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<center><small> ''According to Jeremy - A burnt out 80`s rock star.''</small></center>
<center><small> ''Best. Processor. Ever.''</small></center>
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====Too Many Characters!====
ZOMG! I think I have too many characters! I '''KNOW''' I have too many characters, but all of them are special to me. Very special, *wink*

====Quotation of the Month====
====Quotation of the Month====

{{quote|You may say I`m a dreamer, but I`m not the only one | John Lennon - 1940-1980}}
{{quote|We all know Bill [William Shatner] is a little nuts... but George Takei has tasted them!|Betty White}}

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==Never again, not in my name==
I'm the right kind of sinner, I'm the invincible winner, and I was born to be. I'm a  heartbreaker, a dreammaker, a love taker.

The worlds ruled by a cheat, with his gang of thieves, who`s lies & double speak, spread faster than disease & your pursuit of peace will mark you out a freak, a victim & a bore while their portfolio soars & weapons sales will peak, aimed only at the weak, those already on their knees, it`s alms for amputees, it`s the bullets exit hole, where the blood n money flows........
My name is '''Kevin Schram''', but you can call me '''Schrammie''', or any other variant of my last name. I'm one of the command officers here, I'm the friendly neighborhood first officer of the USS Spectre. My claim to fame is being '''only 16 years old''' and '''addicted to this wiki'''.

Never again, not in my name........
==Contact Me!==
'''I want to chat real-time:''' Oh? Is that so? In that case, I have Yahoo Messanger, MSN Messanger, AIM and ICQ for your IM'ing needs. Yahoo is ''Xboxguy15@sbcglobal.net''. MSN is also ''xboxguy15@sbcglobal.net''. AIM is... nope, ''CaptainKenobi15'', and finally, the red-headed step child of IM clients, my ICQ number is ''235515361''.
'''I want to have an in-dept discussion with you, along with others:''' Well, you've come to the wrong person for in-dept discussions. Might I recommend my buddy [[User:JPB|Jeff]] for that? Anyway, I'm seen around the Star Trek Freedom chatroom with the names ''Schrammie'', ''KevinSchram'' or once in a blue moon, ''Rogers_Spectre''.

Bad guys come first, the third world thirsts, starves or dies of aids in the modern day crusades, the wild west will win, defeat the indians, drive the devils to the door, with the homeless & the poor, & when theres nothing left to bomb, no one left to beat, they`ll train their crosswires on, the unseen enemy, the ever present threat, that hasn`t happened yet & probably never will, still they move in for the kill, but the nightsights won`t show, if your friend or foe, are you so much better than, the junkies & saddam, are you guaranteed a place when they build the master race, or will the world then be pure, we`ve heard that one before, in history`s deepest holes where the blood n money flowed....
'''I want to talk to you about the Wiki:''' Hit up my Wiki user talk page, right [[User talk:KevinSchram|here. (LINK)]]

Never again, not in my name........
'''I want more of what you have to say:''' Find my blog at [http://crazykevinsworld.blogspot.com/ http://crazykevinsworld.blogspot.com] and that should full-fill you.

==Contact Me!==
'''I want to marry you:''' Ehhhh. What?
==The History of Schrammie, Pre-Freedom==
I was born a few 16 years ago, in Stepember 1989. My father also had an interest in computers, and there was always a computer in my house. I can remember being a scant four years old and watching my father program code on his Commodore 64 (which in 1993, was old-school). Soon, we got a new PC, with Windows 3.1. I played a game called ''Reader Rabbit'', a educational game. I've always had an interest in learning. I love history, geography and science.
Soon enough, I out-grew ''Reader Rabbit'' and turned to real video games. My first REAL video game was an old VGA 16-bit PC game called ''Police Quest''. Later I played ''Doom''! A few years down the road I got turned onto RPG/Fantasy games. I guess you could call me a 'next-generation' role player. I never played Dungeons and Dragons, any tabletop  board game, and I've never partook in LARP (even though it sounds like a hell of a night). Gosh, I've never even seen a 20-sided die in person but I have played tons and tons of computer RPG's.
The list of some of my favorite computerized RPG's I've played includes... ''Baldur's Gate'', ''Baldur's Gate 2'', ''Diablo'', ''Diablo 2'', ''Dungeon Siege'', ''The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind'' (woot! I'm getting Oblivion soon, looking forward too it!), ''Deus Ex'', ''Deus Ex: Invisible War'', ''Runescape'', ''Fable'', ''Fallout'', ''Fallout 2'', ''Pirates of the Carribean'', ''Final Fantasy VII'', ''Final Fantasy VIII'', ''Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic'', ''Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2''. I also love racing games, action games, adventure game, sports games and FPS shooters.

