USS Spectre (NCC-8741)
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USS Spectre | |
Registry: | NCC-8741 |
Class: | Spectre class |
Launched: | 2380.07.16 |
Commanding Officer: | Captain T'Vhor |
First Officer: | Commander Andrew Williams |
Status: | Active |
The USS Spectre is the first Spectre Class starship to be launched, serving the 52nd Fleet under command of Captain T'Vhor and Commander Andrew Williams
Crew Roster
Command Crew
File:Captcmd.jpg T'Vhor - Commanding Officer - Betazoid/Vulcan
Andrew Williams - First Officer/Acting Chief Medical Officer - Human
Counselling and Medical Staff
Andrew Williams - First Officer/Acting Chief Medical Officer - Human
Michaella Kirien - Medical Research - Betazoid
Elani (Ellie) Caras - Counsellor - Betazoid
Perses Douwsy - Nurse - Orion
Tactical/Security Staff
Lewis Blake - Security Officer - Human
Walker Isengard - Acting Tactical/Security Chief - Betazoid
Jo Smith - Security Officer - Human
Richard 'Patsy' Davies - Security Officer - Human
Nathanial Yates - Security Officer - Human
Alexandria Anne Smithson - Asst. Tactical Chief - Human
Jack Marcell - Asst. Tactical Chief - Human
Sam Harper - Security Officer - Human
Engineering Staff
H'Chir - Chief Engineering Officer - Andorian
Christopher Adams - Asst CEO - Human
Scott Smith - Engineering Officer Human
Wai Biign - Engineering Crew - Selkie
Science Staff
Amari Riya - Science Officer - Betazoid/Human
Jonathan Linskens - Science Officer - Human
Catriona MacBeth - Science Officer - Linguistics - Human
Fala Taban - Science Officer - Bajoran
Starfleet Command
File:Rearadmcmd.jpg Caladryll Sevant - Fleet Strategic Operations - Vulcan/Human
Scott Houseman - Marine Sniper - Human
Lewis O'Hara - Marine Demolitions Expert - Human
Bruce Kowalski - Marine Executive Officer - Human
Krige - Marine Commanding Officer - Chameloid
Opertions Staff
Robert Smith - Operations Officer - Human
Flight Operations
Jennifer Smith - CONN Officer - Human
Elizabeth Wilson-Kirien - Child - Betazoid/Human
Gabriella Wilson-Kirien - Child - Betazoid/Human
Mark - House Pet - Rabbit (Broken Holland Lop)
Fleet Update
The USS Spectre is now sitting 1000kilometres from the striken ETHOS vessel itself, Major Kowalski is onboard with a team of crack commando's with the intent to take the ship. However, it appears that Captain Grayson had secured the ship and initiated a self destruct, which then unexpectedly terminated. It is logical to assume that this was due to intervention by the Marine team, but for now, we must rely upon our scans only to tell us what is currently going on. We continue to wait....
Current Mission Overview
The USS Spectre has been sent to the ocean world of Vedea IV located in the Falconer system. It's remit is to escort valuable algae used for the treatment of many illnesses and ailments. However, this algae has found other value in the form of a narcotic by-product prized by bandits in the area. Whilst in orbit of Vedea IV, the Captain and a few of his officers beam down for negotiations only to learn soon after that the Spectre has been attacked by an unknown vessel matching an ETHOS configuration. The ship is downed and brought to rest beneath Vedea IV's ocean, leaving the crew to battle hostile raiders and return the ship to orbit. Their ultimate goal, to pursue the strange ship and stop it from achieving whatever goal it has set itself.
Status Report
"Captain's log, Stardate 2414.04.08 - 15:50 hours"
After arriving in the Sol sector ahead of time, the Spectre encountered an unscheduled freighter apparently having lost some of her systems and in need of repair. Her Commanding officer, Captain Grayson intonated his intent to dock at McKinley station for said repairs after having delivered his cargo to it's destination. However, something did not ring true with Mr Grayson and after running routine scans on his ship, it was found to be carrying equipment that was not disclosed in it's manifest. Due to the unstable nature of the ship itself, it was decided to tow the freighter to McKinley and after initial objections from her CO, he eventually gave permission for us to do so. It was then that the ruse was broken.
Within minutes of tow, the freighter fired upon us and broke her connection to our emitter, thus revealing her true identity. We were now dealing with our foe, the ETHOS vessel itself. In the resultant confusion, the USS Avenger headed for the Luna colony's and immediately changed her appearance yet again. A search of the area ensued cuminating in the Avenger once again heading off in an attempt to make the MDP and the void beyond. MDP fighters were scrambled, the Spectre gave chase, her Marine contingent under the command of Major Bruce Kowalski having been despatched to board the vessel once it had been disabled.
Our situation is now as follows. The Avenger is disabled, our Marines are onboard. And we wait....
[Log entry appended and saved. Closing log]
Access Previous Status Reports
Ship's History
The USS Spectre is what is known as a Black Ops vessel, this means that when a mission calls for covert operations, particularly beyond enemy lines or in enemy space, the Spectre is the ship that is called upon. She is unique in the fleet in that she is fitted with a phased cloak in order that she may carry out these most special of missions. The Spectre fights the "war without a fleet", in the Federation Civil War.
She is currently under the command of Captain T'Vhor who was promoted to Captain after her previous Captain Remae Ktell was involved in a landmine incident on the occupied planet Betazed which cruelly robbed him of his lower limbs. Commander Andrew Williams is her current First Officer.
Registry Number and Current Configuration
USS Spectre NCC 8741 Designated Explorer/Refit Interceptor Starbase 968
Specific Mission Timeline
2407.01.17 - The USS Spectre mounts an away team mission on Betazed under the command of Captain Remae K'Tell to retrieve Debora Ansara, the niece of Federation renegade Admiral Rodrigo Doenitz. The Mission is a success but Captain Remae suffers an accident resulting in the loss of his lower limbs and is duly medically incapacitated from duty. First Officer T'Vhor assumes command of the Spectre.
2407.02.02 - As a direct response to information received during the Betazed retrieval mission, the Spectre is ordered into Romulan space under DOA (denial of awareness) clause, it's mission, to find and retrieve the usurped Federation President, Rondar Nell.
2407.02.05 - Rondar Nell is found living in a forested camp on Carraya IV and is subsequently transferred to the Boudicca.
2407.04.15 - Reports to 52nd fleet command signify that Captain Talasario of the Doenitz loyal vessel USS Alacrity, intends to defect with a significant intelligence database along with four other vessels. The USS Spectre is ordered to the Arachnid Nebula to effect rendezvous and assessment of the situation.
2407.06.29 - The USS Spectre successfully negotiates terms of ITD and the USS Alacrity, Swansea, Cathay, Wilhelm Steinitz and Kissimee form a specific battle group alongside the Klingon Vessels IKS B'Quaj'ah, Ha'Quj, Tong, Pach and the SuvwL'Vaj.
2407.07.09 - The new alliance battle group consisting of the above joins the battle at the MDP resulting in the fall of Starbase Valhalla.
2408.02.04 - Current Spectre Mission. 'The Gates of Prometheus' - Heading out for an encounter with the Borg.
More then One?
Yes, there is more then one USS Spectre buzzing around, 3 in the current universe, I wanted to get 1 back from the Alt Timeline Utopia Planitia the last time we played it, circa 2402-2404, of course, we brought it in the current timeline along with all the members of Utopia Planitia, gee... confusing much?
The other Spectres? At least one of them is a long, long way away in the Gamma Quadrant, if memory serves... the other? No idea, maybe I need to think something up? :)