Alison Porthells

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Name: Alison Porthells
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 27
Position: Engineering Crewman
Ship: USS Dennison
Status: Deceased

Alison Porthells

Alison Porthells was a 27 year old engineer on board the USS Dennison. She was an easy-going, friendly human female, but when she was off duty she enacted a secret life as part of a ultra-xenophobic Sect, allied to Humans for Humanity. It is through this group that she lived her "true life", believing that it was her duty and destiny to be the sword of the group, ordered by a secretive and careful master.

Following the orders of the master, she was involved in the Murder of Alexander Sigursson; and during the investigation she panicked, attacking the *then* Cheif of Operations William Galway and subsequently killing the Cheif of Engineering Ryan Maines.

Whilst she is the Perpetrator of the attacks, she was never caught, as all evidence has been modified to implicate the Asst. CSO, Dale Anne Bracken. After her attempt on the Admiral (Gr'iann)'s life, she escaped the vessel on a shuttlecraft, which was destroyed in an encounter with Terian Logan and the USS Mescalero.

This is the complete history of the Character