Maraht the Horta
"Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritations and resentments slip away and a sunny spirit takes their place." -Mark Twain
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Maraht the Horta | |
Name: | Maraht |
Rank: | |
Gender: | Orthomale Type B-4A |
Species: | Horta |
Age: | 78 |
Position: | ACSO |
Ship: | USS Hades NX-60637 |
Status: | Active: Shore leave |
Height 2.5 feet
Weight 450 pounds
Blood Colour Translucent with metallic sparkles
Physical Description Marbled orange and brown armored rock with hair-like phalangi that are on the bottom edge and underneath. A domed voder box (vox) attached on the top allows Maraht to communicate using Galactic Standard. Overall body length is 4 feet and width is 2 and 1/2 feet. Maraht takes after his mother, having followed many of her diet recomendations and so resembles her except for his added vox.
Current Assignment Lieutenant Maraht (jg) serves on board the USS Hades Science Department as ASCO.
Family and Background
As one of the newer hatchlings, Maraht found himself longing to see more of the universe beyond his own tunnel. Although most Horta are homebodies by nature, Maraht felt he was destined for something greater than tunneling in the same old planet, doing nothing but mining, eating, and socializing.
His hundreds of other brothers and sisters thought he was off his rock and needed liberal doses of mica, coal and schist to rid himself of this strange malady. But Venerable Mother Horta decided to support him in his endeavors and soon realized that he would not be content until he got out into the universe. She felt that traveling with Starfleet would help keep him amongst friends who would help look out for him.
Maraht has exceeded even human expectations and surprised everyone, proving that a Horta in Starfleet can be a very valuable and useful officer. Maraht's Mother, although justifiably proud of her nomadic son, remained unsurprised.
Maraht had a mining education out in the field on Janus VI. He majored in Science specializing in areas of Geology, Metalurgy and Tactical Exploration at Starfleet Academy. Maraht graduated with honors in all three fields.
Personal History
Maraht assisted the miners on Janus VI, enjoyed their stories about being off planet, and spent time listening to the communications board when receiving messages from passing ships. Venerable Mother Horta told young Maraht all about the amazing creature called a Vulcan named Spock and his fascination with exploration; she had especially liked his pointed ears.
Maraht wanted to contribute to his people in ways other than mining. He enjoyed listening to Old Samuel's stories about traveling the galaxy in search of fortune and trade. He soon felt the call to join Starfleet once he had achieved 1/2 of his growth. He began to find ways to study and could often be found outside training himself to have no fear of open sky, and toughening himself up with surface hiking before attending the Academy.
Due to his long history of association with humanoid races and humans in particular, Maraht has grown more expressive with his longer phalange. Horta normally consider it better manners to keep it coiled and tucked up neatly underneath their bodies and used when neccessary for specific tasks. But Maraht has found it helpful to use when communicating to convey visual body language and non-verbal cues, sometimes using it as humans might to talk with their hands. He still prefers to use his longer phalange for task oriented duties around other Horta however. It is possible that during his training and due to more extensive use he has gained more flexibility and range of motion than most Horta.
Starfleet History
Maraht graduated from Starfleet with honors in the scientific fields of Metalurgy, Geology, and Tactical Exploration. He got along well with all of his classmates by wisely choosing to stay out of politics. Although Maraht showed talents in counseling and linguistics, he decided not to major in those areas at the Academy. Maraht became good friends with a human named Stephen Anderson and a Gorn while in the Academy, but they have been able to keep in touch only sporadically.
At one point during his 4 years during the Academy, Starfleet requested Maraht's help with the search and rescue of some children that had been reported missing and suspected of becoming trapped in one of the old mine shafts in the hills around the old historic ghost mining town of Leadville in the Rocky Mountains on Earth.
Though the tourists had been warned repeatedly to not wonder into the mines, three children disobeyed their parents and dared each other to enter the mine at dusk and remain there until dawn. When part of the mine collapsed and trapped two of the three children the third was able to escape to get help. Maraht was asked to help to rescue the children due to his expertise in sensing underground vibration and detecting underground structural weakness.
