Eva Straton
General Info
Name: Eva Straton
Age: 33
Sex: Female
Species: Betazoid
Physical Description
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Height: 6 foot 2
Weight: 145 Lbs
Blood Color: Red
Skin Color: White
Physical Description: Eva has long red hair that she keeps pulled back into a pony tail. She is tall with a sturdy build. She is good looking but her demeanor is fierce and intimidating.
History, Education, and Skills
Family and Background: No Family
Education: -Betazed Defense Academy
-Starfleet Academy -Advanced SFA -Meridium Undersea Facility -Star Fleets Advanced War College
Pre-Starfleet History: Born and raised on Betazed, Eva has always been obsessed with self defense and military tactics. She joined the Betazed planetary defense force at the age of 18 but found it unsatisfying and resigned after 6 months. She then went off world in search of new forms of self-defense. She soon enrolled in Star Fleet.
Starfleet History: -Security officer - USS New Horizon 6 months
-TAC\ASC - USS Seeker 2 years -TAC\SC SB16 3 years -FO USS Raven 3 years -CO USS Paladin 2 years
Skils: Tactics, unarmed combat, and marksmanship. Eva is also a strong and skilled tellepath.
Hobbies: Eva plays the piano and enjoys classical music.
General Notes: Eva is from an alternate reality where she served in the Dominion War as a security officer and latter as a command officer. She was highly decorated for bravery and valour and given command of the USS Paladin, Sovergin class star ship after the war. During one mission the Paladin and her crew were hurled into the Freedom universe by an alternate Paladin form yet another universe. With no way home, Eva and her crew have now made the Freedom universe their home.