Joran Matthew Brownlee |
Joran Matthew Brownlee was the Second Officer and Chief Science Officer of the USS Paladin (NCC-52776) during the Federation Civil War of the early 25th century. As his ship, and his homeworld, were both on the side of Admiral Robert LoDona, Joran served of his own free will the so called "de-facto" side of the conflict.
Personnel Profile
- Serial Number: BR 9876-8598
- Active Rank: Lieutenant, junior grade
- Current Assignment:Second Officer/Chief Science Officer of the USS Paladin (NCC-52776)
- Former Assignments:
- Assistant Chief Science Officer and later Acting Chief Science Officer of Starbase Geneva (NCC-85745) (2406)
Service Record
Pre-Starfleet History |
View of Boston, Earth, from Boston Harbor |
Joran Matthew Brownlee was born on November 12, 2380, in Vulcana Regar on Vulcan (planet). His father, Commander Matthew Brownlee, was in Starfleet himself, and so Joran was a military brat from the get-go. At the age of about 1 month, his father's tour on Vulcan (planet) ended, and he moved to the USS Vanderbilt (NCC-71453), where his father served as first officer for about a year. In early 2382, he transferred to Earth, where he had a position supervising the shipyards in geosynchronous orbit above the city of Boston, Massachusetts, Earth.
Soon after moving to a suburb outside of Boston, disaster struck the Brownlee family. In the midst of the great joy of the birth of Christian Soval Brownlee, there was great sadness over the loss of Nara, who had died in childbirth. Matthew, who was half-Vulcan, suffered a complete emotional breakdown and never bothered to teach his young sons the practice of Vulcan Kolinahr, a training that was essential to Vulcan emotional suppression. Because of this, the boys began to emulate the behaviors of others in the town of 200,000 in which they lived, the majority of whom were Human.

In school, Joran was always a popular and friendly student; a trend that continued through high school. When he graduated high school in 2398, he applied and was accepted to the Vulcan Science Academy, where he wanted to study to pursue a carreer in exo-biology. This did not las very long, however. Many of the other students at the school made very insulting comments towards him, as he did not practice Kolinahr as the rest of them did. This resulted in many fights, the last of which resulted in a badly broken arm. After that incident, he had had enough, and dropped out of the Vulcan Science Academy in the spring of 2400. He applied to Starfleet Academy soon after dropping out, and was accepted for the start of the 2400-2401 school year.
Academy Life
Life at Starfleet Academy was much more pleasing to Joran than life at the Vulcan Science Academy had been. This may have had to do with the fact that his roommate was one Joseph Ross, an old friend from his hometown, and the one Joran considered his best friend. Rooming with his best friend wasn't the only thing to look forward to for Joran however. In late 2402, Joran met and fell in love with then plebe cadet Rana Apar. This relationship has stood the test of time and they are now engaged and serving onboard the USS Paladin (NCC-52776) together.
In the Academy, Joran majored in Sciences and minored in Stellar Navigation. His schedule was always very rigorous, as he wanted to catch up on the two years he though of as lost at the Vulcan Science Academy. However, his two years' experience at the Vulcan Science Academy are what guaranteed his acceptance.
Joran, during his time at Starfleet Academy, began to come out from behind the protective shield he had made for himself during his time at the Vulcan Science Academy. It wasn't until after graduation in May 2404 that the process was finally finished. In September 2404, he entered Advanced Training at the Resorte Advanced Training Facility. Later in life, he described it as the most intense two years of his life. However, during this time, his mentor, Lieutenant Willie T. McGruff guided him along, and Joran has credited him as the one that finally pulled him out from behind his protective shield.
He graduated valedictorian from Advanced Training, and was promoted to the rank of Ensign, junior grade. He didn't have much time to celebrate his graduation, and shipped out within 24 hours on the USS Windsor (NCC-85341) to rendevouz with Starbase Geneva (NCC-85745), which was en-route to its new location at the terminus of the Subspace River.