Maraht was able to get oxygen, limited light, and water to the children in time and then protected them from further harm in the dark by guiding them to safer passages before helping them out of the honeycomb of shafts, dangerous ledges and drop offs. Because of him, they did not panic and were able to survive their two day ordeal without injury.
The entire incident brought a reluctant Maraht into the attention of the media. Though publicly touted as a hero, he found himself the object of hate mail from the often violent group called Humans for Humanity. They later made an attempt to kidnap him from the campus, possibly to make an example of him, and were unsuccessful due to the fact that they had underestimated Maraht's voracity, speed and size. Most of the local cell group were captured.
Upon Graduation Day, Admiral Green assigned Maraht to the Akira class USS Mystique NCC-68125-C where he served as Assistant Chief Science Officer (ACSO) under CSO Lt. Ketal. Then the crew recently transferred to the newly built Prometheus Class ship USS Hades NX-60637 and Maraht now serves under CSO Lt. Comdr Holis Gralen.
Medical History
Hortas, being silicon based life forms, need building plaster to heal up from phaser blasts and most types of wounds. However, their armor is so resilient that it is difficult to wound them. Modified Type II phasers would need to be set on maximum. They have no propensity for infection from carbon based viral and bacterial infections, but propensity for infection to non carbon based microbes is unknown. They are immune to their own acid secretions and can survive the cold vaccum of space as long as they have not been previously wounded. Adult Hortas consume about 20-35 pounds of rock material and minerals every 24-36 hours. Consuming refined metals are much like eating a bowl of white refined sugar for humans; edible yet not nutritionally optimal. In addition to a varied diet of metamorphic and igneous rock, Maraht needs to have some deep pressure time in an atmospheric chamber, probably 1-2 times for several hours weekly in an effort to keep his natural armor healthy if a planet is not currently available. Sleep or rest is also necessary for several hours on a weekly basis. For more information about this species see The Horta Report.
There are currently no known drugs that work or are helpful for treating Hortas medicinally. Nutritionally, the old adage applies, "You are what you eat." There are no known anesthetics for pain for this species. Vulcan techniques have proven helpful in instances of coping with pain and injury.
Extensive tests were conducted on Maraht at Starbase 32 prior to his undergoing Academy training for Starfleet, in addition to a detailed evaluation. A nefarious labratory technician had thought it profitable to "take samples" of parts of some of the shinier patches of small crystals and various ores out of Maraht's armored carapace to sell to passing traders. Maraht, though uncomfortable about it due to the absence of any anesthetics, had allowed the extra "samples" to be taken, not understanding the technician's true greedy intent, believing that they were being studied in case of injury and for other scientific testing and analysis. When the truth was discovered by the medical Chief of Staff on Starbase 32, Maraht was horrified to find that parts of his "skin" had been harvested for profit without his consent and the technician was summarily court-martialed, but it was never proven conclusivley if he had any connection to the Humans for Humanity organization. As a result of this regrettable incident, it is reccommended that a relationship of trust be built with Maraht before obtaining fluids and other samples. Labratories and sick bays are uncomfortable for him at first due to his inability to forget these regrettable experiences.
Hortas in general and Maraht specifically exude a dry earthy scent with metallic overtones especially if they have recently been ingesting refined metals or metalic ores. Much of the time Maraht tends to exude his normal dry earthy scent with a touch of vanilla. If injured or ill Maraht has been informed that the state of his scent changes. He was unaware of this as he can't neccessarily detect his own scent easily. If Maraht is ill or injured it has been found that he may exude a more acrid smell.
