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Latest revision as of 22:20, 10 November 2008

Character Physical Description[edit]

Eye Colour faceted

Hair Colour N/A

Height 8

Weight 400

Blood Colour Red

Skin Colour Green

Physical Description[edit]

Large and imposing, as is usual for Gorn. He is more tall and lean than bulky with a strong tail used for swimming and balance. Like all of his subspecies of Gorn, he has a very expressionate face, though still with many sharp teeth. Because of this, he seems to not smile often for fear that he might frighten the warmbloods.

History, Education and Skills[edit]

Family and Background[edit]

The son of a common lineage on Ghdar 1. Mother was Rusira Ssarumon, Deceased. Father unknown. Married soon after achieving adulthood in 2365 to Xierra Truska, Killed during a raid attack by Romulan Forces in 2375 on the colony world of Sobek near the Romulan border. Three children, two deceased. One, Cerisa, missing and presumed dead in the same attack that killed their mother. Romulans claim it was an attack by rogue elements within the Empire.


Gorn NCO Academy (Sobek Shipyards) Ghdar Institute of Science (Degree in Xenobiology) MIT on Earth (Double Doctorate in Quantum Mechanics and Geo-sciences) Starfleet Academy

Pre-Starfleet History[edit]

Joined Gorn Defense Fleet in 2364. Continued on as Engineer's mate until 2372 when the rank of Chief Petty Officer was achieved. Transferred to Sobek Shipyards overseeing construction of new Sirok class Heavy Cruisers. Doing courses at the Ghdar Institute of Science via correspondence. Left Gorn navy after the battle of Sobek in 2375, in which all family members were killed. Continued as a civilian until 2380, then transferred to Earth to attend MIT. Achieved double-doctorate in 2386. Returned to Gorn Space as a Geological Scientist searching for ways to repair the ruined enviornment of Sobek. Reactivated by gorn Navy in 2400 to attend Starfleet Academy under the Officer Exchange Program.

Starfleet History[edit]

Performs duties as Liason to the Gorn Ambassador to the Federation in addition to duties on board the ship. In 2390, he purchased a derelict, but intact Constitution-Class vessel from a Ferengi surplus yard, the USS Lexington NCC-1709. He discovered the Federation reported the ship lost with all hands after shakedown following the Constitution-II refit. He returned all crew belongings and computer core to the Federation in exchange for retaining ownership of the vessel. The Federation accepted this, considering the ship was over a century out of date. He spent a great deal of time performing a massive refit of this ship, lovingly dubbed Constitution-III, as a test bed for new technologies, both developed by the Gorn or 'acquired' by them , though officially he still retains ownership as a civilian vessel to avoid any treaty violations. The vessel is currently parked at the Surplus depot orbiting Ghdar III.

Medical History[edit]

Every six months, as with most Gorn, he sheds his skins. a few days before and after, his skin becomes horribly itchy and it makes him just a bit irritable. Due to Gorn physiology, he is unable to process replicated meats as all of his meals must be live. Because of this, he tends to eat alone.


Skilled at Planetary surveying and Geology, Starship design and construction, Alien biology, Stellar Cartography, Planetary and Subspace anomalies, Quantum Mechanics, Temporal Mechanics, and Subspace Physics.

Other Information[edit]


Primarily hunting as a means to channel naturally aggressive tendencies. Otherwise, he spends his time experimenting with terraforming technologies or other experiments as needed by Starfleet and the Gorn Hegemony.

General Notes[edit]

Serixs can seem cold and very serious at first, but only until he has the opportunity to get to know someone. His sense of humor is fairly dry and sometimes it can be difficult to tell when he's being serious or telling a joke.
