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A species encountered by the USS Hades at Beta Seranis III.

Myenru ships.jpg

Racial Characteristics

Physiology and appearance

Myenru are stocky and typically range in height from 4 1/2 to 5 feet though

some may get taller. Myenru up to 5 1/2 feet in height are not unknown.

Physically they are similar in some ways to Klingons with the obvious serrated

appearing brow ridges of the upper forehead. Myenru tend to possess a very

full head of hair. Hair color runs the gamut of dark colors, from dark browns

and reds to black with some tawny blonds thrown into the mix for variety.

Facial hair is also highly prized by the males. Myenru also may color their

hair wildly for parties and religious festivals.

The average Myenru is a bipedal humanoid averaging a height ranging from 4’6”

to 5’0” in males of the species and 4’4” to 4’10” for the females of the

species. The weight of the average Myenru is greater than might be expected,

due to the lower cellulite to muscle ratio than possessed by most other

species, with the males of the species possessing exceptionally dense


As with most bipedal creatures in the universe, the Myenru possess a five-digit

pair of hands with oppositional thumbs, and pair of five-digit feet. All of

the limbs of the average Myenru are capable of the same ranges of motion as

their Terran counterparts.

Physiological Notations

The Myenru Body possesses all of the organs that are possessed by most higher

order sentient species. This includes all of the major internal organs, and the

physiological functions of those organs. Study indicates that the most

important internal organs possess some innate redundancy. This can be seen in

the structure of the heart muscle which possesses five chambers. The fifth

chamber is usually at rest unless the Myenru is threatened or suffers from a

medical deficiency of another portion of the heart. In the case of the threat

response, the fifth chamber activates to increase blood flow to the body

thereby increasing muscular strength and endurance. In the event of

degenerative or damaged heart chambers, the fifth chamber runs constantly to

pick up the deficiency caused by the damaged portion of the heart muscle.

In addition to a larger redundant heart, the Myenru also possess a larger and

more efficient liver. This is indicative of the species ability to consume

foods and other contaminated sources of nourishment with out unwanted side

effects. The efficiency of the liver makes the species resistant to natural

ingested poisons and toxins.

The Myenru have a very active immune system which is constantly on the lookout

for invasive “non-native” agents. Such agents may include bacteriological or

viral agents, cancerous cell growths, or invasive materials such as drugs or

chemicals that could cause the “death” of the body. This highly evolved immune

response is suspected to account for the longer lifespan of the Myenru.

Reproductive Data

Myenru reproduce through copulation, which requires a male and a female of the

species to propagate their race. The reproductive cycle is identical to that

of most mammals. This cycle occurs only once every two years and each pair of

Myenru produce approximately 4 offspring in their lifetimes. The Myenru females

carry their developing offspring for a term of 18 standard months. After which

time the young spend 10 years as young children and 4 as an adolescent before

becoming an adult of breeding age. The parents of the Myenru species are very

attentive to the needs of their offspring. Once the young reach sexual maturity

at the age of 14 years they are drawn into the society as a functional members

of the species. Myenru normally establish consistent life-long breeding mates.


The Myenru race possesses a rich and vibrant history filled with warfare,

marvelous artistic ages and periods of rapid technological advances. As a race

the Myenru are naturally unwilling to accept other cultures, beliefs and

points-of-view, and they instinctively distrust most other species. The Myenru

people possess a great deal of aggression as a whole and naturally make

excellent soldiers and police. Myenru culture is carefully organized around the

heredity castes that developed on their homeworld. This organization is present

throughout their history and cultural identity.

The Ancient Myenru believed that a God created them for the purpose of warfare.

They generally believe that they are prefect in their design, and therefore

constantly strive to prove their superiority. This is done through Military

conquest and when necessary, completel genocidal eradication of their

opponents. The Myenrus hold military rank and honors as a high privilege, and

maintain several thousand schools of military science.

The Myenru Race have experienced several violent periods of warfare as a


Myenru Anthropologists believe their species to have originated on their world

in the last 300,000 years. Early Myenru were efficient hunters, capable of

sustaining themselves in a brutal and competitive environment. Early

Excavations indicate that the Myenru mastered the concepts of stone tools and

basic lift principles within 1,000 years of their appearance on the planet. The

many artifacts recovered from these sites included crude flight capable

children’s toys, advanced spear slings, and indications that they had developed

the lever and wheel as tools.

