- Sheila, I know you like Wikipedia (you've linked a few wikipedia articles in our wiki) but have you ever seen Memory Alpha? Its a wiki for canon Trek. Its pretty neat. -- Kevin Schram
Yes, I have heard of it, but I couldn't get to it on Wikipedia. Thank you so much for the link, Kevin! -Sheila hey, love the arborians idea, may want to... appropraite (sp?) them for my own ends eventually... :) - Greg
No Greg, I would prefer that you not appropriate the Arborians for your own ends please. I haven't finished creating thier culture yet. I only have enough bare bones of them up to play in a viable manner. Thanks -herbalsheila
I'm baaaaaack. And better than ever. I pulled a muscle in my back, but I got over it, and the only thing wrong at the moment is my sleep apnia, which I have to have surgery for. Hopefully I can get my head back in the game and do good. Cheers! James...
nb "eventually" - User:Nymes
Hey Sheila,sorry ive been away ,so my name Ash is just short of Ashish which in hindi means Blessings. - Ash
Sorry, Sheila, I was busy with some RL stuff and forgot all about the newsletter. My mistake. - Kevin Schram