Kestra Troi
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Kestra Troi | |
Name: | Kestra Troi |
Rank: | Lt. Commander |
Awards: | |
Gender: | Female |
Species: | Betazoid |
Age: | 33 |
Position: | None |
Ship: | None |
Status: | Inactive: |
Physical Description:
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Auburn
Height: 5'-5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Blood Color: Red
Skin Color: Tan
Kestra has a well proportioned, 120 pound, tanned, 5' 5" frame. She carries waist length auburn hair that surrounds her face that has a some what pointed chin and blackish eyes. After the birth of twins, she has been unable to regain her 115 pound figure.
Family and Background:
Kestra was born into the fifth house of Betazed (House of Nobility) at At'kae on Betazed in the year 2373. She is the daughter of Ae'Siner and Li'suni Troi.
Ae'Siner Troi is currently the Betazoid Ambassador to Terra. Li’suni and Kestra traveled over the galaxy with Ae'Siner meeting different peoples and races. She spent a lot of her early years under her fathers’ feet watching him carry out his duties as ambassador. She continually asked questions and tried to learn everything she could of her fathers work. She began picking up the different languages spoken and soon was discussing the different ways each race handled themselves.
Her father began to notice that picking up languages was very easy for Kestra. He began to ensure that whenever he was to meet with a new race that he took her with him. So, she got an education in linguistics early in her life.
Even at a young age, she started trying to solve people’s problems. She would sit for hours listening and then trying to come up with solutions. Her parents saw that she had the talent for linguistics and for problem solving so they decided to plan her schooling toward a career in counseling.
Relationships of Note:
2403 graduated Meridium Undersea base -2401 entered Meridium Undersea base
2401 graduated from Advanced studies -2398 entered Advanced Studies on Betazed
2398 graduated Command School -2396 entered Command School
2396 graduated Starfleet Academy
2393 Spent a year at the Vulcan School of Diplomacy as an exchange student.
2392 entered Starfleet Academy
Starfleet History:
2406.07.01 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander and given the additional position of Second Officer.
2406.06.30 Reassgned to USS Boudicca as CMO
2406.04.19 Promoted to Full Lieutenant, USS Nimitz
2406 Recommissioned as Lieutenant(jg), USS Nimitz
2405 Resigned Commission due to death of father and recall from her government.
2405 Recommissioned as Lieutenant(jg), USS Wraith
2404 Resigned Commission, DSG1
2404 promoted to Captain, USS Nimitz
2404 promoted to First Officer, USS Nimitz
2404 promoted to Second officer, New Victory
2404 Kestra and Sky get married on Starbase 968
2404 promoted to Commander
2404 promoted to Lt. Commander
2403 promoted to Lieutenant
2403 Kestra met back up with Sky and started a new relationship
2403 promoted to Lieutenant(jg)
2403 promoted to Ensign(sg)
2403 Assigned USS Nimitz, Ensign(jg)
2403 graduated Meridium Undersea base
2402 Kestra and Sky meet for the fist time. They are sitting next to each other during a Martial Arts seminar. They say hi and go their separate ways.
2401 entered Meridium Undersea base
2401 graduated from Advanced studies
2400 rewrites her paper from a more academic viewpoint. It is widely read and starts a new buzz about emotion and language.
2398 entered Advanced Studies on Betazed
2398 graduated Command School
2397 Leads the Starfleet Debating Club to winning the Finals. Her Teammates and associated professors all agree that her gift in understanding other races points of view makes her an excellent Debater. That and the fact that she actually listens to the other side, a rarity amongst debaters.
2396 entered Command School
2396 Asked to give a Speech at Starfleet Academy on her paper sponsored by the FLL. She gives it and establishes herself as an authority on Linguistics and Languages.
2396 graduated Starfleet Academy
2395 Kestra gives an exhibition of Wing Chun at the Olympics being held on Betazed.
2394 Kestra becomes the equivalent to a 1st degree black belt in Wing Chun.
2393 Spent a year at the Vulcan School of Diplomacy as an exchange student.
First Assignment:
Mission History:
Refugee Relocation Mission-Kumblah.
Meeting USS Spectre.
The Search for Friends!
The Death of a Weapon!
Appointment with the Past.
A Sheep in Wolfs Clothing.
Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heavens Door.
To Be or Not To Be.
Pandora's Box.
Under New Management.
Burial Grounds.
Beyond the Looking Glass.
Trip to Paradise.
Fuel for Thought.
Medical History:
Inter-species telepath, emotional empathy, Languages, linguistics, Writing, Horseback riding, Martial arts, and Dance
Kestra loves to read and write, she reads everything on a given subject then writes an objective paper on the subject. While she is not reading and writing she likes to go horseback riding to clear her thoughts. She keeps in shape by practicing martial arts and social dancing.
General Notes:
Kestra is often overly emotional, taking things more seriously most times than is needed. She has trouble being assertive but is currently learning to do just that. She also has an adopted child named Trish. Trish’s family had been killed by the Cardassians. Trish is currently under the watchful eye of a counselor.