House of Moroth
Political and Military History
The House of Moroth is a prestigious house in the Klingon Empire, despite not being among the Great Houses. They area of influences are mostly in the northern side of the Klingon Empire, mostly along the border with the Romulan Empire. The House of Moroth is well known to have a very hateful and strong policy against the Romulan, to have excellent relations with the Federation, and they are considered by most as "intellectuals and progressist" among the Empire. Nevertheless, they are also known to be very honorable and have always put the interest of the Empire before the interest of their House. During the few Klingon Civil War, they have proved that they preferred to avoid the power, and are especially valued by the other House for their servitude and sacrifices. In fact, as they have no interest for power, their relation with the others houses are very good aside from the change in the Empire the House has militated for during the last fifty years.
Early history
Before the civil war of 2366, the House of Moroth did not exist and they were rather part of the House of Kor. Therfore, the parents of the House of Moroth actual members have fought for Kor during his well known glorious battle against the Romulan and the Federation. However, when the first civil war happened in 2366, the House of Kor became in direct competition with the House of Gorkon for the power of the Klingon Empire. As some members of the House of Gorkon, notably Gi'ral and Moroth, had also great relations with the House of Gorkon, and preferred not to be involved in the political fight, they decided to part with the House of Kor and create their own house : the House of Moroth. At the beginning, the house were not very prosper economically, and had not a lot of members. However, while the other houses were fighting for power, the House of Moroth stayed aside and rather tried to improve the prosperity of their house. Already in 2369, the House of Moroth had several influencial intellectuals, including Gi'ral, who had been a rare Klingon who had studied abroad, and who had the chance, thanks to his connection with Kor, to develop relation with Curzon Dax and the Federation. The good relation of Gi'ral with the Federation would play later in great role in making the House of Moroth prestigious.
When the Klingon-Cardassian war started in 2370, the House of Moroth had enough warriors and ships to play a minor but nevertheless important role in the conflict. Because of their influence over the north sector of the Klingon Empire, they were helped economically and military in creating a fleet able to protect the border. They repealed many Romulans attacks and, thanks to their intellectualism, they won several key battle were the odds slightly advantaged the Romulans. If most of the Klingon offensive fleet was repealed and forced back into the Klingon Empire, the House of Moroth defense of the border played a key role in preventing the Klingon Empire to lose the face in that war. If the term of the peace treaty that followed had the taste of the defeat, it could have nevertheless been worst. When a second civil war started just six years after the first one, the House of Moroth again remained aside of the conflict and rather concentrated their atttention at foreign policy : mostly at patrolling the border in case of a Romulan invasion, and improving the House relations and trades with the Federation.
Federation Civil War
Thirty years after the civil war, the House of Moroth had become a prestigious house. They economic relations with the Federation and several other species helped them to prosper economically, and in thirty years, several marriage and several children allowed the House to expand. Also, when the Federation Civil War was declared, while most of the Klingon House preferred to remain neutral, the House of Moroth were among the three first houses to officially support Admiral LoDona, and the House of Moroth even sent two ships, the IKS Suvw'qj, and the IKS Tong, to help them defeat Doenitz.
Current time
The House of Moroth has now become prestigious enough to have their own entire defensive fleet. The fleet is commanded by Admiral Gi'ral, and is in charge of the defense of the Klingon Empire North-East border. As for Moroth, he has mainly retired from active duty on a ship and now mostly assume political and administrative duty as leader of the House, and member of the Klingon Intelligence.
Values and political positions
If most members of the House of Moroth are warriors, intelligence is considered as very important. Because the Klingon Education is mainly concentrated on the warrior aspect of the Klingon life and lack the same teaching quality of the Federation, several members of their house have studied abroad. The House of Moroth is also known to combine both progressist and traditional values. Many of their members are hoping for the Klingon Empire to quit their "isolation policy", having better relations with the Federation, and militate for change in some of the Klingon norms and practice (ex : rethinking the inheritance policy in order to make men and women more equal, punishing people for death only in the most extreme dishonor cases, etc.). However, the House of Moroth are also among the House who complains about the lack of discipline and honor of the Klingons, and favor a return to "Kahless values".
Politically, the House of Moroth is not interested in power. Rather, they have always remained aside of power, and preferred to concentrate on foreign policy. The House of Moroth have excellent relations with the Federation, relation that have started before the creation of the house, with Kor and his relation with Curzon Dax. They refuse the idea of the Klingon joining the Federation, but the House nevertheless believe the Klingon Empire should have greater and more extensive political and economical relations with the Federation. They also believe several of the Federations practices, rules and technologies should be taken as examples to reform the Klingon Empire, as it is considered by team to be "on the downside because of the corrosive effect personnal gain had done to the Empire".
Among the House of Moroth specific practices, it is prohibited in the house to kill someone unless that person has committed a dishonor so huge that the person living is itself an insult so great it could not be bared. Also, because the House was and still lack members, the R'uustai is a very popular practice, and every adult members of the House has the secrecy to pre-select people who could eventually become members of the House of Moroth. Every six month, a House reunion is organised where every "pre-selected" people are invited. They have to past a series of tests, and if they succeed, they are then officially accepted in the House of Moroth in a ritual similar to the R'uustai, but which involve sometimes more than 10 peoples at the same time. Also specific to the House of Moroth, each members of the House who is economically prosper enough must verse a certain amount to the House of Moroth. Also, when there need to be blood for a ritual, the House of Moroth cut with their House knife their fourth finger (the finger veins being directly linked with the hearth), the House considering the honor of a Klingon is not measured by the strength of his hand, but of his hearth. In the House of Moroth, women are considered equal to men, and therefore have the same rights (including inheritance rights) and opportunity than men.