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| Editng a Wiki can be hard at times, since you must account for the linking, text and page formatting schemes. Following are some basics of editing the Wiki system. | | Editng a Wiki can be hard at times, since you must account for the linking, text and page formatting schemes. Following are some basics of editing the Wiki system. |
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| First we'll do the basics of formatting. To make something '''bold''' you just put three single quote marks (') around it and that bolds it. ''Italics'' are simplier, has its just two of the quote marks. Examples: | | First we'll do the basics of formatting. To make something '''bold''' you just put three single quote marks (') around it and that bolds it. ''Italics'' are simplier, has its just two of the quote marks. Examples: |
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| Notice that it is spelled the same, however the case sensitivity of the Wiki linking system treats this as a separate entry to those presented erlier in this section. The link will take you to the wrong page. Going to the page you need to be linked, copying the exact title and paste it into your bracket tags generally solves the more common linking problems. | | Notice that it is spelled the same, however the case sensitivity of the Wiki linking system treats this as a separate entry to those presented earlier in this section. The link will take you to the wrong page. Going to the page you need to be linked, copying the exact title and paste it into your bracket tags generally solves the more common linking problems. |
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Latest revision as of 02:36, 8 February 2011
Editng a Wiki can be hard at times, since you must account for the linking, text and page formatting schemes. Following are some basics of editing the Wiki system.
Text Editing[edit]
First we'll do the basics of formatting. To make something bold you just put three single quote marks (') around it and that bolds it. Italics are simplier, has its just two of the quote marks. Examples:
Now, the all-important Wiki linking system. To do this, just put a set of double brackets before and after the word. See example below of making a link to the page about my ship, the USS Boudicca:
[[USS Boudicca]]
That makes a simple link, just like in the previous paragraph. Now, if you want to be tricky and have the link showing something different than where it points, i.e. this is the link to my ship!, try this:
[[USS Boudicca|this is the link to my ship!]]
Here, as before I started with the two brackets, followed by the link name, a vertical line, then typed what I wanted the link to look like. You have to be careful though, because you have to type the link exactly as it should be, otherwise an error will occur. Take this link as an a example of a typical mistake:
[[Uss Boudicca]] and you get this Uss Boudicca.
Notice that it is spelled the same, however the case sensitivity of the Wiki linking system treats this as a separate entry to those presented earlier in this section. The link will take you to the wrong page. Going to the page you need to be linked, copying the exact title and paste it into your bracket tags generally solves the more common linking problems.
Page Formatting[edit]
Now, if you want to add a nice sub-section tags like those on the ship pages, then you just need to use two equal symbols around a title. So, if you want to make the main section of "Crew Roster" with sub-sections like: "Command Staff", "Engineers" and "Tactical" - you just add another equal sign (=) on each of the sub-section titles. Following are examples (of usage only, as presenting the final effect would severely interfere with this page layout):
==Crew Roster==
===Command Staff===
===Engineering Staff===
===Tactical/Security Staff===
Additional Information[edit]
Thats all I can think of now. If you need detailed instructions, try contacting me and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible, or if you can't wait, you can go to the Wikipedia's Help Page and try to get some help there.
This was written by Kevin Schram
Edit by Trout:
Just a couple of small notes to add to Kevin's wonderful description above.
- Wiki will accept HTML commands. Some of them are funky (like images, no img tags allowed, but you don't need them - it will take a media link and convert it automatically) but most of them work as expected. Table seems to be the one we're using the most, but a lot of pages started by me are heavy in html formatting (see the Marine pages, if you don't believe me).
- Less a note then a push... Just about anything you need to know that isn't detailed above is on the Wiki Help page. There are a real slew of commands, rarely used, just hanging around in the wings to be used.
Don't worry about making mistakes. We can always roll back to a previous version. If you have questions, contact J Trout or Kevin Schram
/Edit by Trout
Help With Tables
Hey guys, Kevin here again!
I just found this great site that converts HTML table code into Wiki table code. Just program a table in HTML has you would, then it converts it into a Wiki table code that looks a lot better on a wiki!
From, Kevin
/Help With Tables