with anyone competent in the fields when time permits.
General Notes:
Sevant Is a follower of Sybok, so he does not fear Emotion and does actively seek it out upon occasion. However, he does not feel as most Sybok Followers, that logic is inherently evil, and places himself in his long-remembered logical state whenever he must have a clear mind.
He was married to former Boudicca Crewmember Vicki Reiligh. And had two daughters by her, before thier murder. He is still deeply bitter at the loss, and utterly ruthless to murderers, a useful trait in the current civil war.
After being injured and watching his Mother die at Romulan hands, and after having been Tortured during the 'Ael Deletham' Affair, and after having been injured and fighting back a Romulan invasion group from the Nimitz... Sevant has begun to have a very real hatred towards Romulans as a race and people. He considers them barbaric, and nothing more then beasts looking to make war on his government and family.
Awarded Combat Action Ribbon with 3 Clusters, Awarded Ribbon Of Sacrifice with Clusters, Awarded Squadron Commanders Commendation twice, Awarded Captains Commendation
Caladryll Sevant is played by J Trout