After a period of several thousand years, the Myenru evolved from the Stone Age

into the Metal Age. This period in their history is characterized by the sudden

appearance of metal tools. These tools were usually improvements upon the same

basic tools that had seen heavy use during the Stone Age. This period of Myenru

history is also the time when the first Hierarchical organization is seen.

Ancient Burial Sites indicate that a series of social evolutions also took

place in the organization of the Myenru. And although there is no empirical

evidence to the fact, it is widely believed that it is in this period of time

that the Myenru first showed signs of organized religion.

After further social development, roughly 10,000 years, we begin to see the

distinct trappings of civilization. This is evidenced by the sudden appearance

of art, language and writing. It is believed that the Myenru organized

themselves into clans during this period of time. The stimuli that caused this

sudden social organizational shift are unknown, but it is suspected that the

need to protect their individual resources became of paramount concern. It is

during this period in their history that we begin to see the organized military

competition for resources that will come to characterize the Myenru Culture for

thousands of years.

For the next 6,000 years of Myenru development, we see a distinct advancement

in woodworking, pottery, ceramics, stone masonry, agriculture, animal husbandry

and military technology. Additionally we see the first development of religious

philosphy and moderately advanced governmental science. These developments

combined to create a primitive city-state civilization.

A series of Wars and religious upheavals reformed the Myenru society, their

ability to adapt quickly to military and social change and to adopt a unified

religious belief system, allowed even greater social and scientific development

to take place. Unlike most races, the Myenru never really approached a level

of social disorder that threatened their survival. This time of warfare and

religious conflict is called “The Subjegation”. This period of Myenru history

is the most hectic, and rapidly developing. During this time, their concepts of

religion, medicine, philosophy and science lead the way to the future. It was

also during this time that the Prelates established their roles in society.

the Myenru entered into a series of astounding technological breakthroughs.

With the discovery of microbiology, the basic concepts of Medical Disease

Transmission, and the base concepts of physics; the Myenru significantly

reduced their mortality rates, established larger urban centers and developed

industrial manufacturing. These techniques were already underway, and in

widespread use, while the Greek city-states still struggled for supremacy on


It is not certain when the Myenru developed powered space flight, but it is

clear that they rapidly developed warp technology. The subsequant expansion of

the Myenru was undertaken by the Religious Caste. When the Myernu encountered

their first sentient non-Myenru species, they conducted a religious crusade

against them and subjugated them. These slave races would serve in various

positions inside the newly formed Myenru Empire. Later those species that would

be encountered and would offer any sort of resistence to the Myernu religious

system would be pacified. This entailed their complete genocidal destruction.

Myernu starships began to be produced for the sole purpose of expanding the

Myernu religion among the stars.

Major Events In Myrenu History

First Contact with the Federation

"Stardate 2407.03.08. Captains log; supplemental. While leaving the orbit

of Beta Seranis III an alien fleet was noted entering the system, this alien

fleet has split into two groups and is approaching our position near the

asteroid belt outside the orbital plane of the fourth planet. All attempts to

hail them have gone unanswered and their intent is quite obviously that of

attacking the Hades. While Federation policy on first contact is inherently

peaceful I have no logical alternative other than to fight, though they are

technologically inferior their numbers make them a danger to the ship. Let the

record show that this is done on my own recognizance with full awareness of the

circumstances and Starfleet regulations. I will not allow them to destroy this

ship and kill over 8,000 of Starfleet's finest officers and personnel. Captain

out." - Captain Saleke, CO USS Hades.

The Myenru made first contact with the Federation on Stardate 2407.03.08, when

a Myenru war fleet led by High Fleet Commander Mar’lor’garon was sent by the

High Prelate Mor'Lor'Shel'Shabaz to investigate the prolonged silence from the

Myenru colony of Ger'sha'san at coordinates 22554630. This Colony turned out to

be Beta Seranis III. The USS Hades was surveying the planet, which

showed no signs of colonization. This was later discovered that a species

called the Jobar had attacked the colony in an attempt to destroy the

Hyrangu watcher Megselif. The two species were at war with each other

and had inadvertently caught the colony in the middle.

The Myenru at the colony, as a last resort used their version of the [[Genesis

Device]] to destroy the attacking forces of the Jobar. This Genesis wave

completely destroyed all signs of the Myenru on Beta Seranis III.