Cheerful and psychologically sound: a real rock! Maraht is interested in science as per Geology, Metallurgy and Tactical Exploration, and he has a good handle of fault lines, seismic activity, continental drift, Volcanlogy, and Mineralogy, and although he has considered espionage work, his true goal is to explore the universe. In order to eat, Hortas secrete a molecularly disolving acid based substance from the bottom of their bodies to liquify rock and other minerals deposits before immediate ingestion. In doing so, this creates tunnels and cave structures. Hortas end up being natural geologists and have a strong sensitivity for fault lines, impending earthquakes, and temperature changes particularly due to geological disturbances. The acid secretion can be controlled and aimed carefully enough to carve pictures or messages should his voder box (vox) become damaged.
Maraht is a natural expert planetary crust analyst and can correctly identify the composition of soil, rock, mineral deposits and other geological features and give a analysis much like a chef descibing the spices in a dish of fine cuisine or a wine connoisseur expounding on a fine wine. Unlike humans he does not need oxygen to survive and can exist in the cold vaccum of space if necessary. He may or may not survive the heat and freefall if caught out in space above a planet's atmosphere and pulled into any gravity wells.
Though Maraht has learned to speak Galactic Standard well, his preliminary testing on Starbase 32 showed a high degree of linguistic skills. It was discovered after having his vox installed that he could communicate reasonably well with short electronic bursts to any communication console board in Galactic Standard or any code, provided that he knew it, necessary to the situation using the built in commbadge in his vox.
Maraht will give verbal cues using his phalangi. When addressing people verbally he tries his best to turn himself so that his speaker grill on his vox is facing in their direction if possible. Maraht's domed vox has a blue stripe, Starfleet insignia, and ranking neatly painted on its surface.
Other Information
Hobbies Maraht has written Horta poetry concerning the flavor, color and texture of different types of rock, soil, and mineral deposits. Love poetry regarding this mineral based context is considered very romantic amongst the Horta.
Maraht also played baseball with his close Academy friends, a Gorn named Dacoral and a human named Stephen Anderson. He became quite good at throwing a fastball and often scored a run or two per game himself. Maraht found it easy to calculate trajectory, angle, speed and wind factors in his pitching.
General Notes
Maraht is aware that many humans feel he looks much like a large albeit lumpy pepperoni pizza with sausage, but being the cheerful fellow he is, Maraht takes it all in stride. People seem to like him and appreciate his upbeat attitude.
Due to poor experiences at Starbase 32 for testing prior to being accepted into the Academy, Maraht prefers not to have people chip off pieces of his armor and has remained wary of medical staff until he has become closely aquainted with them.
On 2407.03.10 Maraht was promoted from junior grade to senior grade Ensign with the ending of the last mission 'Port of Call'. On 2407.03.26 he was promoted to Lieutenant junior grade after service during the mission 'In the Hands of an Angry God."
Awarded Combat Action Ribbon on 2407.03.26 for duties performed during the battle with the Myenru war-fleet at Beta Seranis.
Awarded Captains Commendation on 2407.03.26 for excellence in the performance of duties during conflict with the Myenru at Beta Seranis.
For More on Maraht please see Maraht's Story
Maraht at the Wedding of Travis Keswick and Vren Marto
Mission: Port of Call
Day: 5
Stardate: 2407.02.21
(USS Mystique – Deck 6, Primary Cargo Bay – Asst CSO Ensign Maraht - 1329)
Maraht followed what he saw many beings doing; congratulating the happy couple on the official proclamation of the start of their mated life. He also saw others getting something to eat form the food table.
Maraht considered and decided to do both. He wanted to check on his favorite dip and make sure that no one decided to throw it out as spoiled or inedible. Crude oil was one of his favorite flavorings and was a special rich rare treat. He rumbled over to the food table and reached up with his main phalange to pick up an old used data solid to dunk in his dip. Without getting it anywhere he carefully pulled it underneath himself and oh it was so tasty! He was proud as he didn’t make any drips. Carefully exuding only the tiniest bits of acid he ate small bits at a time. Eating in small amounts this way had him making a hissing noise as the treat was more slowly dissolved, but he hoped no one would notice his indiscretion.
