Djorn Major Incident
For a Friend:
On Stardate 2407.03.04 Captain Devan Sash briefed select members of his crew of the impending execution of Lt. Dru Tagon, a long time crewmember of the USS Nimitz. Tagon had been captured during a battle with Doenitz forces and after a show trial he was sentenced to death.
Admiral Robert LoDona and the 52nd Fleet command made the decision that a rescue attempt would be too risky and therefore could not be attempted. With fleet assets spread out over a wide area and in the aftermath of several extremely savage battles, LoDona was unwilling to risk the Nimitz and her crew in such an operation. Captain Sash and his team however had other plans.
Borrowing a Klingon B’rel class Bird of Prey, the IKS Hegh’delar, the team managed to infiltrate Doenitz controlled space under cloak and approached the prison facility of Djörn Major XJ-003 undetected. Their mission was to infiltrate the station, penetrate it's security, and then rescue Lt. Dru Tagon.
The Rescue Team:
The following Nimitz crewmembers participated in this unsanctioned mission:
Captain Devan Sash
Lt. Commander Jonas Lemar
Lt. Tarus Daban
Lt(jg). Divon Lronen
Ensign(sg) Ahmed Ibn Salid
Ensign(sg) Cecilia Bruce
Ensign(sg) Eric McDermott
Ensign(sg) Tom Jackson
Ensign(jg) Thom Hania
Ensign(jg) Lawrence Drake
Ensign(jg) Raymond Kean
Crewman Tek Gizell
Djörn Major XJ-003 Command Personnel:
In charge of the Djörn Major Facility for over twenty years was Administrator Kuln who had built his career and a major part of his life around the station, making it one of the most successful maximum security penal institutions in the UFP Penal system. Before his take-over the facility was known as one of the most violent of Federation penal facilities, with inmate murders, riots an escapes being an every day occurrence.

The enigmatic Sirius Krell served as Kuln's Assistant Administrator and as his right hand. Among his many innovations during his time on Djörn Major was a highly trained Tactical Security Team which far exceeded anything offered by standard station security personnel. Krell had served aboard Djorn Major for nearly six years.

Rounding out Djörn Major's command personal was Darnar Brokas who served as the Head Gaolor at Djörn Major for nearly twenty years. Brokas was initially posted to Djörn Major as a quartermaster, but was reassigned to the temporary position of Head Gaolor after the prior Gaolor had been killed during a prison riot. In time the posting became permanent. Brokas worked tirelessly to control the prison population, sometimes resorting to violence and subterfuge. He was charged on several occasions with improper conduct, although none of the charges were ever substantiated.
Telepathic Mayhem:
During the trip to Djörn Major a number of unforeseen events occurred that became a threat to the success of the mission before it had even really started. Divon Lronen, the Nimitz ships Counselor collapsed into unconsciousness without apparent reason within hours of the rendezvous with the Hegh’delar. He remained in a coma for the rest of the mission despite the best efforts of Doctor Jonas Lemar and the Nimitz’ Assistant Counselor, Cecilia Bruce.
Shortly after this incident Ensign(jg) Harry Doorman assaulted without cause or warning, Ensign(sg) Eric McDermott. In a subsequent conversation with Counselor Bruce after the incident Doorman appeared confused and even went so far as to state that McDermott had forced Doorman to attack him. Later that evening Doorman attempted suicide by trying to blow himself out of an airlock.
The final incident occurred during the second day aboard the Hegh’delar during a mission briefing. The senior tactical officer aboard, Ensign(sg) McDermott appeared distracted and confused and the plan he submitted for the rescue action was unusually brief and his explanations for his plan was both terse and hostile. The meeting eventually devolved into a bitter confrontation between McDermott and Ensign(jg) Thom Hania.
In a later confrontation with Captain Devan Sash, McDermott became even more confrontational and emotional and nearly attacked his own Captain. It soon became obvious that McDermott was suffering from great duress and was only partially aware of his surroundings.
It was at this point that Ensign Bruce intervened and explained to the Captain that McDermott was part Betazoid and was suffering from some kind of Telepathic overload. Bruce had been keeping McDermott’s true nature a secret, as even he was not aware of his own heritage and she had yet to decide how to break the news to him.
It was only through later investigation by Bruce, that proved that the incidents were caused by Lt(jg). Lronen. Lronen, had been seriously affected by a previous telepathic incident in which his own mind had been overwhelmed and was in turn inadvertently affecting everyone else on board the Hegh’delar, including the unsuspecting Doorman and the untrained McDermott. Bruce who suspected the problem that Lronen was having was unaffected.
The end result was that Lronen and Doorman spent the rest of the mission in the Hegh’delar’s small sickbay and McDermott was treated with telepathic inhibiting drugs to allow him to think clearly. McDermott was further declared unfit to participate in the extraction mission by Captain Sash and was ordered to remain aboard the Hegh’delar.
The Rescue:
The Murder of Major Julian Wells:
On Stardate 2407.03.07 Bruce was involved in an unsanctioned expedition to rescue Lt(jg) Dru Tagon from imprisonment and eventual execution at the Prison facility of Djörn Major.
Despite the odds, the extraction team led by Captain Devan Sash and Lt. Commander Jonas Lemar, succeeded in infiltrating the maximum security section of the station and fought the Starfleet marine contingent under the command of Major Julian Wells to an uneasy stalemate.
At that point Captain Sash ordered Cecilia Bruce to enter into negotiations with Major Wells and she was able to appeal to the Major’s sense of honor resulting in a ceasefire agreed to both by him and Captain Sash.
During the ceasefire the team was able to free Tagon from his cell and the only moment of tension occurred when Wells and his Marine moved to prevent the extraction team from moving Tagon out of the vicinity of the maximum security cell block. Wells ordered the move however to save the life of Tagon who was wearing and explosive collar which would detonate upon him being removed from the immediate vicinity.
As such Wells had not violated the provisions of the ceasefire as he had stated from the outset that as long as the prisoners life (Tagon) was not endangered he and his men would not interfere.
Captain Sash used the time to discover a way to defeat the explosive collar and with that done ordered a STS transport right out from underneath Major Wells’ nose.
It was at this precise moment that a member of the rescue team threw an explosive charge at Wells and his marines at the precise moment of beam out. (See the Post.)
Witnesses to this action were Ensign(sg) Cecilia Bruce, Ensign(jg) Raymond Kean and Security Crewman Tek Gizell.
After successfully escaping from Djörn Major, Bruce informed Captain Sash who had not witnessed the incident, of the action so that he could take formal action against guilty officer. During the subsequent interview, the officer freely admitted taking the action and did not seem to believe that he had done anything wrong at all.
It was at that point that the officer in question accused Bruce of betraying him and then without further warning, collapsed and died, toxicology tests indicate poisoning as the cause of death.
Later investigation of the death has been ruled by Starfleet Investigators as a suicide.
Subsequent intelligence intercepts indicate that Major Julian Wells was killed as a result of this act. As a result this incident is classified as a premeditated murder, as well as a direct violation of Starfleet Special Order Number Two.
Wells Murder Legal Brief and Final Report:
While a final report has been issued on this incident the investigation is ongoing due to a number of 'issues' with the findings of the investigative officer.
Case: 52-2407-157
Initial Report: 52-2407-157
(Click above links to access)
Intelligence Update:
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