When the Myenru attack fleet arrived, the found the Hades in orbit around the

planet they immediately assumed that the Hades was responsible for the

destruction of their colony. They attacked the Hades when Captain Saleke opened hailing frequencies in an attempt to make first contact. The

USS Hades retreated into an asteroid field where they remained hidden long

enough to conduct repairs. During the initial attack upon the Hades, the Myenru

deployed a Genesis Torpedo which caused extensive damage tot

he Hades as well as de-evolving several members of the ship's crew, including

Ensign Cynthia Darson.

Once the Hades was repaired, the ship split into trivector attack mode and

engaged the Myenru fleet. Although outnumbered, the Myenru were forced to


"Captain they have perfected the Genesis Device!" He shouted. "It's a

Genesis Torpedo!" ~ Lt. Holis Gralen, CSO USS Hades


  • Wars of Succession- There have been a large number of wars of succession in

the Myenru Empire over the last 1800 years. The most recent involved the

premature death of the father of the young First Prime Hel'Sham'Blac.

  • Wars of Subjegation- The Myenru empire encompases 30 major star systems and 80

minor star systems. Each of those major systems were forceibly subjagated. The

minor worlds are most likely colonies established as the Myenru expanded. It

was only recently that the Myenru began using their version of the [[Genesis

Device]] to completely destroy all those that refused to convert to the Myenru

faith and join their empire in a subserviant role. The last planet to be

subjegated was the world of Daggat which was destroyed somewhere around

stardate 2407.03.08 by the Myenru Fleet. it is possible that these campaigns to

eradicate other species was a personal agenda put forward by the High Prelate

Mor'Lor'Shel'Shabaz in an attempt to gain enough fame to become deified.

It was known that the Myenru had fought at least 10 sunjegation campaigns

within the current generations lifetime. the latest being that of the planet


"The blemish which was the world of Daggat is removed. It's forces are either

scattered or destroyed and the remnants are being sought after." -

Mar'lor'garon, Myenru High Fleet Commander.


"Korad nim obath od nima dok i nima toraqh'qui... (May you die with your

boots on and your bloodied sword in hand).

"Er korad nima nom vist enumerundem." (And may your name live in legend


- Common Military Drinking Salute

Myenru are a highly militaristic culture due primarily to their religious

beliefs and are heavily caste regimented. The warrior and priest castes

dominate the culture in every aspect. Women are unexpectedly treated well, but

are not allowed to maintain positions of authority within the ruling castes.

They may be recognized members of any lower caste and are highly prized by

their male counterparts regardless of which caste those males may occupy.

Children are born into castes but do have upward mobility, male children may be

recognized by one of the ruling classes as having special capabilities and

promoted after a period of training and testing. All Myenru males regardless of

caste are required to take at least rudimentary martial training after reaching

the age of 14. Those showing special promise have upward mobility.

The Imperial throne is handed down through hereditary bloodlines. Although the

bloodline controlling the throne has changed hands a number of times in the

last 1,800 years. High Prelate Mor'Lor'Shel'Shabaz believes he has a divine

right to rule. Although he can not sit upon the throne by law, he seeks to

dominate the throne by proxy. The only way for him to assume the throne

directly would be through civil war. The throne and High Prelacy have only been

combined once before and that through Mel'Kerah'Mesat'Hoku'Merak'Jela'Shan who

is recognized as the author of the Myenru faith.

The Leadership of the Priestly Caste is chosen by a religious council known as

the Arc Elders from among their number and is a lifetime position.

Children are born with given and family names but may acquire other names as

awards for exceptional feats such as conquests. it is customary to have

additional suffixed added to ones name as a sign of military or Religious


Which leads us to...


When darkness threatens to engulf your soul, show no mercy my children

for those who dwell in that dark need none. Entertain no other judgment in your


Be swift else your own heart wane and you falter for the dark will thrive

on the weak. But the flame of the righteous will destroy the dark with its

light and consume the vileness of the infidels even unto purification.

-excerpt from the Codices of "The Holy Purge

The Myenru people at one time worshiped numerous deities, due to

Mel'Kerah'Mesat'Hoku'Merak'Jela'Shan however the entire culture was forced into

monotheism. Any who refused to recant and embrace the one "Angry God" were

either conquered or killed. There were literally hundreds of deities and

although their names are no longer remembered, it is suspected that their names

would be exceptionally long, due to the dominate Myenru naming practices. The

High Prelate is the supreme religious figure chosen by the Arc Elders. Other

lesser priests are stationed according to need. The religious codices of the

priests are carried in phylacteries worn upon their persons at all times when

in public, these codices are the blueprints for the indoctrination of the

faithful and the destruction of any infidel races they may find. Possession of

religious literature or at the very least obedience to the codices is expected

of every Myenru. There is a punishment of death for merely possessing the

desire to leave the one true faith.