After having a tasty bit of his favorite treat and cleaning himself up of any leftover dribbles with a specially treated napkin from one of the catering staff, Maraht went to greet Travis Keswick and his favorite Doctor.
Maraht reached up and began to shake Travis Keswicks hand by wrapping his main phalange around Travis’s hand and wrist. “I learned this with humans in the Academy. I likened it to pumping water out of a well,” said Maraht merrily. “How do you like being mated so far?”
(Reply Travis Keswick)
Maraht let go of Travis Keswick’s hand and waved his main phalange in proper humorous fashion. He went on to greet the good doctor.
“Dr. Vren Marto!” said Maraht. “You are the best doctor in Sickbay, and it is always a pleasure to see you. Congratulations on your joining with the mate of your choice,” said Maraht happily.
(Reply Dr. Keswick)
“Oh I understand. I hope you like your gifts from me and Physioc. That was why we went onto the Starbase and Physioc got hurt when we got attacked by that mob; we had to go shopping while we had the chance. I had never been shopping before, you see.” Maraht reached up and gently wrapped his main phalange around Marto’s hand. “You deserve to be happy. May you have many hatchings.”
(Reply Dr. Keswick)
Maraht gave a final gentle squeeze to the doctor’s hand and turned to go back to have some more of that tasty dip. Between him and the food table was a Bajoran group of stalks; obviously the Vren family. Maraht courteously tucked his larger phalange under him and greeted each one, commenting on how wonderful it was to meet them. Maraht remembered Vren Dora, the only male of the group from the stag ritual party the evening prior, and made sure to warmly greet him. They all seemed very polite, though a little surprised at meeting Maraht.
On his way back toward the food table, Maraht passed a few of the Klingons. They seemed uncomfortable. Maraht paused thoughtfully. ~I wonder if I could make them feel more at home.~ He had an idea.
Rumbling up to T’gokh with his main phalange sternly curled under him to keep it from showing his glee, Maraht firmly planted himself in front of the Klingon. He waited quietly until he was noticed.
(Reply T’gokh)
“I am aware you have not felt as…comfortable aboard the Mystique as you would on your own ship. Would you or any of your fellow Klingons might enjoy a workout with me on one of the holodecks? That is… if you think you can survive it…?”
(Reply T’gokh)
“Most humanoids would run in fear after glimpsing one of my holodeck workout programs. I am speaking of bubbling lakes of hot lava, burning pools of acid, the stench of poisonous gases, the ground spouting hot sudden geyers of water and steam, all stalked by insidious strong creatures who I fight with no weapons. I use only what I was hatched with… although if you think you need a blade of some sort… I suppose you might bring one.” Maraht made a noise that he knew conveyed contempt for such unnecessary burdens.
(Reply T’gokh)
(Posted by Sheila)
Maraht at the Hades Launch Party meeting a Special Friend
Mission: Port of Call
Day 12
Stardate 2407.02.28
(USS Hades - Largest Holodeck – Asst CSO Ensign Maraht - 1903)
Ranae just joined Maraht again when there was an unmistakable rumbling sound. Ranae gave her friend a poke as another Horta moved across the floor towards them.
Maraht turned in surprise; and was stunned. He could barely move and didn’t even twitch a single phalange.
An absolutely beautiful Horta was coming toward him. She too was adorned with sparkling jewels that flashed in the light as he was, but with the addition of a string of pearls that accentuated her thicker lovely extra fine fringe. She was reddish with flecks of black and white granite. Maraht thought she was the most lovely Horta he had ever seen.
As the female Horta reached them, Ranae introduced her to Maraht.
"Maraht, meet Oona, she's a gift from me to you. You can come to any holodeck whenever you get homesick, and ask for the RumblesOne program and you'll find yourself back on, or rather in, Janus VI, and Oona will be there for company if you want her."
