Baylon Trinin
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Baylon Trinin | |
Name: | Baylon Trinin |
Rank: | Lieutenant (Junior Grade) |
Awards: | Combat Action Ribbon | Captain's Commendation | |
Gender: | Male |
Species: | Betazoid |
Age: | 27 |
Position: | Security Chief |
Ship: | USS Hades |
Status: | Active: Blood of Our Enemies |
"I keep this to remind me that If I can survive this, I can survive anything."
Childhood and Family:
Baylon Trinin has born on stardate 2380.03.30 to Tania Trinin and Kamden Borastal. He has two brothers Darius and Syllian. He had a fairly normal childhood although he often felt as if he was in the shadow of his two older brothers. He participated in sports and was fairly popular, showing leadership potential early in his life. HIs brothers both despised his apparent ease of success, and still harbor resentment for him to this day.
Baylon was raised in a religious family living on Betazed II. His father Kamden was a merchant, his mother a diplomat with the UFP. He often traveled throughout the alpha quadrant and his love for adventure grew.
Both of Baylon's brothers became civilian counselors on Earth. His Mother Tania is a member of the UFP Diplomatic Corps assigned to Starfleet Command on Earth; she is a strong supporter of Admiral Doenitz. His mother was disappointed to learn he had selected to join the Starfleet Marines. She was pleased when he told her he had washed out, she urged him instead to become a diplomat for the UFP. He declined, instead joining Starfleet Security.
His father Kamden was killed by Starfleet Marines when he was discovered smuggling weapons and equipment onto Andoria during the invasion. His ship, the Phylar was seized and is now used as a troop transport for the Starfleet marines.
He does not speak about his mother or either of his brothers due to ideological disagreements.
Betazed Securities University:
Baylon began courses at the Betazed Securities University, where he studied Military History and Military Science. Trinin originally wanted to join the Starfleet Marines; but he was disqualified due to his then lack of appropriate aggressive qualities. He washed out of the Marines after only 4 weeks and opted instead to join Starfleet. He did not complete his degree, although he rated very well in his course studies.
Relationships of Note:
During his time on Andoria, Baylon was injured and later nursed back to health by Selanna. Their relationship blossomed and they even considered marriage and starting a family. She was a concert Pianist by Trade and introduced Baylon to Classical Terran Music. She was killed in a raid against a Doenitz supply depot. The goal was the acquisition of medical supplies and weapons neccessary to continue the resistance struggle against Doenitz Occupying Troops. As a result Baylon despises Starfleet Marines. She was buried by Baylon at the base of Mount Cathos in the Tallius Mountains on Andoria.
He still keeps a locket that she wore in a small crystal box in his quarters.
After his flight from Andoria and his subsequent escape from Doenitz Intelligence Officers, Baylon found himself a member of the 52nd Fleet assigned to security on Geneva Station. During a series of racial riots sparked by a destructive virus launched by the Radical Group Humans For Humanity, Baylon found himself protecting an Orion business woman named Terella. While there was never any romantic relationship between them, Terella was jealous of the fact that she could not have Baylon. This fact would come back to haunt him later when he would return to Geneva Station on shoreleave with his Girlfriend Ammon Ranae.
Terella would use her natural pheromones to muddle Baylon's mind and cause a rift between Ranae and Baylon. She then attempted to seduce Trinin, but failed, because he was truly in love with Ranae. The disagreement was short lived since Baylon shared his feelings with Ranae via telepathic link, and she realized that he had not been enticed by the Orion woman.
He met Ammon Ranae, while stationed on the USS Hades. The two have enjoyed a loving and mutually supportive relationship. Baylon is considering asking her to marry him, although there have been some difficulties due to the interference of Terella, the Orion female proprietor of a high-fashion clothing store that Baylon once assisted during riots on Geneva Station.
===Baylon's's Personal Log:=== Click on to view log (Coming Soon).
Starfleet Academy:
Baylon attended the San Francisco Branch of Starfleet Academy. He joined immediately after he washed out of Starfleet Marine Training. He was advised that he was not an aggressive enough individual for their needs.