I am on yahoo messenger as Lonewolf_61. My ICQ number is 337370411  In addition to this you may sometimes find me on mIRC in the StarTrek Freedom chat room as Lonewolf...
Wow, what a mouthful. Anyway, I'm also a big sports fan. The sports I'm big into are hockey, auto racing, baseball and American football, but I'll watch any sport. I also love comic books and know alittle bit about computers, but, most of all, I love writing.... and that led me to a little site called Star Trek: Freedom....

[http://lonewolf51.blogspot.com/ Read my personal blog - Warning, I tend to swear a little!]
==The History of Schrammie, Star Trek: Freedom==

===The Geneva Era===
I joined Star Trek: Freedom in early March 2005. Katherine Mazurok was my instructor. For some reason, I wanted to be on Starbase Geneva. When I signed up, there was a small thing above the "Pick Your Positon" that said '''We need counselors!''' or something like that. I signed up as a counselor, which was stupid, but in the long run, it may have helpped me.

I didn't graduate in the Academy in one post or only two days like some of my ST:F comrades, but I graduated in less than a week. Not bad, me thinks. Sure enough, because I was the only fool stupid enough to pick counselor has my position, I was sent to Starbase Geneva, where Katherine was also my CO. Soon, she disappeared from the game due to RL problems, which was a shame beacuse she was a good poster and a good CO. Anyway, I met my first friend in Freedom, [[User: JPB|Jeff]] who was technically the FO of Geneva at the time.

Now, as a cadet, I had some embarrasing parts of my back story. My cadet came from a 'famous' Starfleet military family and he was afraid of shuttlecraft. I know, dumb. I also hit on [[Madison Davis|Stacey's]] character, much to my embarssement. I clashed both in and out of character with a guy named Dan, who played a ATAC/ASC named Dorrin Klars. We both joined about the same time, and his character was super powered, which I resented, and everybody loved Rogers, which he resented (ok, maybe I made the love part up, but there was some tension between us).

==Star Trek: Freedom==
It wasn't long after that Jeff made me '''ACTING THIRD OFFICER OF STARBASE GENEVA'''! Impressive, I know. Basically, I did compiles. I wasn't even on the command list. I had/have an obession with the command mailing list. I don't know why, now cue ahead to when I'm on the command list, and I'm afraid to send an e-mail to the damn thing because I'm afraid that I'll make a fool of myself. I mean, that list is like a hotline to every head of state in the world, and I'm like the Vice President of Spectreistan and I don't want to say something dumb on the hotline, what will the presidents and prime ministers think?

===The USS Cochrane===
Anyway, where was I, oh yes. A3O of Geneva. Well, about this time, Geneva was getting 80 posts a month, which I thought was a big deal. Times were good. Then Jeff left, leaving me in charge of Geneva. I wasn't really in charge, technically Jeff set me up on a simple plot to follow, but I did it. I really was nervous I did a bad job because one compile was late by like three days one time. Anyway I thought I had embarrased myself in front of everybody on Geneva, and I thought about quitting them game, then Alan Reading (who at the time was the Minister of State for Paladinistan) said to me "You don't get mad at a Pint because it won't hold a quart" or some other British-ism. Anyway, that jumpstarted my interest in posting, and I was off to the proverbial races.

