Free Booster Class
Free Booster Class Technical Specification
Since the disappearance of the 52 fleet there had been an increase of piracy on Federation and there allies shipping. This was due to the lack of tactical hulls to properly police the shipping lanes. The increase in pirate activity grew rapidly until the federation had to re-task front line vessels to try and begin clamp down on the pirates.
The Free Booster Class was one suggestion in trying to deal with the pirate threat. The SS Free Booster had been commissioned in 2410.02.16 as the classes test bed vessel. It was built from the hull plates up as a combat starship but would have all the appearance of a slow ponderous merchant star ship. The Free Booster Class had top of the range computer soft ware for electronic warfare. As well as the new compact flux photon cannons and phasers which were concealed in the ship’s hull. Status Pods concealed into one of cargo decks would be used to transport any pirates that were detained. The ships were also fitted with an experimental Mark V Chameleon Warp Drive which could mimic different types of merchant engine signatures. The hull had reactive hull plates which could change the ships marking and colour scheme.
The SS Free Booster on a mission to try and capture the infamous Captain Black the ship disappeared in notoriously dangerous the Labyrinth system. There was an extensive search of the system but all that was found of the Free Booster was a few bits of floating debris including part of the ships data recorder. It was officially logged as destroyed due to navigational error but unbeknown to Starfleet the Free Booster had been captured by Captain Black who had falsified the data recorder and crew killed. Captain Black took the Free Booster his base which was deep in the Labyrinth system and began retro fitting it. The Main Deck and deck A were kept the same but it was the lower decks which had the most changes. Deck B was stripped out and replaced with two disruptor cannons each with its own backup power generator which were hidden behind retractable hull panels. The status pods in deck C were expanded and additional power generators were added to cope with the extra power requirements. This was to give him more capacity to carry human cargo for the slave markets.
Since the Free Booster was recaptured and returned to Special Operations Some of the modification that had been done previously have been changed or added to increase her durability for her up coming missions. Mainly removing the status pods on C deck and replacing the space with a reserch and labratory sections. Also a small sickbay and shuttle bay was added into the port and starbord holds on that deck.
Technical Specification
Merchantman Original Specifications
(Test bed Modifications and Resent Modifications)
((Captian Black Modification))
Configuration: Merchantman (Tactical Research and Exploration)
Length: 150 meters
Width: 99.9 meters
Height: 42.9 meters
Decks: 4
Warp Engines
(Mark V Chameleon Warp Drive)
Cursing Speed: Warp 4
Maximum Speed: Warp 6
(Cursing Speed: Warp 8)
(Maximum Speed: Warp 9.982)
Impulse Engines
(Type IIV Impulse Propulsion System)
Power: Deuterium
No. Engines: 4
Defensive Systems
(Phaser Type: Mark XI)
(Phaser locations: Dorsal, Ventral, Fore and Aft)
((Disruptor Cannons: 2 Fore))
((Energy Dissipator Weapon: 1 Fore))
(Compact Photon Flux Cannons 1 Fore and 1 Aft)
Defensive Shields and Armour
Primary Shields: Type 2 navigational Shields
(Secondary Shields: Auto-Modulation Regenerative Shields)
(Tertiary Shields: Class X Auto-Modulation Shields)
(Armour: Standard Titanium Composite)
(Secondary Armour: Ablative Hull Armour with reactive plating)
Transporter Systems, Tractor Beam, and Sensors
Large Cargo (35 Man Equivalent): 6 (In cargo bays on decks A and C)
Tractor Beams: 1 Fore
Long Range Sensors: 25 Light Year Max Range
Takes 1 minute/per light year for intensive scan
Takes 1 second/per light year for standard scan
General scan is almost instant up to maximum range
Auxiliary Craft Carried
Argo Shuttle: 1
Escape Pods: 4
Crew Capacity
Normal Complement: Crew 8 Passengers 4
Maximum Complement: 12
Maxamum Emergancy Complement: 16
Misc System
(Holo emitters on all decks) (Common Room can be used as a holodeck)
Deck Plans
Main Deck
Bridge, Captain’s Quarters, Crew Quarters, Computer Cores, Bridge Cargo Bays 1-2 (Secure Computer Cores), Environmental Systems, Sensors, (Upper Phaser Banks)
Deck A
Common Room/ Holodeck, Cargo Deck A, Main Hold, Large Cargo Transporter, Port Hold, Large Cargo Transporter, Starboard Hold, Large Cargo Transporter
Deck B
Cargo Deck B, Main Hold, (( Power Generator, Power Dampeners)), Port Hold (Disruptor Cannon, Power Generator, Power Dampeners)) Starboard Hold, (Disruptor Cannon, Power Generator, Power Dampeners))
Deck C
Engineering, Cargo Deck C, Main Hold, Large Cargo Transporter (Research Section, Labratory Section), Port Hold (Sickbay,Opertaion Theatre, ITU, Medical Stasis Units, EMH) Large Cargo Transporter, Starboard Hold (Shuttle Bay), Large Cargo Transporter, Navigational Deflector Control
Storage Deck
Impulse Drive (Compact Photon Flux Cannon), Equipment Room, Sensors, Liquid Cargo (Compact Photon Flux Cannon), (Lower Phaser Banks)
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Free Booster Class |