The Myenru people are a species filled with the pride and achievements of a

glorious and prosperous past.


The highest governmental level of the Myenru species is the Onyx Throne. The

Throne is controlled by the First Prime, or Primus, who is the effective head

of the Governmental body responsible for the secular development and well-being

of the Myenru people. The First Prime is the leader of the Myenru Military,

although recent developments have given the High Prelate a great deal of

control over the functions of the Onyx throne.

The Current First Prime is Hel'shem'blac. He assumed the throne with the

assistance of the current High Prelate Mor'Lor'Shel'Shabaz after his father

died prematurely and his four brothers threatened to thrust the Empire into

Civil War. The Primus is very young and is just now realizing that he was

manipulated into ceeding several critical powers to the High Prelate.

The Church of the Myenru is controlled by the High Prelate. The powers of the

church extend to the spiritual well-being of the population. The current

religion was established several centuries ago. The Victor of a religious

ideological conflict, failure to follow the precepts of the Myenru religion as

laid out in the Codexes is subject to execution.

At a more social level there are other forces at work. At the colonial level a

series of Cabinets, or offices, exist. All lower levels of government fall

under the secular jurisdiction of the Onyx Throne. The City Governors appoint

the controllers of these offices. Even the smallest towns possess these

political organizations. Each city government possesses a cabinet of Law;

Education; Trade; Resources; Civil Service; Transportation; Foreign Matters,

and Health. A minister who answers directly to the City Governor heads each of

these cabinets.

  • The Cabinet of Laws is responsible for the punishment of crime, the

maintenance of order, and the apprehension of fugitives.

  • The Cabinet of Education is responsible for the setting and maintenance of the

educational levels of the populace in their sphere of influence.

  • The Cabinet of Trade is responsible for the collection of taxes, establishment

of trade laws and agreements, and the monitoring of merchant houses.

  • The Cabinet of Resources is responsible for the collection and processing of

raw materials for use, and regulates all agencies that work in the mining,

chemical and manufacturing industry.

  • The Cabinet of Civil Service is responsible for the records and administration

of the populace. They work closely with the other cabinets.

  • The Cabinet of Transportation is responsible for the development, upgrade and

maintenance of all public transportation systems. They also regulate the

construction and operational requirements for private conveyances.

  • The Cabinet of Foreign Matters is responsible for the official diplomatic

functions of the area in which they serve. They maintain delegates, diplomats,

mediators and negotiators as needed.

  • The Cabinet of Health is responsible to enforce secular laws, and to maintain

medical standards for the population.

These cabinets are mirrored on the colonial and State level, with those

ministers responsible for the behavior and efficiency of the Ministers within

their Cabinet at the same level as well as those in a lower level of


All Colonial Governors are appointed by the First Primus; They in turn appoint

the State Governors, who in turn, appoint the City governors beneath them.

Each Governor is also responsible to appoint their cabinet Ministers.


Ship Construction

The technological level of the Myenru is approximately at the same level as

that possessed by the United Federation of Planets in the early to mid-2200's.

They possess regenerating shield technology, as well as duranium manufacturing

techniques. Shields were referred to as Force barriers.

"Our force barrier took heavy damage, but the back up relays are

regenerating it."

Terrible gashes opened in the duranium skin of the Wrath's hull

Propulsion Technology

The Myenru possess faster-than-light-drives although the means by which they

are powered is unknown at present, it is certain that it is not powered through

a Matter/Antimatter reaction.

The alien warship was apparently powered by some kind of

matter/antimatter conversion technology unknown in the Empire. The power curve

and residual energy of the infidel starship which called itself Hades - no

doubt the name has significance in their 'Federation' - indicates a heavy

reliance on a controlled matter and anti-matter intermix. -Excerpt from a

Report to the High Commander

"Our FTL is gone."


The Myenru possessed rapid cycling transporters.

"Initiating first transport." Called the operations officer. "First wave

sent, second wave initiating....Second wave sent...Third wave initiating

.....Third wave aboard, my Lord!"

Weapons Technology

Prior to their encounter with the USS Hades in 2407 the Myenru had not

encountered phased weapons. Additionally, their vessels were very heavily


"What the blazes did they hit us with?"
"So we feel the might of their phased weapons," the commander said in


Two of our five primary weapon arrays are destroyed, numbers three and

five. One, two and four are still intact, but that system is off-line. Torpedo

chutes one, seven and thirteen are heavily damaged.

