Baylon Trinin
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Baylon Trinin | ||
Name: | Baylon Trinin | |
Rank: | ensign | |
Awards: | | class="even" |
Gender: | Male | |
Species: | Betazoid | |
Age: | 27 | |
Position: | Assistant Security Chief | |
Ship: | USS Hades | |
Status: | Active: Shoreleave |
"I keep this to remind me that If I can survive this, I can survive anything."
Ahmed was born in Cairo, Egypt- Earth on Stardate 2382.04.10 to Salid ibn Jaffar and Jasmine Mosatuff. At the time of his birth his father was an engineering ensign aboard the USS Roland and his mother was an artist
Ahmed lived in Cairo for the vast majority of his life, although he did spend a few years aboard the USS Roland and the USS Forrester with his mother and father.
At the age of five years, Ahmed’s parent’s divorced after Ahmed’s mother Jasmine was discovered to be having an affair, with the USS Forrester’s Chief Counselor. Ahmed’s father, unable to raise the boy alone and without a desire to release him to his mother’s custody, sent young Ahmed back to Cairo to live with his Uncle Aamir. Before leaving the Forrester, Ahmed’s mother gave him a necklace to remember her by. He still wears it to this day.
Ahmed had a difficult time adjusting to his new life with his Uncle. When he reached his teens, Ahmed became rebellious and would often disobey his uncle’s wishes. In the interest of finding something to occupy his nephew’s time in a more productive manner, Ahmed’s uncle introduced the boy to Sailing and Boxing.
There were remarked improvements in Ahmed’s grades as a result of these new interests. It was discovered that he possessed a photographic memory and that he had become bored with his studies, since he could memorize the course curriculum within a few hours. Boxing and Sailing gave him physical challenges as well as mental ones, and he began to work in his uncle’s business, teaching tourists how to sail traditional Egyptian boats on the Mediterranean sea. Ahmed would often participate in unsanctioned boxing clubs in his teens.
It was during this time that Ahmed began to take an intense interest in History. His uncle had revealed Ahmed’s rich family Lineage to the boy at the age of 17. The men in Ahmed’s family have dedicated their lives in the pursuit of Moral Justice. Ahmed began a detailed Genealogy of his male ancestors and was able to trace back his lineage to a general serving in Saladin’s army during the battles of the 2nd Crusade. He commissioned an incredible Genealogy scroll of his ancestors that is 4 feet wide and 9 feet tall. It is current displayed on the wall of his quarters aboard the USS Nimitz.
On Stardate 2398.08.12 Ahmed was involved in a near fatal accident. While exploring a recently discovered Egyptian tomb in the Valley of the Kings with Doctor Sufi Mohammed Sari, a renowned Egyptologist, There was a collapse of a tunnel.
Ahmed was badly injured. He suffered serious trauma in the form of broken bones. It took rescuers thirteen hours to free him from the rubble. As a result of these traumatic times, Ahmed suffers from a mild case of claustrophobia, although he is usually able to fight back the sense of panic that he feels.
University of Cairo:
Ahmed enrolled in the University of Cairo on Stardate 2399.03.06 in the fields of Archeology, Ancient Medicine, and Ancient Engineering. He greatly enjoyed this area of study, but at the insistence of his professors and in messages received from his father, now the Chief Engineer aboard the USS Tripoli, Ahmed finally agreed to take the Starfleet entry exams.
He graduated with a Masters degree in Archeology from the University of Cairo on Stardate 2403.03.05.
Relationships of Note:
Salid was involved in a romantic relationship with Engineer Debbie Weston while he was stationed aboard the USS Nimitz as Chief Engineer. The relationship began to grow somewhat cool after Ahmed's participation in the Raid on Djorn Major XJ-003.
The relationship broke up when Ahmed was promoted and assigned to the USS Champlain as First Officer. Weston and Ahmed are still friends and are on speaking terms.
===Salid's Personal Log:=== Click on to view log.
Starfleet Academy:

Ahmed took his entry exams on Stardate 2403.06.05, just in time to manage to squeeze into the summer class. Ahmed scored the tenth highest entry exam scores in the history of the Academy, a fact for which he is extremely proud.