Ranae smiled at Maraht and gave Maraht an affectionate slap. Maraht hardly felt it and was only peripherally aware of the rest of the beings in the room. He was so surprised and with all the excitement over the bomb hunt, Physioc getting hurt and wedding rituals that he had forgotten how homesick he had been before getting to know the crewmembers.
He struggled to get some words out through his astonishment. “Ranae, will she be able to be stay for the whole launch party? Can she come to my quarters or must she stay on the holodeck? I can take pictures of her to send home to Venerable Mother, can’t I?” Maraht knew he was beginning to babble idiotically, but he didn’t care.
(Reply Ammon Ranae)
Maraht, noticing that Oona had no vox, hesitantly approached Oona. Extending his main phalange, he gently touched her reddish carapace. She uncoiled her main phalange and touched him back. Using their own native language of electrical impulses that flashed back and forth between them, Maraht could literally see her matrix grow more complex as he told her all about his life. She told him what little she knew about being a Horta. Maraht began to fill her in on many of the finer points about his home and what Hortas do and how they speak. Her matrix changed, growing more fully realized and more beautiful every nanosecond.
As their main phalangi gently caressed and twined in a gentle dance between them, he told her all the details that had been passed down to him of how the Federation had found Janus, the great and wise Spock, the Venerable Mother with no way to speak to the miners and forced to defend herself and her eggs, and of the Chamber of the Ages containing the Vault of Tomorrow. He told her all about his wish to explore the universe, of joining Starfleet, and of the need to protect the Federation planets and their home of Janus from the depredations of Doenitz. He told her of the stories of the first Horta who began the Way of Truth and her great compassion and love. He told her many of the stories that had been recorded and carved onto the tunnels and caves of his home planet.
After all this he paused. “Welcome to being a Horta, Oona. I wish you long life and many hatchings. Let us find you something to eat.”
(Reply Any)
(Posted by Sheila)
Maraht's Calisthenics Program
Mission: Port of Call
Day 5
Stardate: 2407.02.21
(USS Mystique – Holodeck 1 - Asst CSO Ensign Maraht - 1939
The doors to the holodeck swooshed opened letting out a blast of heat. Maraht let it wash over him; it felt so good. Too bad the Klingons were not allowed to stay to work out with him.
Wistfully he looked around the transformed holodeck. With nostalgia he studied the bubbling pools of acid sending up great clouds of noxious gases, the lava lake nearby popping and belching and the other hot lake off in the distance surrounding a distant churning volcano, the sudden startling music of hot geysers that swirled and gushed nearby, and the sizzling spires of rock that occasionally cracked and tumbled about him. The red colored sun in the sky cast everything in a blood tinged light.
Maraht was like any of his species, normally peaceful. But with the Federation at war with itself, he felt it necessary to challenge himself and keep on his tactical ‘toes’ as much as possible. So periodically he would do a more strenuous workout such as this one. No single workout of his was ever the same.
For now all was quiet. But that was about to change. “Computer level two, Maraht program beta gamma one. Start program.”
In the distance there was a roar. Maraht scurried around and began tunneling near the base of an exceptionally large thick rock spire. Within seconds he was through the crust and under the rocky spire waiting quietly.
The ground shook. A great monstrous reptilian creature with a large body and powerful hind legs and tail, huge jaws and teeth, beady cunning eyes, and tiny front forelegs came crashing through past the rocky spires. It stopped and was quiet, sniffing the air suspiciously.
Maraht was able to detect where it was and when it stopped. He burrowed quickly and carefully. The spire vibrated and small chunks rattled off its sides. Maraht stopped listening. The great creature roared and came closer, seeing movement. Maraht continued tunneling under the base and just before the spire came down he burrowed out of the way in time. The spire went crashing right into the beast’s great head and cracked its skull. It went down with a thunderous roar and pulled down some of the more fragile rock spires with it.
For a moment, the quiet returned. Then a great snarling cry came from the sky. Maraht came up from the below ground and sat in the tunnel mouth. A large flying creature sailed up above on great leathery wings and was followed by three more. It had a long beakish snout with fangs, scaly looking skin and two powerful back legs for gripping and tearing prey. The fingerlike talons in the middle of its wing ridges were useful for pinning down anything living, before tearing it to shreds with its razor-sharp teeth.
