"Here I am, out here on the cutting edge of quantum uncertainty. Grappling with the imponderables. May I have the envelope please so I can push it?" -- Lily Tomlin as 'Trudy'
"Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go." -- Herman Hesse
"Mr. Kim, we're Starfleet officers. Weird is part of the job" -- Janeway (Deadlock)
"Fondest greetings to you all! A few instructions just before rehearsal starts: Carlotta must be taught to act ... ...not her normal trick of strutting round the stage. Our Don Juan must lose some weight -it's not healthy in a man of Piangi's age. And my managers must learn that their place is in an office, not the arts. As for Miss Christine Daae . . .No doubt she'll do her best - it's true her voice is good. She knows, though, should she wish to excel she has much still to learn, if pride will let her return to me, her teacher, her teacher... Your obedient friend... ... and Angel ..."
About Lori
Those who have met my character Lo'ren T'Vof know some about me already, as she is based upon me. For those of you who don't know my character(s), sit back and read the story.
I am the youngest member of my immediately family - though I have a plethora of cousins and I have a niece and a nephew. I hold my family very dear to my heart and when I manage to get away from my busy life I give the greatest hugs to those I love deeply.
I was born and raised, and continue to be a Roman Catholic. I do hold dearly to my faith, but don't make that scare you off. I have no desire to convert others - as long as they are not attempting to convert me! I do so love a good solid ecumenical discussion. If you are looking for something faith based to scare you off, perhaps this next tidbit may do such: I am in the process of becoming a Religious Sister (a Nun), though not a Cloistered Religious.
I am the only member of my family (almost) to have any musical inclination - though I am trying to convert my nephew. The only others are my father's father and my mother's cousin. The rest are hopeless musically. I am most fond of Choral singing and when I have been unable to be in a choir I have languished horribly.
Currently I am struggling to return to active singing after an extended absence. I have lost several notes off the top of my former vocal range and need a new vocal coach to regain them. For those of you who know music I am a first soprano and was able to hit B5 regularly and C6 occasionally, but now am struggling to hit A5 without strain.
I sometimes find great humour in the fact that I am, in general, the most musically inclined member of my family. Why, you might ask? Ah, well, I am Hard of Hearing. I wear, and have worn since I was two years old, Hearing Aids. With out my 'ears' I am unable to hear in any sort of normal range.
Lo'ren T'Vof
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This player has a character stationed aboard USS Hades! |

Viskhard the Denobulan
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This player has a character stationed aboard USS Hades! |