He double majored at the Academy in the areas of Materials Engineering/Damage Control and Trauma Medicine.
During his time at the academy, Ahmed joined the Academy Boxing Team, Regatta and rowing teams. He took the Lightweight title for three of the four years that he competed at the Academy. As the captain of the Rowing team, led his crew to victory two years in a row. The Academy Regatta on Actura II proved to be another victory for the Cadet Salid, as his crew and he took the cup in a ship named the Jasmine.
On stardate 2406.08.02 Ahmed participated in the famed Starfleet Academy Marathon on Danula II. This grueling race saw Ahmed finish 221st out of 693 competitors. While not a clear-cut victory, he was pleased that he managed to finish the 40-kilometer race.
Prior to completing his Course studies at the Academy, Ahmed also took and completed his Bridge Certification Training, Command Staff Training and his Departmental Command Courses. The scored well in each of these additional course, a fact that would assist him later in being selected for the position of First Officer of the USS Champlain.
Ahmed graduated the Academy Class of 2407 on Stardate 2407.01.22. He ranked second in his class. It was on his graduation day that news arrived of his father’s death aboard the USS Tripoli. He had sacrificed himself to maintain the containment of the collapsing warp core during the battle of Cardassia.
Starfleet Career:

Ahmed was commissioned as an Ensign Junior Grade pursuant to his graduation from Starfleet Academy on Stardate 2407.01.22.
Ahmed was ordered to report to the USS Nimitz, a Sovereign Class Starship (Registry NCC-75878-E) captained by Captain Devan Sash.
Ahmed was forced to take a circuitous route to reach the Nimitz due to the Civil War between the Doenitz Loyalists and the 52nd Fleet, the latter to which the Nimitz belonged. During his trip he witnessed the oppression of Andoria first-hand.
He commissioned a respected smuggler and 52nd Fleet loyalist named Arkot, an ex-captain of the Doenitz defeated Andorian Defense fleet. During his time aboard the Smuggler, he worked in main engineering and repaired an old Romulan cloaking device that was later used to elude a Doenitz loyal Starship.
Ahmed arrived on Starbase Geneva on Stardate 2407.02.09 nearly a full month after his graduation from the Academy in San Francisco. Once aboard Geneva Ahmed wasted no time reporting to the Nimitz.
Mission One: A Taste of Hate.
After his arrival on Starbase Geneva, Ahmed was assigned to assist in the investigation concerting an attack on the newly assigned Counselor Divon Lronen. During the course of the investigation, Ahmed was responsible for finding the weapon used in the assault on the counselor. He was reassigned to the Engineering Department to conduct repairs to the Nimitz as a result of a prior battle.
He reported to Main Engineering and watched in Horror as the current ACEO Lieutenant Miles Davis collapsed after contracting the engineered virus released on Geneva Station by the Terrorist Group Humans for Humanity.
Lieutenant Davis was the first member of the Nimitz crew to succumb to the virus and later died as a result of the illness.
Once it became known what was happening, Starbase Geneva and the USS Nimitz were quarantined to prevent further spreading of the virus. The result of the lock-down left Ahmed, newly arrived on the Nimitz as the senior Engineering Officer on the Nimitz, due to Commander Zzt becoming unable to leave the Starbase.
After Hromava, the Nimitz’s First Officer ordered all non-essential personnel to be restricted to quarters, Ahmed and Debbie Weston continued with the repairs to the Nimitz.
Later due to the fact that the virus had been introduced to the crew of the Nimitz, special quarantine areas were established in the ship’s cargo bay, on the orders of the First Officer. It was at this time that Salid discovered and attempt by desperate members of the ship’s crew to escape from the Cargo bay and potentially seize control of the Nimitz.
Ahmed participated in the actions to prevent a mutiny aboard ship.
For his efforts, Captain Devan Sash promoted him to Ensign Senior grade on Stardate 2407.02.17.
After his promotion Ahmed began a romantic relationship with Engineer Debbie Weston.
