Ardena Carrow

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Character Physical Description

Eye Colour Green

Hair Colour Blonde

Height 5 Foot 10

Weight 160 LBS

Blood Colour Green

Skin Colour White

Physical Description Ardena has the best of both races in her features, prominent cheek bones, long thick blonde hair, green eyes, and a dancer's build. She's quick to smile and laughs often.

History, Education and Skills

Family and Background

Ardena's mother, Lita Carrow was in the wrong place at the right time. She was an archaeologist trapped for three months in a landslide on Rewwels VI, her partner a Vulcan was with her. He went into Pon'Far and Lita did the only thing one *could* do in such a situation. Nine months and a lot of light years later, a child was born. For the first few years Lita avoided disturbing the logical man with the fact he had a daughter, but eventually she decided he *should* know. Sarded, logically acknowledged the daughter and moved to Earth to spend time with both. Ardena wasn't forced to the path of logic like most of the children of Vulcans. While her father claimed he would prefer she would learn the ways of his people, he did not force the issue. Lita didn't want to send her daughter to the unfamiliar lands of Vulcan where she would be alone amongst people who wouldn't understand her and backed that choice. Sarded did the next best thing and gave her rudimentary lessons in controlling her wilder emotions and telepathic abilities. When she was eight years old, her mother met and married an engineer by the name of Corey Porter who had two sons from a previous marriage. The two boys rapidly adopted Ardena as their 'baby sister' and teased, harassed her and drove her up the pole as brothers are supposed to.


John Fraser Elementary Kitsalano High School Starfleet Academy

Pre-Starfleet History

Ardena loves the sea, she learnt to swim before she learnt how to read. She would spend hours down at the beach playing with the whales and dolphins. They would tell her wondrous tales of the ocean and the lands beyond that would keep her dreaming for hours. Once she reached school she went into marine biology and oceanic exploration.

Starfleet History

While majoring in Marine Biology with a secondary in Zoology she did take the standard Scientific courses at Star Fleet Academy. She wished to journey the stars and meet other beings who inhabited water. She has already quite a collection of theories and papers on the standard development of sentient oceanic beings.

Medical History

Ardena has limited Vulcan telepathic ability. Her physicality is on par with human norm except for suprisingly quick reflexes.


Ardena speaks the basics in most of the common languages in Starfleet and is fluent in Starfleet Basic, Vulcan, Ancient Vulcan, Bajoran, Dolphin, Whale, German, and Andorian.

Other Information


Scuba Diving, writing papers, learning languages.

General Notes