All four of the creatures descended on the great slain beast and began voraciously tearing it to shreds to feed. Maraht waited for them to become sated and quietly backed down his tunnel. He began to burrow again, and tunneled in the direction of the large dead carcass, deep underground. He began to criss cross underneath the enormous dead creature only about 10 feet below the surface to weaken the ground below it. It wasn’t long before the body crashed through the ground to the pit below that Maraht had created. The creatures started up in fright, but were not about to leave such a feast. They settled to feeding once again.
Maraht was about to grab one of the flapping leathery creatures from the side wall of the pit to pull it into a tunnel and trap it, but halted. The ground began vibrating in an enormous earthquake. The rocky earth around him convulsed like a living thing and a crack opened up near the dead carcass. Maraht scurried out to the top of the ground in order to preserve his rocky carapace by staying away from any possible lava flows. Though he could tolerate great heat, he did not push the holodeck safeties to their limits and opted to steer clear of any of the melted flowing rock. The flying reptiles ignored the earthquake and kept feeding, tearing out great chunks of ichoric meat.
Sure enough the lava began to pour out and headed for the pit Maraht had created as the lowest point. It cascaded over the edge and fell on the dead carcass and the greedy flying reptiles. They hardly had time to snarl or cry out before the lava covered them in a glowing hot red and orange hissing pool. Maraht left them to their fate and journey deeper into the hostile world.
NRPG: Perhaps this is the real reason why the dinosaurs died out. There could have been Hortas around at the time......!
(Reply none or any IYW)
(Posted by Sheila)
Maraht Gets Mad
Mission: In the Hands of an Angry God
Day: 13
Stardate 2407.03.19
(USS Hades, Phlegathon – Deck 5, Corridor - ACSO Ensign Maraht, Subaltern Na'Goresh'Niman - 1825)
Maraht moved swiftly down the corridor on silent phalangi tip. He peeked his main phalange tip around each corner, and finally came to the aft quadrant near section 9 to the Phlegathon's Engineering. These were extra large enemy, or at least to Maraht they seemed extra large, outside of Engineering and they appeared to be on guard. The patrol that he had decimated a few minutes ago hadn't been very quiet.
Pulling back behind the corner, Maraht sent another silent message to Security and the Bridge. "Bridge and Phlegathon Security, this is Ensign Maraht. I am in section 8 on Deck 5, spying down the corridor. This group of enemy may be tougher. Their armor looks more heavily powered than the last group that I…..uh…..ran over. I would prefer to engage this group with help from our Security. If they could be on the other end of the corridor, we could catch them between us and probably stop them."
-/\-Understood, Maraht. Proceed with caution,-/\- Baylon's voice responded.
Niman was monitoring the situation with growing irritation. They had finally breached the outer bulkheads only to discover a barrier field blocking any further attempt at entry. As a pair of his men worked to bypass the field by cutting out the emitters, Niman was monitoring the progress of the remainder of his force.
A group of Marines had been wiped out by a living rock and Niman wondered if the report that he had received was accurate or simply the delusional description of a wounded soldiers. He didn't have very long to wait before the truth became apparent.
"Subaltern, I am detecting a silicon based lifeform just ahead and around the corner," one of the Immortals reported.
"Are you certain?" he asked. While he knew such a species could theoretically evolve, in all their battles and conquests they had never encountered a silicon based life form.
"As certain as I can be, sir. The scanners indicate it highly likely that the readings I am receiving are constructed along a coherent silicon and metal structure and should be theoretically capable of producing and sustaining biochemical life."
Niman found the answer ambiguous at best, but accepted it for what was meant; I think so.
"Set your weapons to maximum yield," he ordered the Immortals over the encrypted commchannel. Then did so himself.
