Ode of Remembrance
MRD Lily Sloane NCC-1602 Launched 2413.04.15 Juggernaut Class Mobile Repair Dock |
The Mobile Repair Dock is the latest idea from star fleet engineering. Learning from experience during the Federation Civil War is was found that Starfleet did not have enough repair facilities to accommodate with the huge amount of battle damage star ships that were needed to fixed to get them back in to the fight.
Engineers working for Admiral LoDona started to think and design a mobile repair dock that could follow the battle fleets and perform repairs as the fleet advanced. This would reduce the time star ships were out of the battle due to their long transit time back to a dry dock facility. They began to build the repair dock but it was not completed before the end of the civil war. After the civil war the engineers transported the skeletal structure of the repair dock to Utopia Planeta ships yards and began to put its mighty resources to work on its completion.
It is a large structure with a habitation area along the top with ten articulated arms five on each side with closes around the ship that needs to be repaired. It is able to fit any size of ship inside its structure any from a Meredith Class Dreadnaught to a Talon Class Mission Scout. With power full tractor beams and docking clamps it immobilizes the star ship in side its protective embrace while its three massive impulse engines move it slowly though space while the repair work is performed. It is warp capable by a pair of retractable nacelles which are houses along the top of the habitation block.