Recent Career
Joran reached Starbase Geneva (NCC-85745) in the middle of a crisis situation, involving a T'Kon probe that the station had encountered while en-route through the Subspace River. Once the crisis was resolved, however, he, along with Captain Vladek Rofellian, were the only two to remember the incident due to the timeline resetting. |
Starbase Geneva. |
Two months later, he endured another station-wide crisis when the station was bombed by Ferengi terrorists in mid-2406, damaging the station critically in three locations, and resulted in the capture and death of a respresentative of Starfleet Command. Joran and the rest of the crew were able to trace the terrorists to belligerent Orion activity in the area, and Rofellian ordered the pursuit of the terrorists, and was able to defuse the bomb that could have exploded into an all-out war with the Orion Syndicate. Due to his keeping cool under pressure and expert handling of the situation he was presented with, he was promoted to Ensign, senior grade, and made the Acting Chief Science Officer of Starbase Geneva (NCC-85745). But, the position didn't last long.
Three months after the bombing, the decision came from Starfleet to abandon Starbase Geneva (NCC-85745. Joran, along with the majority of the crew of the Geneva, was transferred to the USS Paladin (NCC-52776), under the command of Captain Eva Straton. The new ship's first mission was one of the first war maneuvers against Doenitz and his forces: the invasion and occupation of the Gamma Sigma system, which contained two strategically important colonies to the52nd fleet. Leading a battle group and with the help of the Dragon Slayer and Fighting Whatever fighter squadrons, the system was easily taken. With Joran's supervision and collaboration with Lieutenant Steven Matrix and Commander Tahlmari, the Paladin deployed the largest tachyon detection grid ever recorded in Federation history. Because of his efforts on the tachyon detection grid, he was promoted to Lieutenant, junior grade and made Chief Science Officer, and awarded the |
USS Paladin |
The next outstanding mission of the USS Paladin (NCC-52776) happened in early January of 2407, just after the seccession of several prominent Federation worlds and the beginning of the Federation Civil War. Due to the unpredictability of the new situation, Straton felt it appropriate to appoint Joran to be her Third Officer.While partolling near the borders of the Federation, the Paladin encountered an alien ship adrift in space. After weighing the risks, it was decided to send two away teams to the ship, which was wracked with spacial distorsions. After exploring the ship, they came into contact with aliens taking refuge on the ship; the Voradians. With Joran's help, they restarted the computer and the Voradians went on their way.
Soon after the end of the mission, the Paladin's Second Officer, T'Vhor, transferred off the ship to accept a position as First Officer. For Joran, that meant a promotion to Second Officer of the USS Paladin (NCC-52776).
Soon after, the Paladin and its battle group invaded and captured Starbase 234 from the forces of Rodrigo Doenitz, though with many sacrifices. Joran did not play a significant part in the battle, however, he will in the current mission.
This latest mission to Beta Aquari III tested Joran greatly, as he led the crew of the Paladin in the preliminary round of the orbital battle, even though his actions wreacked havoc on the ship's systems. The tactic he used is discussed below, but because of his use of it, he was removed as Second Officer. However, that did not stop him from performing what some might consider a rash act. When shields failed, he, as the designer of the new shield geometry, went down to deflector control to get them back up, recieving a large dose of radiation in the process. He went straight to Sickbay, where he spent the rest of the battle.
The Brownlee Maneuver
The tactic that Joran employed during the beginning of the battle, even though it did wreach havoc on the ship, was masterful, if foolhardy. Joran took the ship into an extremely low orbit over the Lindbergh Ocean, going as far down as the mesosphere, while venting plasma to lure the enemy ship down. As soon as the enemy ship entered the ssame orbit, Joran ordered a merciless attack on the ship, taking out weapons, shields, stabilizers, and heat shields, leaving the ship adrift in a dangerously low and quickly decaying orbit. If not for the actions of Captain Straton, the ship would have splashed down into the ocean, but it was tractored into a higher and more stable orbit when she reassumed command. The Paladin herself did not escape unscathed, however, with serious power drains across the board.
Medical Record
Joran has almost his entire life had a clean medical record. Having had all his immunizations done while on the USS Vanderbilt (NCC-71453), he has never had any serious illnesses, other than a very minor case of pneumonia in the summer of 2393. Also, he has never been seriously injured other than the broken arm in 2400. He has always been in good shape, and can be described as having a swimmer's build, due to the fact that he has always been an exceptional swimmer, thereby keeping him in shape. For a time during his tenure at the Vulcan Science Academy, however, he did suffer insomnia due to the circumstances in which he found himself.
