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Mission Compile To: Admiral Birdsong Starfleet Diplomatic Crops, Federation Department of Species Relations Mrs Blackwood
From: Liaison Officer Aleese Akess assigned to BCSS Kodess
Security Conformation
Mission: Containment
Day: 1
Stardate: 2413.11.01
(BCSS Kodess – Akess Personal Quarters - Liaison Officer - Aleese Akess - 0212)
The sound of the alarm cut through her sleep like a hot knife through butter. Her eyes snapped open as she took in her surroundings of her quarters. She took a few breaths watching them mist up as they hit a coldness of the air around her.
“What time is it?”
She groaned as she glanced at the chronometer.
“Ow wonderful but Gal would not have gone to alert for nothing.”
She pealed back the covers, swung her legs over the side and on the floor in one fluid movement. She stood up as she felt the cold nip the exposed flesh of her face and hands. Not for the first time she was glad to wear thermal pyjamas in bad. She headed for the cupboard in the corner as the cold seeped through her thermals socks. She quickly pulled on a thick jacket and trousers before slipping into a pair of warm boots.
~There that’s more like it~
She looked at her self in the mirror as she headed for the door and was satisfied that she did not look too much of a state. The doors to her quarters hissed open as she stepped through. Standing out side was Sins her personal body guard. She had still not gotten use to having him as her personal shadow but it was one of the requirements for her being here so she could put up with it. She was tempted to ask her what was happening but she knew that he would not say so she just smiled courteously at him.
He replied with a slight nod as he fell at her shoulder as she gave a mental grin.
~Nice to know that she is chatty as normal~
With that she headed down the corridor for the nearest turbolift that would take them to the bridge.
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(BCSS Kodess – Bridge - Liaison Officer - Aleese Akess - 0223)
Aleese entered the bridge and saw that it was fully manned. She looked towards the view screen and frowned at what she saw. On the view screen she saw a large Breen starship. It was adrift slowly rotating off its axis, with debree billowing out of the hull.
~That’s a battleship wow it is huge~
She turned to Pred Gal and Kodess’s commanding officer.
“What’s happened to the ship?”
Gal looked over at her.
^The Angless has lost containment^
She followed his look back to the view screen.
“But how? It looks like its falling apart.”
There was a pause before Gal spoke.
^That is something we need to find out^
Aleese nodded. Breen ships were part biological if there was a way of getting to the biological part of the ship then the whole fleet would be compromised.
Her thoughts came back to the present as Gal stood up from his command chair and looked at her.
^We need to find out what has happened to the Angless. Lets go^
Alesee nodded as she followed Gal towards the turbolift with the ever present Sins as her shadow.
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(BCSS Angless – Bridge - Liaison Officer - Aleese Akess - 0245)
Aleese felt the transporter release her as she materialised on the bridge. She wore a tight fitting EVA suit which would not restrict her movement on board the ship compared to the bulkier SWIG suit. She instinctively glanced at the small heads up display which showed that the suit was not compromised. She then looked around the empty bridge it appeared to be mainly intact the only illumination was the starlight through the large hole in the ceiling and the torch lights attached to their wrists. She waited for the other members of the away to spread out before she moved to follow Gal as he stepped towards the command chair. She hovered by his side as he sat in the chair and tapped at the chair interface. She saw the glow of the interface lighting up as he pressed a quick sequence of commands.
^The ship is breached on all decks. There is minimal power in engineering and one of the science labs is drawing from an independent power source^
He stood up and looked around the bridge before looking at Aleese and Sins.
^Both of you go to the science lab and see if you can get any of the data. We will go to engineering and try and save the ship^
^Yes Sir^ She replied.
She turned and headed for a turbolift door at the far end of the bridge. She then inserted a small power cell and the door opened. She could see the darkness of the turbo shaft beyond.
~Well no time like the present~
She retrieved the power cell and swung herself into the dark void of the turbo lift shaft. She grabbed a rung on the emergency ladder that ran down the side of the turbolift shaft. She pushed her torch out in front of her as she pulled her self down into the watery darkness of the ship.
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(BCSS Angless – Science Lab - Liaison Officer - Aleese Akess - 0310)
Aleese and Sins stepped into the gloomy science lab. There was a flickering light over head which made strange dancing shadows on the walls as the entered. The room was large with rows of monitors lining the walls. In the centre there was wide pillar with a large window in its centre, it appeared to be drawing the power from what ever power source that was powering it. Aleese moved over to it and looked into the window. Inside the chamber there was a large grey sphere that looked biological was rotating in the centre. From the top of the chamber was a long tube descended into the grey matter. A pulse of green light ran down the tube and on to the grey sphere. As she watched a small part of the sphere flaked off.
^What is it^
She looked at Sins who was already at the controls brining up the data.
^ It looks like some kind of experiment….^
The floor shook and she grabbed the side of the pillar.
^Gal to Akess and Sins^
^Yes Gal^
^Time to leave. Containment is dropping there will be a breach imminently^
~Ow marvellous~
^Gal we have found the reason for the loss of containment^
^Good down load the information and get back to the Kodess^
She looked over at Sins who nodded as he turned back to the console, began to down load the information into a portable storage device he had grabbed from his uniform and inserted into a data port. An alarm sounded and a count down appeared on a console to her right.
~Ow this is not good~
^How long will it take to down load the information^
^It will take as long as it takes Ma’am^
~Sooner would be better~
^Akess to Kodess^
^Kodess here ma’am^
^Prepare to transport me and Trooper Sins on my mark^
Her eyes were drawn to the count down which was disappearing fast.
~Come on, come on~
She saw Sins disconnect the storage device and nodded. The count down reached zero and the ship exploded. She saw a hatch fly across the room and hit her in the side of the head. She staggered and fell down to one knee as the blood trickled down the side of her head.
^Now Kodess^
She felt the grip of the transporter as she blacked out.
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(BCSS Kodess – Akess Personal Quarters - Liaison Officer - Aleese Akess - 0525)
Aleese looked over as the doors to her quarters opened. Gal stepped into her quarters.
^How are you feeling^
She gave a small smile. She had been taken to the medical bay when they had returned to the ship. After being held in the medical bay for a couple of hours to make sure that there was no side effect she was released to her quarters for bed rest.
“I’m fine thank you. Did you find what happened to the Angless?”
^The data we have received from the science lab is very interesting. The grey sphere in the chamber was part of the *CLASSIFIED* class hull bio matter. The computer has classified the other material as a parasitic organism called *CLASSIFIED*. From what the computer says it seams that the organisms brakes down the biological part of the ships hulls^
~Ow hell. That is not good~
“Do we know where it came from?”
^The Angless found it in the *CLASSIFIED* system, from an alien probe which they brought on board. From what we find out there was a breach in decontamination protocol and the parasite took hold and quickly spread through the ship. The ship lost containment as the biological parts of its construction failed the ship decompressed and the crew died ^
“Is there any way of stopping it?”
^Not at this moment but we have all the data from the Angless which will be passed on to the Confederation. This information would cripple the fleet if it fell into the wrong hands^
Aleese nodded.
“If it could be weaponised every ship in the Confederation would be vulnerable.”
Gal nodded.
^That is why the information is under tight control. We are heading back to fleet headquarters to pass the information in person. This has become out top priority. Get some sleep you look like you need it ^
She nodded touched by Gals concern as he turned back to the door and left. She lay back onto the bed and closed her eyes.
~Sleep for a while at lest~
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