Nissa Whetari

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Coming Soon
Nissa Whetari
Name: Nissa Whetari
Rank: Ensign
Gender: Female
Species: Aldean
Age: 27
Position: Chief Medical Officer
Ship: USS Paladin
Status: Active

Genral Info

Name: Nissa Whetari

Age: 27

Sex: Female

Species: Aldean

Eye Colour: Gray

Hair Colour: Auburn

Height: 5'4

Weight: 143

Blood Color: Red

Skin Color: Ivory

Physical Description

She is full-figured and walks with confidence, though only after she becomes accustomed to her surroundings. Her face is round and her smile friendly, if not slightly knowing. Her hair is wavy and hangs just below her shoulders, though it is usually up .

Family and Background

Nissa was one of the first children born of the \"new generation\" of Aldea, after the Enterprise-D discovered the mythical planet and its reproductively-challenged inhabitants. After years of research (working with Federation scientists and doctors), some of the younger Aldeans regained their capacity to have children.Nissa was raised in a scientific and medical household, only vaguely recalling living with her biological family (whom she knows and is close to, but they are not her \"family\"). She was a greatly anticipated child and had the opportunity to learn from all of the best minds in her particular talent. For an Aldean, she has a wide range of interests outside her \"talent,\" stemming from her time on Earth while at the Academy.


Traditional Aldean Childhood Education (living with a family that specialized in physiology, science, and engineering)Attended Harvard Medical SchoolStarfleet Academy, graduated top 5% of class.

Pre-Starfleet History

Beside growing up on Aldea, attending Starfleet Academy, and Harvard Medical School, Nissa had small jobs (little career experience outside Starfleet and Medical training). She worked at L.A. Burdick\'s Chocolate cafe near Brattle Square while in Cambridge and was a brewery assistant at the Samuel Adams Brewery in South Boston.

Starfleet History

Assigned to USS Paladin as ACMO on Stardate 2407.01.20

Medical History

As an Aldean and one of the first of the \"new generation,\" she is under pressure to mate with a fellow Aldean and produce children.Beyond that, Nissa is perfectly healthy (apart from the occasional cold:-)


She collects books, all sorts of books. She also enjoys cooking, having taken classes while on Earth. Though shy, she used to sing in a choral group (Tenor). As for sport, Nissa enjoys playing baseball and fencing.


Nissa is a wonderful scientist and a good doctor, though her facination with the science of it all can sometimes distract her from the \"human\" element. She does has a decent bedside manner, though.