Baylon scored well in his Security and Tactical courses. He completed his bridge certification and department administration course prior to graduating on Stardate 2402.05.12.
He was accepted to the famed Andorian Military Institute for Advanced Tactical Training and Small Unit Tactics. Four weeks after he began classes there, the institute was attacked by Doenitz Loyalists. The Invasion of Andoria had begun.

Starfleet Career and Andorian Resistance:
Baylon was commissioned as an Ensign Junior Grade pursuant to his graduation from Starfleet Academy on Stardate Stardate 2402.05.12. He gradualted 15th in his class. Immediately after completing his academy training, Baylon was invited to study Advanced Military Studies at the prestigious Andorian Military Institute. He arrived there two weeks after graduation from the Academy on Stardate 2402.05.29. On Stardate 2402.06.15, only four weeks into his training at the Institute, Loyalist forces began the invasion of Andoria and the institute was considered a prime target.
Baylon and a handful of his classmates, escaped into the Andorian wilds during the attack and formed a Resistance group. Baylon, despite losing all the original members of that first group remained on Andoria as a resistance fighter. He was declared Killed In Action on Stardate 2402.08.13. This of course, turned out to be incorrect.

After Baylon's initial resistance cell was eliminated by Doenitz loyal marines, Baylon attempted to continue to fight the Doenitz invaders in solo actions. He was badly wounded after one such raid on a Marine convoy. He was rescued by local members of the real Andorian Resistance Movement. Once Baylon had recovered from his injuries with Selanna's help, he insisted in assisting the local cell in their efforts. There was a disagreement which resulted in a dueling challenge. As Baylon had no Chakra, he was given one by the group's leader in an attempt to resolve the issue by one-means-or-the-other. Baylon survived the challenge without taking the challenger's life, and was fully accepted into the resistance movement. He retained the Chakra as an honorary member of the Andoridan J'orcol Clan. He wears it to this day.
Baylon's resistance cell saw a great deal of success in raiding Doenitz facilities, but an elaborate trap brought that to an end. During a botched raid against a Doenitz suppy depot, the Resistance members were trapped and summarily destroyed as a fighting force. Of the 25 member assault team that began the attack only 4 members escaped. Among the casualties was Selanna and Thordan, the leader of the local movement. Within the next two days, two of the seriously injured resistance fighters succumbed to their injuries.
Baylon was convinced by the only other member of his resistance cell, Mordan,to attempt to escape the planet and ensure that the UFP and specifically the 52nd Fleet would not forget what had happened on Andoria. Three weeks later he was smuggled off planet by a Ferengi smuggler,named Gamok who sold him to Doenitz friendly forces.

Baylon was interrogated aboard the USS Larson for approximately three weeks before he affected his escape. In that endeavor, he sabotaged the vessel and stole a runabout. He stole a shuttlecraft and after 2 weeks of hiding in a nebula subsisting on emergency rations and minimal systems, he evaded the pursuing starship.
Baylon was picked up by the USS Lakota, a member of the 52nd fleet, where he was debriefed and transferred to Geneva Station for processing. Eventually Baylon's records were cleared up and he was assigned as a squad leader for a Rapid Response Team aboard Geneva Station. He served with distinction, participating in riot control during the Humans For Humanity virus scare, and as an anti-terrorism expert during several minor crisis'.
Baylon was ordered to report to the USS Mystique as an Assistant security Chief on Stardate 2407.02.19, after that vessel had been sabotaged.
Baylon was ordered to report to the USS Hades, a Prometheus Class Starship (Registry NX-60637), captained by Captain [[Saleke], a warship assigned to the 52nd Fleet.
Mission One: Port of Call
Baylon was assigned to the USS Mystique, an Akira Class Starship on Stardate 2407.02.19.
He initially came aboard the docked Akira Class vessel during a sabotage crisis while she was docked at Geneva Station. Several explosive devices had been placed throughout the vessel by one of her own crew, Crewman Rooker, who was a sympathist with the Humans for Humanity hate group.
