Acronyms and Abbreviations
Position Acronyms/Abbreviations
CO - Commanding Officer
FO - First Officer
2O - Second Officer
Operations and Flight Control
OPS - Operations Chief, also used for Operations Officer (i.e. not the dept head)
AOPS - Assistant Chief of Operations
OO - rarely seen but used occasionally, Operations Officer
CONN - Conn officer (the one who pilots the ship)
OPS and CONN positions may also be combined, e.g.:
Medical and Counselling
CMO - Chief Medical Officer
ACMO - Assistant Chief Medical Officer
MO - Medical Officer
COUNS - Counsellor
ACOUNS - Assistant Counsellor
CSO - Chief Science Officer
ACSO - Assistant Chief Science Officer
SciO - Science Officer
Tactical and Security
TAC/SC - Tactical and Security Chief
TAC/ASC - Assistant Tactical and Security Chief
SecO - Security Officer
Not used on all ships, but on some:
CTAC - Chief Tactical Officer
CSEC - Chief Security Officer
ATAC - Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
ASEC - Assistant Chief Security Officer
CEO - Chief Engineering Officer
ACEO - Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
EO - Engineering officer
A small 'a' in front of any of the above signifies Acting, e.g. aCEO would be Acting Chief Engineering Officer; aACSO would be Acting Assistant Chief Science Officer
Not on all rosters:
The following are sometimes used when such characters are present on the ship's roster, which is solely at the CO's discretion and with her/his permission only:
MCO - Marine Commanding Officer
MXO - Marine Executive Officer (ie the equivalent of Assistant department head)
Note: not all ships have marines on board, and they are never PC characters
YEO - Yeoman (usually the Captain's Yeoman)
ATT - Advanced Theoretical Technologies Officer
SFI - Starfleet Intelligence Officer
Rank Abbreviations:
Officer ranks (highest to lowest):
Adm - Admiral
Capt. - Captain
Cmdr - Commander
Lt Cmdr - Lieutenant Commander, often abbreviated to Lt Commander
Lt - Lieutenant (usually referring to Lieutenant(sg) )
Lt(sg) - Lieutenant (senior grade) which is abbreviated to Lieutenant(sg)
Lt(jg) - Lieutenant (junior grade) which is abbreviated to Lieutenant(jg)
Ens - Ensign (usually referring to Ensign(sg) )
Ens(sg) - Ensign (senior grade) which is abbreviated to Ensign(sg)
Ens(jg) - Ensign (junior grade) which is abbreviated to Ensign(jg)
Cdt - Cadet
Enlisted ranks (highest to lowest):
WO - Warrant Officer
MCPO - Master Chief Petty Officer (usually addressed as Master Chief or Chief)
CPO - Chief Petty Officer (usually addressed as Chief)
PO1 - Petty Officer (First Class)
PO2 - Petty Officer (Second Class)
PO3 - Petty Officer (Third Class)
Crewman - not usually abbreviated and self-explanatory ;)