Niles George
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Ensign (jg) Niles George | |
Name: | Niles George |
Rank: | |
Awards: | None |
Gender: | Male |
Species: | Human |
Age: | 26 |
Position: | Tactical/ Assistant Security Chief |
Ship: | USS Boudicca |
Status: | Active |
Ensign (jg) Niles George is currently working on the USS Boudicca as the Tactical/ Assistant Security Chief. Under the command of Captain Susan Rivers.
Physical Description
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Height: 6'0
Weight: 155
Blood Colour: Red
Skin Colour: Tan
Physical Description: He has blue eyes, tan skin, and brown hair. He also has just a few freckles and has a round nose. He has average size ears and a slightly small mouth. He has perfect posture and normally stands with his hands clasp behind his back. His hair is some what short, but not to short. Long, but not to long.
Family and Background
Niles was born in San Francisco, California, Earth on Stardate 2382.11.03. He grew up as an only child and their life was anything, but ordinary. Niles's mother, Lonna George, died when he was just a young boy, about age 7, and it was just his father and him.
After the death of Lonna, Niles's Father, Neil George, was never the same. Neil never was much of a talker after the death. Neil was a Admiral in Starfleet and they always had to move for new assignments. Eventually they were assigned to a place on Earth long enough for Niles to go to school. Niles enjoyed school and was a very smart student. He did it to impress his father, which had little effect.
After graduating, Niles followed his father's tracks into Starfleet. Soon his 3rd year had past and one day, he had received word that his father was in a severe attack. Niles's father died on Stardate 2403.07.21, from a fatal last attack of Cardassian ships.
Niles has always had a bad side, but he is friendly and kind, most of the time. He is very short tempered of unorganized people or work places, always has. Which he probably inherited from his father. He has a great sense of humor and can make anyone laugh if he wanted to. Maybe even a Vulcan.
Educated at Grand Howell School on Earth, while his father was still stationed on Earth. Niles was always a good kid in school. He rarely got in trouble and was the top of his class. He did most of his work to make an impression on his father. Niles's father was still troubled over the death of his mother. After Graduation, Niles applied for Starfleet Academy. Which got his father's attention.
Pre-Starfleet History
Before moving to Starfleet Academy, Niles was busy helping his father pack for his new assignment. Niles stayed in San Fansico to go to Starfleet Academy. So him and his father said goodbye and that was the last time they saw each other. Until the funeral, that is.
Starfleet History
Starfleet Academy
Niles's first year at Starfleet Academy was anything, but special. It started with getting lost on campus, moved on to forgetting of what his classes were, and finally continued to dowsing during studies. The second year was better, but harder assignments in classes. He at least knew where he was going and was on top of things.
The third year was nothing out of the usual until that unforgettable day. The day Niles was told that his father was killed. The last day he saw his father, alive. From a Cardassian attack, Niles's father was injured and through a long range two-way conversation his father said his last words before passing away. (See History) After the death of his father, Niles was more determined than ever about finishing Starfleet Academy to honor his father's memory.
Finally, after four years, Niles graduated from Starfleet Academy. He graduated 2nd out of 2,981 cadets and with great honours. His fourth year he held the record for marksmanship and unarmed combat. Also, he was giving a chose of any ship in Starfleet.
He was assigned as Asst. Tactical/ Security Chief with the rank of Ensign(jg) to the USS Paladin, which had just been launched under the command of Captain Straton.
Assignment 1: USS Paladin
Niles arrived on the USS Paladin after the ship and crew were trapped hundreds of light years from home, in their previous mission. (The Unexpected Odyssey: The Sphere) He was shocked to here the story. Soon after he gotten aboard, he learned that they were still in refit for awhile. Which didn't make it anymore interesting.
Mission 1
Mission: Mjolnir's Fury
Stardate: 2407.06.23
On Stardate 2407.06.23. Captain Straton announced that the Paladin’s next mission will be to rendezvous with the 21st Task Group and lead it against Doenitz’s forces in the liberation of Betazed. The crew was excited about a potential end to the Civil War and started battle exercises while they were traveling to the Kalandra sector. En-route, a new science officer was revealed to be a traitor and the crew must figure out what damage he had done. The Paladin arrived at the rendezvous and the Battle Group headed toward Betazed. (More is in the Database)
Niles was only on the USS Paladin for one mission, until he was reassigned to the USS Boudicca.
Assignment 2: USS Boudicca
Niles arrived on the USS Boudicca while Captain Sevant was in command, but sadly he was busy with his suspected treason case. Instead, Acting Commanding Officer Archibald Stakes was taking his place at the time being.
Mission 1
Mission: A Blast from the Past
Stardate: 2408.04.27
Mission 2
Mission: Swords to Ploughshares
Stardate: 2408.05.20
The USS Boudicca had a new CO arrive after the surprising arrest of Captain Sevant. Captain Susan Rivers and the gallant crew of the Boudicca have departed on a new adventure. Turning "Swords to Ploughshares" may prove more challenging than they would have realised...
The Boudicca's new Captain, Susan Rivers, was under orders to take the ship on a mission of exploration. Their first destination was the Tobias System, containing a planet with a pre-warp culture which is technologically analogous to mid-20th century Earth although with a very different sociological and political infrastructure. But the last survey of the system was some 40 years ago.
Mission 2: Day 1
The USS Boudicca's Senior Staff were called to the Observation Lounge for a mission briefing at 1000 hours. Niles was general busy, but decided to come along. During the meeting Captain Rivers had made all the officers introduce themselves for future reference and continued on to briefing them on the mission. After the meeting, Niles, had informed Lieutenant (jg) Detron Trei of three missing Type-III Phaser Rifles that Niles had found missing. Lt. Trei had given Niles the go-a-head to do an investigation.
Niles had spent the whole morning questioning people for if they might know the location of the rifles. He had gotten down the end of the list of possible people to know, but without success. He had come to the last name on the list, Crewman 1st Class Alan Davis. There was no answer, so Niles decided to enter the room as a Security Emergency. While searching the room, he had found information of the ship's Self-Destruct Codes. But unfortunately, he was struck in the head and had passed out.
He awoke to have found the missing phasers up against a room wall, but the only problem was he was chained to a chair and barely conscious. He soon found out that Alan Davis was planning to use the Self-Destruct Codes to blow up the USS Boudicca and the pre-warp cultured planet. There he was knocked out again.
Luckily, a Security Officer named, Chief Petty Officer M'Ren, had been curious to Niles's location for that long time and had begun a search. It had taken some time to locate, but soon later, M'Ren had discovered where Niles was. Her and a security rescued Niles from the band of rebels.
Finally, Niles was brought to Sickbay and the rebels were arrested. Crewman 1st Class Alan Davis, Hegemon, Pherom, and Jeff Burgh were all arrested.
~More Coming Soon~
Current Assignment:
Assistant Tactical/ Security Chief, USS Boudicca Mission: Swords to Ploughshares
Medical History
Several trips to the Sickbay, here and there, but on Stardate 2408.05.20, Niles, was sent to Sickbay after been held hostage and struck in the head many times.
Can lift very heavy objects, smart, and good marksmanship. Although, doesn't have the greatest social skills.
Hobbies & Interests
Niles likes to:
Go have a drink with fellow officers
Do his work during off-duty
Listen to music
Visit the holodeck
General Notes
Has no children, spouse, or pets. He does like to collect rare artifacts. Such items as: rare wines, fossils, and plants.
None yet.......
Niles George is played by Niles George.