Rooker had detonated several explosive devices in critical areas of the ship. These devices effectively caused the Mystique to be decommissioned as a result of the extensive damage. Baylon assisting in the transfer of crew and personnel from the Mystique to the USS Hades. Where he would be assuming the position of Assistant Security Chief.
Mission Two: In the Hands of an Angry God
On Stardate 2407.03.09, the crew of the USS Hades was ordered to continue with a survey of the planet Beta Seranis II
Upon their arrival several sensor scans indicated that the planet had been recently affected by an energy wave similar in structure to the Genesis Device. Away teams were sent down to the planet's surface to collect samples and conduct further studies.
Baylon was placed on an away team along with Ensign Cythia Darson, Lieutenant Travis Keswick, and Lieutenant Marto Keswick. Thier survey took place in an equatorial jungle region of the planet due to the desires of the CMO Marto Keswick to acquire and study some flora for possible medicinal purposes.
While on the away team, Baylon discovered the wreckage of an alien craft which appeared to have crashed on the surface. After some concideration about safety, The away team combed throught the wreckage, which was later identified as Myenru in origin.
Several Artifacts were recovered from the vessel, including a small necklace of a Myenru religious tome that Baylon found appealing ,and a Myenru hand weapon. After the away teams had completed their surveys, they returned to the Hades.

It wasn't long after their return to the Hades that a fleet of alien vessels were detected entering the system. When friendly attempts at communication failed, the fleet, later identified as a Myenru fleet attacked the Hades using a Genesis torpedo.
The Hades managed to elude the enemy fleet by hiding inside an asteroid field, but not before some members of the Hades crew were devolved by the affects of the Genesis Torpedo, including Cynthia Darson.
Baylon assisted CSO Holis Gralen and CEO Norman Harper in monitoring the return of the affected Hades crewmen back to their original state, by telepathically, determining if there was any sign of humanity remaining in the affected individuals. Harper and Gralen constructed a special chamber which was used to force the affected crew members back to their original evolutionary states.
Once sufficent repairs were in place, Captain Saleke ordered the Hades to activate their multivector attack mode and engage the Myenru fleet in three seperate battle groups. The Hades would be commanded by Captain Saleke, the Acheron by Lieutenant Commander Garret and the Phlegathon by Lieutenant Travis Keswick. Baylon was assigned the position of Chief Tactical Officer and Acting First officer aboard the Phlegelon. This was his first active starship battle and he utilized the new experimental TIHS system to good affect.

After Lieutenant Keswick was injured in the battle, Baylon assumed command of the Phlegathon and performed admirably during the battle. Although outnumbered 6:1, the Phlegathon managed to decimate the combat effectiveness of an entire Myenru battlewing. The battle turned exceptionally deadly, however, when Myenru Judiciaries led by Subaltern Na'Goresh'Niman boarded the ship and began kidnapping crew members and stealing technology.
Baylon., forced to remain on the bridge dispatched Maraht, the Horta, to assist in preventing the enemy boarding party from capturing Main Engineering. The Horta was successful, although he was injured during the battle. His ferocity forced the enemy boarding party to abandon the Phlegathon after only a short time aboard.
For excerpts from the Battle of Beta Seranis II click here.
For his efforts, Baylon was awarded two awards amd Promoted to the Rank of Ensign SG on Stardate: 2407.03.26
Mission Three: Shoreleave

After the defeating the Myenru Fleet, The USS Hades put in at Geneva Station for some repairs resulting from the Battle at Beta Seranis II.
Shortly after her arrival, An explosion ripped through the Environmental Subsystems. The explosion injured several crew members. A subsequent investigation uncovered signs of sabotage to critical power relays leading to the damaged sections.
Baylon has been tasked with conducting the investigation into the identity of the Saboteur.
He currently suspects a members of the Geneva repair team named Crel. He believes that Crel sabotaged the systems in order to assassinate a Dopterian member of the Hades Crew.
After some further investigation and a second attempt to assassinate Greb H'rokal in Main Sickbay of the Hades, using a Disruptor Grenade of Orion Syndicate Origin, Baylon became convinced that Crel was indeed the only suspect.