Down the hallway around the corner, Maraht was doing his own preparations, using the Phlegathon's scrambled and encoded channel, again on silent mode. "Ensign Harrod, I am down section 8 aft quadrant deck 5. Can you sneak down here and position yourself down the corridor from me without them hearing you?"
-/\-Yes, I can Ensign Maraht. I am here with Ensign T'Vall. We are very close to your position. We have the heavier phaser rifles.-/\-
"Good," sent back Maraht silently. "I think you are going to need them. This bunch looks more heavily armed. This group's armor has some electronic components. Expect the unexpected. Remember to shoot higher if I am engaging the enemy."
In only a few seconds, Maraht's vox silently received the signal that they were in position. "Start shooting!" he sent. At the same time he charged for the invaders.
As before time seemed to slow. After having had practice at dodging weapons fire, Maraht found he was getting better at it. Pain was a swift, though merciless teacher. Dodging back and forth through the wide corridor, Maraht shot with his own phaser until he could work his way close enough to engage them. When he got closer, he would discard the phaser in favor of his own personal style of combat.
Oddly, his phaser was having little effect on this group, but it made for an interesting distraction. When his phaser blasts hit them, as they made no effort to move, they glowed with a light around them. ~Personal armor shields!~ The more powerful phaser rifles had to be draining the power supply packs on them. He could see the power slowly beginning to wain. "Keep shooting!" shouted Maraht, not bothering with stealth now. He danced back and forth and kept shooting occassionally for those smug faces and shot more for the floor under their feet. If they were going to keep standing there, he was determined to make it hot.
Ensigns Harrod and T'Val had the same thought and began to melt the floor beneath the invaders feet with weapons fire as well.
Niman recognized the danger immediately. His tactical coordinator had been so focused on the silicon life form that he had failed to notice the other enemy troops move into firing positions.
When the firing started, he had been worried at first. But the shields of the combat armor absorbed the blasts with little difficulty. His own barrier shield shimmered in a rainbow of color as an enemy weapons blast struck his chest plate.
He raised his weapon and prepared to fire, when suddenly a blob-like creature rounded the corridor ahead of his assault team and charged his men.
He shifted his aim and fired, but watched in amazement as the creature slipped sideways in the wide hall and his shot missed.
The creature must have become aware that his weapons were ineffective against the suits barrier shields as he suddenly shifted his fire to the floor. Niman recognized the danger immediately as the floor began to glow.
"Spread out! Concentrate your fire on the silicon lifeform!" he ordered.
Contrary to his own orders however, he accessed the targeting subroutine for the suit and selected the explosive projectiles option for his weapon.
He took aim down the length of the corridor and fired three short blasts from the weapon, launching three magnetically contained plasma charges into the enemy firing position.
The first round exploded, ripping a hole in the wall of the inner corridor. Niman knew the tactic was dangerous since he did not know the volatility of the equipment in the areas adjacent to the corridor. The second and third plasma charge went off and the firing from the heavy phased enemy riflemen stopped.
But by that time, the silicon lifeform was among the front rank of his men wreaking havoc. The immortals, while no strangers to hand to hand combat with the enemy, found themselves dealing with a creature that did not have the body structures that their training had told them to exploit.
There were no eyes, limbs, genitals or head to speak of. It was a rock with no discernable weakness. There was nothing to indicate where he should fire, so Niman selected the only discernable structure that the creature had: A mechanical device attached to its surface.
He lowered his weapon and fired at the device that he assumed kept the silicon creature a slave to its master race. The device exploded in a shower of molten metal and shrapnel, but the creature did not pause for a single instant.
~Perhaps the creature was fighting on its own behalf.~
"Pound your armored fists into the top of its body," he commanded, then watched as his Immortals complied.
Agony tore through Maraht when his vox exploded. Fully incensed with loathing and disgust at such contemptible creatures, Maraht moved even faster, knocking down and acidifying as quickly as possible with a terribly cold detachment. He worked, even in his struggles, to get to the one whose insignia and person the others were guarding.