The USS Cochrane was my first assignment upon leaving the Academy. She was commanded at this time by Captain Alexandra Lowell played by Laurence Durand who has since left the game. I have fond memories of the Cochrane as she was the ship I cut my teeth on, it was also where I met one of my most enduring friends on Freedom [[Calvin Capps]] who now plays as the Spectre's 2nd Officer.
===The Bodicca Era===

When the Cochrane was ordered into drydock, her crew were scattered amongst the fleet, both myself & Calvin ending up as FO & 20 aboard the USS Paladin under the command of Captain [[Eva Straton]] played by Wes harden.
Then, something terribly unexpected happened. The Geneva crew was sent off to the USS Boudicca, and even worse for my self esteem, with Jeff filling the only gap in the Boudicca's command crew, I would be demoted from 3O to nothing. Well, still counselor, but that was moot. I was terribly bummed out and thought about leaving again, but I imagined myself in a boat with the rest of the Geneva gang, including my friend Jeff. Then Jeff jumps ship and goes to the Nimitz to be with HIS friend Al. So much for that. Well, I guess I really couldn't blame him, but I stuck with the Boudicca.

===The USS Paladin===
Fast forward a few months to March 2006. After being in the game a year, being promoted up to Lieutenat (Junior Grade) I felt like I was going no where. My posting on the Boudicca had been sub-par and I had barely been making my posting requirements. I didn't even read half the posts and I felt like I was just going through the paces. I thought to myself, ''Why am I here? What the HELL am I wasting my time on this game?''. Call me selfish, but after tasting command on Geneva, I felt like I wasn't being used to my full potental has counselor on the Boudicca. Combine that with not having an active role in the Boudicca's mission.

The USS Paladin was where my PC character truly evolved, grew & became fleshed out into a living breathing character. As her second officer, I enjoyed many interesting missions here one of which was to become one of my most convoluted & enduring posting sessions regarding a makeshift bomb fashioned from a torpedo warhead in a jefferies tube & a knife edge, sudden death situation!
One night, I broke down and basically told that last paragraph to [[T'Vhor|Alan Reading]] (who now was FO of the Spectre, or Deputy Prime Minister of the Spectreistan) and another player who is no longer in the game. A few days later, our beloved Fleet CO, [[User:Papatrouter|Jeremy]] contacted me and asked me if I would like to be the FO of the Spectre, under Mr. Reading.

You might think that not much could be posted about that but you`d be wrong, read the compile if your still sceptical. It was fun.
Now, I was euphoric that anybody even recongized that I was still in the game. I thought I was doomed to end up Lt. Commander Brian Rogers, Counselor of the Boudicca, ''that guy that had been around forever but no body really knew him and he was kinda talented but not enough to get into command oh yeah wasn't he like real young when he first joined oh yeah him''. I probably should of thought about it, but I said yes, and I was off to Spectreistan.

===The USS Spectre===
===The Spectre Era===

My current PC assignment. I arrived on the Spectre when it was under the command of Captain [[Remae Ktell]] played by Anthony Keen. After a stint as her new FO I was eventually given command, taking over the reins as her CO after Anthony left to pursue his Utopia Planitia project more fully. From that time I`ve not looked back, it`s been an interesting ride.  
I won't lie and say everything was peachy. First, the players on the Spectre had habits that I really wasn't used to, and that kind of annoyed me a bit. I thought about quitting again, but I stuck with it. Now I'm settling into place, and I'm in for the 'long haul' of being the first officer, of the USS Spectre.

So, some good times, and some bad. But in the end.... ummm... thats the story of my ST:F career. I've been here for 1 year and 4 months, and I don't play to let up any time soon.

I suppose this is where I list all the people I like in Freedom so they feel special for being mentioned. Well, my 'friends' (as far has Internet friends can go) from Freedom would have to be Jeff, Alan, [[User:Peluche|Will Banowsky]] and a player who is gone, George.

People who I've interacted with a small bit, but think are funny/smart/great/friendly/awesome/cool/respectable are, Jeremy, [[User:Sysop|Anthony]], [[Devan Sash|Al]], Stacey, Sondra, Gavin, [[Andrew Williams|Robbie]], [[User:Pdennett|Patrick]], [[Susan Rivers|Liz]], [[User:Dragonman-clone|Jono]], [[User:Nymes|Greg]], [[User:VulcanTrekkie45|Spencer]] and [[User:Dragonman-clone|James]], but I'm sure forgetting a few.