Tired of waiting for Geneva Station Security to conduct a search for the dangerous assassin, Baylon visited a place on Genva Station called the "Midnight Lounge." The Lounge was a renowned dive, known for harboring fringe criminal types. Baylon's intent was to simply embed himself in the Orion Syndicate ranks on the station in hopes of tracking down theassassin and bringing him to justice.
Posing as an assassin, Baylon passed his first test, by dispatching two Thungs that tried to kill him in the Lounge. The first was an Andorian, the second was a Nausicann. Both bodies were disposed of by the Bartender and Baylon never reported their deaths.
After some time had passed, Baylon was informed that he would be allowed to meet with a prospective employer. He followed the Bartender into a back room of the Lounge where he was trapped by a group of eight Orion males and Terella. Knowing that his cover was blown due to Terella's presence. he attempted to escape. This did not happen, despite the fact that he killed two of the Orion Males during the attempt.
Baylon later discovered that he had been drugged and had been neutralized during his escape attempt when the drug reacted to the adrenalin in his blood stream reacted to the chemical agent.
He later awoke in a small fairly non-decript room where Terella and her sister Mashari questioned him about the Hades security measures and security codes. They ordered him beat and tortured, but baylon did not crack. Instead, he provided them with the combination of his personal safe in his quarters and some false information concerning the security procedures of the Hades.
Meanwhile, while Baylon was being tortured, A group of Hades Command Staff, led by FO Mason Garrett and containing CEO Norman Harper, ATAC Ammon Ranae, ACSO Maraht, COUNS John Nayati, 2O Jason Dema, Marine Curtis Kane and security Officer T'Sol, followed the clues of Baylon's disappearance to the Midnight Lounge.
A brawl ensued in which Norman Harper was injured, and several assailants were killed or injured. During that struggle, Lietenant Ammon encountered an Undercover SFI Operative Lieutenant Shandir, who provided her with some information critical to the rescue of Baylon Trinin.
The rescue team moved their efforts to Terrela's Fashions, where another struggle ensued. They located Baylon and prevented his death at the hands of the orion Syndicate.
They captured Crel/Drek during the fight.
later terella was captured by satation security after being set up by Lieutenant Shandir. Later Shandir led an all female team to capture Mashari and her H4H contacts during an illicit weapons exchange.
Baylon had to undergo extensive facial reconstruction. His jaw and left cheekbone were terribly broken. He also suffered several lacerations, bruises and a broken rib.
Mission Four: Blood of Our Enemies
On Stardate 2407.07.03 Baylon trinin and the rest of the Crew of the Hades were advised of the apparent loss and death of captain Saleke. Though details were unavailable, Captain Saleke had been selected for a Secret Mission by the Admiralty. He was presumed lost and killed in action.
On that same Stardate, the hades rendez-voused with the USS Nimitz to take on their new Captain, Devon Sash. Sash had been promoted to Commodore and been given command of the Hades as part of his Battle group. Jonas Lemar would retain the Position of Acting CO for the Nimitz while Sash would command the battle group as the Hades'Captain with Lieutenant Commander Mason Garrett acting as the Hades First Officer.
Captain sash briefed the crew about their upcoming mission; The final attack against Sector 001 and earth in a last ditch effort to bring the long and bloody civil war to an end. The Mission would place the Hades in a Battle group alongside the USS Boudicca, USS Nimitz and the USS Champlain in an attempt to drive a wedge through the famed static defensive barrier of the Mars Defense Perimeter.
This defensive barrier was initially created after the attack by the Borg against sector 001. In the years since the Civil War began, preident Usurper Doenitz had only strengthened the perimeter.
The Brifing can be read here: Briefing on the Mars Defense Perimeter
Captain Sash promoted Ammon Ranae to the rank of Full Lieutenant and the position of CTAC on this same Stardate, a move which brought Baylon a great deal of pleasure.
More to come.
Awarded Combat Action Ribbon: For duties performed during the battle with the Myenru war-fleet.
Awarded Captain's Commendation: For excellence in the performance of their duties during conflict with the Myenru.