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Lord Gled Forsch

Species Orion

Governing Authority Kintara Syndicate

Profession Tradesperson

'Actual Profession Syndicate Representative on Starbase Geneva

Gled runs a trading consortium operating from Starbase Geneva and poses as a buyer and seller of goods both coming into and leaving the Beta Quadrant. The consortium makes a modest profit but his real trade is in information and smuggled goods. Gled has used these 'real' products to procure the money for information about the Beta Quadrant itself, it's inhabited worlds, species, flora, fauna and raw materials.

Eye Colort Steel Grey

Height 7'2

Weight 320lbs

Age 34

Physical description

Tall and strong with thick arms and a massive chest, his waist is trim but well ptoportioned with his body builders physique. His head is bald as is the norm for Orions and he cuts an imposing figure.

Family and background

Last surving child of five, Gled worked his way into the Kintara syndicate of the Orions and managed to persuade his mentor within the syndicate to fund a venture to Starbase Geneva after its move to the Beta quadrant. The venture proved so profitable no only in funds but also in contacts and information within the Beta quadrant that he was able to amass a substantial personal fortune and buy his own ship which he used to move questionable goods. (Smuggling) and steadily increased hs growing coffers. When Geneva and the 52nd fleet disappeared he bought another ship and freely used his many contacts to pick highly lucrative possibilities and saw his fortunes continue to burgeon. He was off the station on one of these 'trading ventures' when it slipped into the future. The return of the fleet has cut into his gains but not significntly as he has had ample time to prepare contingency plans for a tightening of federation control within the quadrant.


The streets and syndicate intrigues have honed his intellect along with personal studies of his own.


Hale and healthy as a proverbial terran horse.


Planning for his future rule of the Kintara syndicate fueled by his near obsessive plans for the accumulation of personal wealth which will one day be his stepping stone to greater power.

Skills and abilities

A highly charasmatic and accomplished not to mention confident lleader. "Lord" Gled Forsch prides hmself on his intricate plans and painstaking manuevers.


Bought a third ship after a tip led him to a lush world in the Beta quadrant rumored to have vegetation with near miraculous healing potency. Initial tests showed exciting promise. The new ship is being outfitted by him personally and will be launched soon to begin exploration of that planet and faming of that resource.