Mission Two: For a Friend.
On Stardate 2407.03.07 Ahmed was promoted to the position of CEO for the USS Nimitz by Captain Devan Sash after it was discovered that Lieutenant Commander Zzt was to be transferred to a Special Theoretical Engineering Unit.
Later that same day, Ahmed would join Captain Sash and several other Nimitz Officers on an unsanctioned mission to Rescue Lieutenant Dru Tagon, a fellow Nimitzer. Tagon had been captured by Doenitz forces and sentanced to be executed. It was discovered that he was being held at Djorn Major XJ-003 to await the completion of his sentence. As the 52nd Fleet was stretched over a wide front in the battle against Deonitz forces, the Admiralty had decided that no vessels could be risked on the rescue. Despite orders to the contrary, Captain sash and several officers made a rendezvous with the IKS Hegh’delar a B’rel class scout and entered federation space with the intention of conducting a rescue of Dru Tagon.
Prior to the Arrival at Djorn Major XJ-003, Ahmed spent a considerable amount of effort and time designing material aids to assist in the assualt and hopefully give his small team a slight advantage against the station’s garrison. These gadgets included an armored cloaking armored EVA suit, modified from the available Klingon EVA suits, attuned to the Hegh’delar’s cloaking device; A series of poratable sensor ghost generators, and a mobile handheld command net inderdiction device which later allowed the crew limited access to the station’s main computer systems. Unfortunately despite successful tests of the stealth suits aboard the Hegh’delar, the stealth features seemed to mysteriously fail once aboard the station.
Upon their arrival at Djorn Major XJ-003, The 1st assault team used the Ferengi assault shuttle the Good Deal to pass through a gap in the Station’s ventral shields and after An EVA mission to establish a series of transport pattern enhancers, the Crew was aboard the Station.
Ahmed participated in the capture of the Central Computer core of the station in which action he killed a technician. Later in an attempt to disable the stations shields and weapons, he created a powerful plasma surge through the tactical systems. The end result was the unexpected explosion of the Station’s Ventral Shield Generator, which was responsible for extensive damage to the station and an unknown number of deaths among station presonnel.
Ahmed was injured twice during the mission. Once, he was hit with a phaser blast in the back fired by station security, which forced him to discard the upper portion of his armored EVA suit. Later he was injured in hand-to-hand combat with a member of Major Julian Wells’ marine unit assigned to guard Lieutenant Tagon. The marine stabbed Ahmed in the lower left arm.
The arrival of the Klingon assault forces from the Hegh’delar led by Doctor Jonas Lemar allowed the Nimitz crew to reach the Maximum Security Block and force Wells into an honorable ceasefire.
Ahmed and TJ Jackson worked together to drop the containment field holding Dru Tagon in his cell. Ahmed also managed to neutralize the explosive collar Tagon wore using the station’s transporter safety overrides. At Captain Devan Sash’s order Ahmed transported the assault team to safety, but not before Thom Hania had released an explosive grenade which is believed to have killed Major Julian Wells.
The crew escaped Djorn Major and returned to Starbase Geneva with Lieutenant Tagon. Remarkably, only two members of the rescue effort were killed in action, both were members of the Hegh’delar’s Klingon Marine Contingent led by Doctor Lemar. Later Ensign Thom Hania died under mysterious circumstances prior to the return to the Nimitz. Ensign Harry Doorman had survived an apparent attempt at suicide, although later it was discovered that his actions were influenced by the Revelation entity affecting Counselor Divon Lronen.
Surprisingly enough, no member of the Nimitz crew was punished for the undertaking of the unsanctioned rescue of Lieutenant Tagon, Except for Captain Sash.
For his efforts in the rescue of Lieutenant Tagon, Ahmed was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade on Stardate 2407.03.22
Mission Three: To Skin a Cat.
On Stardate 2407.03.22 the Nimitz received orders from the Admiralty to conduct a snap raid on Cait Prime (Ferasa) with the objective of verifying the existence and destroying a Doenitz research facility believed to be developing biogenetically altered Caitians for use as Super-Soldiers.