Personal Life
Personal Relationships
Rana Apar |
Rana Apar in late 2406 |
Joran and Rana Apar first met when she joined Nova Squadron, which Joran was co-captain of in 2402. They sparked a friendship, which over time developed into something more. When Joran took her with him to visit his father and brother in Methuen, the city where he grew up, for winter break, it was apparent to all around them that they were falling for each other. They were right.
Joran and Rana shared their first kiss under the mistletoe at his father's home on Christmas Eve, 2402. From that point on, they were inseperable. Even though some people may say that too much time together is detrimental to a relationship, it was not the case here. Joran has said, that if it was allowed, he would have moved off-campus with her and attended classes that way. However, living off-campus was forbidden at the Starfleet Academy.
When he graduated and went onto Advanced Training, he kept in contact with her every night back at Starfleet Academy and the two began a long-distance relationship. Over time, however, the two lost touch, and were only reunited when she was posted on the USS Paladin (NCC-52776) as Tactical Officer, much to both their delight.
Soon after she arrived on board, Joran took the next step in their relationship, and proposed marriage to her, which she accepted. Soon afterwards, they moved into the same quarters, ready to live the rest of their lives together. Their wedding is set for March 2407.
Christian Soval Brownlee |
Christian Soval Brownlee in mid-2406 |
Joran and Christian have been close their entire lives. Although almost two years separate them in age, they feel and function like a set of twins. Joran says that his correspondence with Christian was the only thing that got him through the two years he spent at the Vulcan Science Academy, as they provide each other emotional support when it is needed. Of course, they also have their moments of what is sarcastically known as "brotherly love," but they always know that they are just joking around with each other. When he went to Starfleet Academy straight out of high school, Christian followed in his brother's footsteps, but reversed the major and minor that Joran was taking; that way they could help each other out with their minors. Their relationship can easily be called the optimal sibling relationship; they are completely in-tune with one-another.
Psychological Profile
At first glance, Joran appears vague, kind, and dreamy and creative. He can also come across as timid and indecisive, since he hates confrontations. On occasion he can even appear evasive because he tries to do things in a roundabout way, although he's basically honest. However, once he comes out of his shell, you find that he is intense, highly emotional, moody, sensual, and secretive. Never wishy washy or half hearted, he throws himself into life and relationships with a great deal of vigour, though always maintaining his privacy. Although sentimental about his family, he is attracted to the dark side of life, often seeking thrills in unconventional ways. When he is angry it is hard for him to forgive and forget transgressions, and is known for his stinging responses. Known as a miracle worker, he has formidable determination and persistence, able to move mountains or see plans through to their conclusions. When he has his mind set on an idea, it's notoriously hard to dissuade him. At his best in situations which require endurance, he is not good at fast change or being overly flexible. He can also be easily trusted with a secret. He's also highly strategic, good at planning how to bring situations back under his control. He can also be practical, conscientious, rather serious, and superb in a crisis, so he is always heavily relied on. But he feels he has to achieve to be loved, so he tends to work constantly. His insecurity about his emotional life and love-ability stems from childhood. Deep down he does feel unwanted and must learn to love and accept himself. He also can be cool, detached, even chilly when emotional intimacy is demanded. His loyalty to his family and friends is unquestioning but they often wish he could be more playful, spontaneous and relaxed. Catering for the needs of those at work in a disciplined way, will always be his main source of nourishment, and will sacrifice almost anything to achieve his goals in life.
- 2380
- Born in Vulcana Regar, on Vulcan.
- 2398
- Applied and accepted to the Vulcan Science Academy.
- 2400
- Drops out of the Vulcan Science Academy, applies and is accepted to Starfleet Academy.
- 2402
- Relationship with Rana Apar begins.
- 2403
- Beats the Kobayashi Maru scenario, becoming the first and only cadet to do so without cheating.
- 2404
- Graduates Starfleet Academy, enters Advanced Officer Training.
- 2406
- Promoted to Ensign, junior grade on Stardate 83347, assigned to Starbase Geneva as ACSO. Promoted to Ensign, senior grade on Stardate 83764 and made Acting Chief Science Officer of Starbase Geneva. Reassigned to the USS Paladin on Stardate 83783. Promoted to Lieutenant, junior grade and made Chief Science Officer of the USS Paladin on Stardate 83863.
- 2407
- Made Third Officer of the USS Paladin on Stardate 84010. Made Second Officer of the USS Paladin on Stardate 84024.