From behind Maraht came more weapons fire that looked like phaser blasts from their own security forces. They were aiming higher in an effort to not hit Maraht. Maraht kept up his attack. When the enemy forces mistakenly thought they could hurt him by pummeling him, he grimly laughed to himself and whipped around more corrosive acid, redoubling his efforts to decimate their forces. He shifted and danced, raising and leaping with a ferocity and speed of which even he had not known he was capable. ~They will NOT take my ship! They WILL be stopped here!~ raged Maraht in relentless fortitude.
The corridor was awash with smoldering acid and steaming piles from Maraht's deadly embrace. Immune to his own acid, he slid in it, using it to increase his speed, crushing a helmeted head here and smashing a limb there, all the while hearing the screams from his prey when his rush of acid dissolved and melted as he performed his toxic ballet.
He could see their power packs for their armor of those still standing, steadily draining away and hoped the Phlegathon's security forces would keep up their attack. At least half were now left upright. More weapons fire came from the other end of the corridor, distracting them as Maraht did his grisly work, further draining the enemy's personal force shields. He jumped and shifted, watching with care how they shot and moved, ramming, crushing and exuding his terrible kiss of death.
Niman was amazed that a rock could cause such mayhem. The creature slammed against his armored immortals with a vigor that could only be described as bloodlust. His men fell under the mass of the beast and acid washed over them. Their barrier shields failed under the mass of the creature and once that happened the acid quickly burned its way through the hardened Tritanium/Duranium alloy.
The Immortals died screaming as the acid dripped through the newly formed gaps in their armor and dissolved their flesh. Niman was appalled.
He backpedaled until his barrier shield made contact with the force field beyond the door that his men had already cut through.
There was a sudden pop, as the forcefields interacted and the field that had been blocking the doors a moment ago was suddenly gone. His own barrier field was significantly drained but intact.
"Fall back through the hatch," he ordered then led the way.
He knew better than to hope that the enemy wouldn't have troops on the other side of the door. As he turned, his barrier shield shimmered as a series of bright phased energy bursts struck him.
He cleared the entry door to allow more of his men through. He turned his weapon at one of the aliens and smiled in glee as he fired. The smaller unarmored creature flew backwards as the gravitons flash boiled his cells. He died instantly.
Half of his remaining force managed to enter into the engineering compartment and began to return fire against the compartments defenders. The other half was trapped by the continued attack of the silicon life form.
Niman made a decision. He'd have no choice but to sacrifice the portion of his bodyguard that did not nor could not respond to his order quickly enough.
He activated a graviton mine and placed it on the inside of the hatch. He stepped away from it and watch as the device armed itself, its personal barrier shield springing to life to protect it against ranged attack.
-/\-Subaltern, we will begin transporting you and your men back to the Bloody Gauntlet at once,-/\= his suit communications device buzzed.
A moment later, he and his men, alive and dead, were once again on the assault deck of the Bloody Gauntlet.
Though Maraht saw the enemy retreat through to Engineering, he knew he could not stop or these genocidal killers might kill or kidnap more of his fellow crew members. So he kept up his assault on the boarding party, in an effort to do as much damage as possible. There were too many in the way as he tried to fight his way through to Engineering, so he resorted to running them over like a small rocky armored tank. Abruptly to his surprise, he saw them all disappear. ~They retreated?~ he thought dazed with exertion and no small amount of triumph.
Then the graviton mine exploded. The deafening blast grabbed him and slammed him into the bulkhead, just outside Engineering. He smashed into the crumpling wall and left a sizeable dent. He both heard and felt the sickening crack as his carapace hit, smashing off several sizeable chunks. The blast dropped him upright, though it left him stunned.
It became very dark and blessedly quiet.
(Reply any)
(Posted by Sheila Mayer and Daniel Greene)
To Join In and Play
Maraht the Horta is played by herbalsheila via the Star Trek: Freedom universe.
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