Calvin Capps

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Calvin Capps
Name: Calvin Capps
Rank: Lt. Commander
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Vulcan
Age: 30
Position: OPS Officer
Ship: Lost
Status: Active

Genral Info

Name: Calvin Capps

Age: 30

Sex: Male

Birthplace: Research Facility 23

Species: Human/Vulcan

Eye Colour: Green

Hair Colour: Black

Height: 5'9

Weight: 180

Blood Color: Red

Skin Color: White

Physical Description

Calvin is a standard size human in length. His hair is cut short and has a messy look to it, but professional. His eyes are an unnoticeable dark green. His mouth is small with skinny lips. He has a broadened shoulder. His chest pushed outward, and his stomach is flat. His legs have a muscle thickness look.

Family and Background

Calvin's mother and father are both genetics scientiest.

Research Facility 23

They live on research facility 23. The facility is located near the neutral zone. His father is Vulcan and his mother is Human. Calvin grew up with his parents through college, untill he was accepted to Starfleet Academy.

Calvin's parents still work at the research facility for Starfleet.


Calvin finished High school and decided that he wanted to do more with his life. At age 18 Calvin attended Law School through subspace on research facility 23. He finished at the age of 21 and then joined starfleet Academy: Ops and Conn Major.

Pre-Starfleet History

Calvin went to law school and helped his parents in the lab, but most of the time he practiced law at the reserch facility.

Starfleet History

-Fours years as a cadet at Starfleet Academy.

-Calvin's first post was with the USS Cochrane where he was an Ensign(jg) as Conn/Ops. Calvin served under Captain Lowell on the USS Cochrane as an Ensign(sg). With his promotion came new responsibilites. Calvin was also promoted to Chief Ops and Third Officer of the USS Cochrane.

-Calvin was promoted to Second Officer for the USS Cochrane.

-Calvin has received a rank promotion to Lt. (jg) and a promotion in position to First Officer aboard the USS Cochrane. Calvin ship the Cochrane has been de-commisioned to go under a refit. It is being refitted to fight in a war.

-Calvin kept his rank, but was demoted position wise. He is now Chief of Ops on the USS Paladin under his new Captain Eva Straton.

-Calvin was promoted to Second Officer/Chief Ops aboard the USS Paladin.

-After a long debate the First Officer of the USS Paladin escorted a Romulan Warbird back to Starbase Geneva. Due to this fact Calvin recieved a promotion to First Officer. He also was awarded a promotion in rank to Lt. Commander.

Medical History

No major illness. Due to alterations to genetics, Calvin skin and blood changes green, but he is in perfect health.


Calvin reads old and new litature, enjoys concerts and plays. With Calvins busy schedule lately, it would seem he enjoys work, but he still finds time to read his books.


Phaser marksmanship, excellent pilot, dedicated to crew, fast thinker, leadership skills, trained in minimum logic.


Awarded Captains Commendation: For outstanding duty commitment.
Awarded Combat Action Ribbon: For participation in the battle to liberate Gamma Sigma system.
Awarded Medal of Distinction: For courage during an encounter with a new speices and a bomb threat.