The USS Nimitz arrived in the Ferasa system and was surprised not to find any Doenitz Starships in orbit around the planet.
The away team consisted of the following participants Captain Devon Sash CTAC Eric McDermott AOPS Bill Jackson Engineer T'Kron Ensign Leesa Stanton COUNS Cecilia Bruce
as well as several junior members of the security, Science and Engineering departments of the Nimitz.
Upon Arrival on the planet, The Nimitz team Linked up with members of the CLF (Caitian Liberation Front) led by an adolescent Caitian named R'Aul. They also made contact with R'Serrott and Shayhiloosh, boith of which were involved in some manner with the facility that the Nimitz crew was sent to destroy.
The crew spent the night with their new found allies in the Caitain Village of Chtarr, where Ahmed participated in a complex and semi-violent game of Sarhket, which is used in some rural areas to resolve disagreements. The game turned out to be a test of the Nimitz crew's resolve to aid the Caitains in their struggle for liberation. Although Salid did not win, he earned the respect of the local CLF members and was accepted among them as a friend.
The rules are includes here as an excerpt of the post:
"The rules are easy, but the practice of play not so easy." He replied seriously. " There are two types of balls. The soft one, the one I hit you with is the Multash, it's the playing ball. The second, is harder. It's called a Bazghot."
The Universal Translator translated the swear word into Federation Standard. The others cubs snickered. Ahmed just nodded.
"I suppose there's a reason for the ....colorful name?" Ahmed queried."Yeah, we're getting to that part." The second teen said.
"Okay, sorry, please continue.." Ahmed replied.
The first teen nodded. "The rules are simple. You all stand in a circle roughly two arm spans apart. The person with the Multash, kicks it to someone else... They can use their body, or feet to stop and return the Multash to anyone else in the circle. If you miss someone completely but they didn't dodge, then you get a single foul. If you drop the Multash or use your hands or claws, you get a double foul. If you flinch away and cause your self to be missed, you get the foul, not the kicker. Fouls against others is how you make points."
" With a single foul, each other member of the circle gets to kick the Bazghot once at the person making the foul. If they hit him and he makes noise when he's hit, or falls down, the kicker gets a point. If they miss, or the Jagol... the fouler... stays quiet and doesn't dodge, then no point is scored, and play resumes with the Multash. "
"If you get a double foul from using hands or claws, then we repeat the foul process, but each player shoots twice. After a couple of solid hits you'll understand why the ball is called a Bazghot."
"Okay, so it's a stamina game." Ahmed said off-handedly.
"No... it's more than that. Some people actually use it to settle disputes in some provinces. They play until one side or the other concedes. We just play for points, usually fifty. The first kicker to fifty wins, it's pretty straight forward." The first teen replied.''
The following morning the away team, bolstered by their new additions in R'Serrott and Shayhiloosh and accompanied by A'Rul and members of the CLF, marched to and raided an automated train depot that would allow them covert entry to the Captial City of Knassis, only 30 miles away. The raid on the train depot went smoothly without incident.
No further data available at this time.
Mission Four: Crossroads
After the completion of the mission on Cait Prime, Ahmed was promoted to the Rank of Lieutenant Commander and assigned to the USS Champlain, NCC 2170-C, A Galaxy Class variant. He reported to Geneva Station to Captain Susan Rivers, who had also just assumed command of the Champlain after the death of her Captain Edward Wolfe in a battle with the USS Wyvern. He assumed this position officially on Stardate 2407.04.02, despite the fact that the Champlain had not yet arrived at the Station as she was damaged during the battle. The Champlain was Commanded by Lieutenant Bree Frazier during the engagement with the Wyvern, which resulted in the other vessels capture thanks in no small part to the efforts of Lieutenant James Alexander and Lieutenant Jono Janeway.
Captain Rivers adivsed Lieutenant Commander Salid, of the impending assignment of the Champlain to participate in the final push of the civil war against Doenitz in an amassed attack on Sector 001. He was assigned to arrange drills and additional training for the crew while they remained in dock undergoing repairs.
No Further information at this time.
None at this time.