Emily North
(Under Construction) See also Emily North (Utopia Planitia)
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Emily North | |
Name: | Emily North |
Rank: | http://www.startrekfreedom.com/images/pips1/yellowlt.jpg |
Gender: | Female |
Species: | Betazoid |
Age: | 27 |
Position: | Security Officer |
Ship: | None |
Status: | KIA |
Physical Description
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Black
Height: 5' 11
Weight: 117
Blood Colour: Red
Skin Colour: White
Physical Description: Not that tall, Emily makes up for it by being very good at her job. She has the ability to tell when people are lying and makes most people uncomfortable with her intensity. She is well built, and while not muscular is still very strong.
Family and Background
Emily North was the daughter of Reese and Luan Cingly of Betazed. They both died in a shuttle collision before Emily was born. She was delivered and saved by a starfleet doctor, Lt. Commander Gregory North who was on vacation at Betazed during the accident. When it became clear that she was not welcome within the remainder of her family due to her parent's elopement, Gregory adopted her and took her back aboard the USS Cher'ok where he was stationed. She spent the first seventeen years of her life with her adopted father, who as far as Emily was concerned was her father.
Her father was promoted to Commander when she was eight and transferred to the USS Brannock as first officer. Emily began exploring the ship, and eventually made friends with the ships Deltan securtiy chief, Lt. Commander Narram Prex, who took her under his wing. Emily began learning how to be a security officer, even being allowed to go on patrols with the security team.
By the time Emily was twelve her father had been promoted to Captain and given a ship straight out of the shipyards, the USS Prentiss. Captain North took the Brannock's security chief and several other security officers with him to the Prentiss, and Emily continued to learn from Prex. When Emily was fifteen her father was given a new ship, the USS Yattervol. Prex was promoted to the rank of commander and North took him as first officer. Emily finished all shipboard training and Prex sponsored her to the Deltan Tactical School where she learned tactics and combat techniques.
Eventually she applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted. She was also accepted into red squad for her tactical abilities. Her father continues to command the Yattervol along with Prex. The USS Yattervol is currently on station in Gorn Space helping the Gorn forces defend their territory from Doenitz's belligerence.
Pre-Starfleet History
She attended several tactical classes before deciding to join Starfleet in the tactical/security track. She graduated third in her class.
Starfleet History
She was attached to the diplomatic corp after becoming a lieutenant in Starfleet security. She was on Dacoral when civil war broke out and rescued James Guildford from a rebel ambush. They immediately became close friends, and eventually lovers. James asked Emily to marry him three times before she said yes. When James was captured by the Dacoralian Rebels, Emily took a Starfleet volunteer force out to rescue him. She was later captured by the rebels during a retalitory strike.
Even though Ambassador Richards was able to negotiate the release of the hostages, Emily refused to leave his side. Eventually her part in the rescue of her husband was discovered and Emily was tortured, beaten, burned alive, hacked into pieces and delivered back to her husband as a warning to any other Starfleet officers who were thinking of entering the war.
Medical History
Nothing of Note
None at this time