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Revision as of 13:58, 16 February 2010

Character Details:


Character's Name' Surname: Holly Gardner Character Species: Human Character Gender: Female Character Age: 33 Character Birthplace: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Character Height: 5\'9\" Character Weight: 125 Character Eyes: Blue Character Skin: Pale Character Blood: Red Character Hair: Blonde


Character Physical Description:


While her hair is naturally a dirty blonde and slightly wavy, Holly loves to play it up with curls or straighten it completely, and colour it anything from pale blonde to deep red. The only part that remains consistent is the loose strands which are constantly pushed behind an ear or blown out of her face.

Holly\'s blue eyes are continually scanning her surroundings until they land on something of interest. At this point, they seem to deepen as her focus intensifies.

A lover of all things outdoors and natural, Holly has a toned body and well-maintained hands. She is almost fanatically about cleanliness and her personal hygeine...but doesn\'t mind the occasionally sweaty moment, as long as it involves something strenuous like rock climbing.




University of Toronto - B. Science - Human Behaviour Carleton University - Ph.D in Psychology - Deep Space Missions Starfleet Academy Medical Corps


Skills and Abilities:


While Holly is athletic, she does so for fun. Sports are typically solitary adventures for her and provide the opportunity to clear her head and stretch her legs.

She is quick to listen when someone wishes to talk.


Family Background:


Holly\'s mother was young and a runaway. Devoid of any place to go, she wandered without a focus. Hungry and alone, she stumbled upon a field of strawberries one late spring. The Gardners found her and, rather than contact the authorities, they took Holly\'s mother in. For room and board, she worked around the house so that they could focus on their new commercial greenhouse. Sadly, Holly\'s mother died during childbirth. She never spoke of Holly\'s father and, in her will, left Holly\'s care to the Gardners. Born on Christmas Day, Holly\'s name was appropriate if not somewhat humourous when paired up with her last name. The Gardners had no children of their own. Holly\'s best friends are the twins that grew up on the farm next to her family.


Pre Starfleet:


Considering a career in botany as a good basis to help her family\'s greenhouse company grow, it did not take Holly much time to realize that her true love was people. While not empathic, she displays a large amount of empathy and opted to pursue an education in helping her to understand people.

She is a graduate of Starfleet Academy\'s Medical Corps, however is not fond of rank and rigidity. Having resigned her commission but still wishing to purse her love (and need) of helping people, she prefers to tend bar and lend an ear.


Medical History:


All physical and mental attributes are within Starfleet\'s acceptable ranges.




Botany Reading Rock climbing Skiing Skating Hiking Cooking