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''My Characters''
''My Characters''
* Captain [[T'Vhor]] - CO - USS Spectre
* Lt. [[Brian Rogers]] - First Officer - USS Spectre
* Lt. (SG) [[Yelena Vasilyovna]] - TAC/SC - Starbase Geneva
* Lt. [[Khran]] - TAC/SC - USS Dennison
* Major. [[Bruce Kowalski]] - MXO - USS Spectre
* Lt. (JG) [[David Taxia]] - COUNS - USS Spectre
* Lt. (SG) [[Kerge]] - TAC/SC - USS Spectre
* Lt. (JG) [[Chenoll]] - ACEO - USS Spectre
* Lt Major. [[Conner 'Sandy' Tirrel]] - MCO - Starbase Geneva
* Lt. (JG) [[Rellie Dezlar]] - Acting CEO - USS Champlain
* Lt. (SG) [[Tallis Luxulyan]] - TAC/ASC - Starbase Geneva
* Lt. (JG) [[Burt Stover]] - Instructor - Starfleet Academy
* Lt. (SG) [[Norman Bates]] - ACEO - USS Spectre
* Professor [[Robert Verhoven]] - Warp Tech Officer - UP
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''My supplemental Characters''
''My Images''
* Admiral [[Xavier Durant]] - Fleet FO/Fleet Medical Officer
[[Image:BrianRogers2.jpg|185px|Brian Rogers on Spectre]][[Image:BrianRogers.png|100px|Brian Rogers on the Boudicca]][[Image:JasonMiller.jpg|100px|Jason Miller]][[Image:PacoMendez.jpg|100px|Paco Mendez]]
* Commander [[Talok]] - Commanding Officer - IRW DihVael
* Sub Commander [[Selerk]] - Second in Command - IRW DihVael
* Major [[N'Alea]] - Tal'Shiar Operative - IRW DihVael
* Councillor [[Sulia Madon]] - Detapa Council Member - Wherabouts Unknown.
* Proconsul [[T'hara-Jotal]] - Romulan Senate - Romulus (Ambassador to the Galactive Cooperative)
* Presidential Aide [[Unaru Oloweyo Castigan]] - Aide to President Rondar Nell
* Doctor [[Samantha Gunnell]] - Mission Specialist, Borg Semantics expert

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''For Future Use''
''My Wiki Projects''
* Started a ship page for all the [http://www.startrekfreedom.com/wiki/index.php?title=USS_Boudicca&direction=next&oldid=1313 ships.]
* Created the ship and character [http://www.startrekfreedom.com/wiki/index.php?title=User:KevinSchram%5CSandbox&direction=next&oldid=3078 templates.]
* Created the user [http://www.startrekfreedom.com/wiki/index.php?title=Star_Trek_Freedom%27s_Wiki:Player_Infoboxes&oldid=2824 infoboxes.]
* Created the [http://www.startrekfreedom.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Starship&direction=next&oldid=1404 starship template] thats featured on the main page.
* Created the first [http://www.startrekfreedom.com/wiki/index.php?title=Brian_Rogers&direction=next&oldid=1328 character page] that wasn't just a copy-and-paste of the bio on the website.
* Created the [http://www.startrekfreedom.com/wiki/index.php?title=52nd_Fleet&direction=next&oldid=1299 52nd fleet page].
* Created the [http://www.startrekfreedom.com/wiki/index.php?title=Help:Contents&oldid=1347 wiki help page].
* Created the [http://www.startrekfreedom.com/wiki/index.php?title=Portal:Utopia_Planitia&direction=prev&oldid=6458 portal] for Utopia Planitia.

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''For Future Use''
''My Games''
<small>''Games I've been playing''</small>
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<center>'''You`ve reached the bottom of the page & can go no further:'''</center>
<center>'''Is this supposed to be funny?:''' I try.</center>
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