The Genesis Device

A beep reminded Holis that is data was awaiting him so he turned back to

the secondary screen and looked down at the energy signature entitled "The

Genesis Energy Wave Device." The scientists that had been working on this

device over a century ago had developed it with the intent of terraforming

worlds, it was designed to molecularly break down then reconstruct the

elemental properties of a target planet, the details began to come back to him

as he glanced farther, time really was against him after all. The scientists

had used proto-matter in the energy matrix which was unstable and its results

were unstable as well, the target planet had after a short few weeks begun to

experience catastrophic convulsions that had led to its death which was a pity

since the matrix had turned it for a short while into a veritable paradise. The

next minutes seemed to pass with breakneck speed as he looked at the undulating

energy matrix displayed before him then at the matrix showing the energy

signature from the alien ship.

Holis brow began to bead with perspiration as he looked between the two

energy signatures, they were frighteningly similar, he tapped three buttons and

the two merged quickly on another screen, they were the same... except for one

small detail, the energy signature from the enemy ship was more stable,

snatches of conversations and reports from the last couple of days assaulted

him. "Paradise... a garden of Eden... perfection in planetary form...." And

what was it that the geological report had stated? "Amazingly rich but

strangely uniform in elemental composition down to a depth of several hundred

meters, obviously terraformed."

Holis gained his voice as the cry rang out that the weapon had been fired,

the energy trace had surged alarmingly telling him of the event before it had

been announced. "Captain they have perfected the genesis device!" He shouted.

"It's a genesis torpedo!"

Due to the belief in their divine duty they are quite willing to "Cleanse" a

planet of its inhabiting "infidels". This is a large part of their

effectiveness of expanding the scope of their imperial ambitions.

Stellar data:

The Myenru Empire spans 30 major and 80 minor star systems in the Beta

quadrant, Federation exploration has penetrated near the outskirts of inhabited

Myenru space as seen in the mission "In the Hands Of An Angry God"


the Myena system in the Beta Quadrant. A system of eight planets, the

fifth world is the Imperial home world. Binary stars are yellow (Major) and

blue-white (Minor). Myena V is Class M.

The Geological records of the Myenru Homeworld are very clear and distinct. The

various levels of the planet’s development are clearly legible in the crust

record of the world. Planetary Geologists have dedicated themselves to the

study and deciphering of the cryptic clues imbedded in the geological records

of the Myenru Homeworld. The planet has an incredibly strong magnetosphere.

Several Periods of geological activity has been identified and correlated with

the known tidal actions of the Myenru Binary Stellar system. These periods

clearly reveal a precise record of the events that helped mold the world on

which the Myenru live. Besides leaving a clear series of boundaries with which

modern Scientists can explore the natural history of the planet, a detailed

fossil record is also present in these layers. These records indicate the

height of life on the planet just prior to and immediately after each of the

major Stellar cycles of the Binary system and leave a tantalizing hint at the

events of the future to come.

The planet Myena V completes a revolution on its axis once every 12 standard

earth days. The pre-day period is called dawning, the full-day period called

day, the post day period called waning, and the night called darkness. Solar

storms and plasma strings often bombard the planet. These storms have been

known to last for decades and are considered one of the most beautiful sights

that the planet has to offer.

The year on Myena V is only 160 local days in length, with the seasonal

variances differing significantly over the entire planet, as the axis wobble is

70° off-center. Temperatures in the spring generally are mild, with a brisk

cold snap during the darkness. The summers on the planet are blistering hot,

with no appreciable atmospheric rainfall. The summertime is the time of

greatest solar storms. The autumns offer a nearly constant deluge of rain, and

as the vast majority of the planet surface is porous, there is very little

flooding. The winter seasons are bitterly cold, and most life on the planet

hibernates or is flash-frozen to await the thaw.

Throughout the geological history of the planet, there have been colossal solar

storms that have boiled away the atmosphere of the planet. Each of the three

times that this has occurred, simple bacteria have managed to survive and

recreate the atmosphere within a matter of years. The life forms of Keilt have

adapted their biological functions to withstand great levels of radioactivity,

and severe climatic changes.

It is only recently, within the last 130 million years that life on Myena V has

managed to evolve to a civilized level. This Life is extremely diverse and

equally deadly, with the predominant lifeforms, the Myenru; representing the

pinnacle of life on that planet.


Image by Roger Wackowski