Sulia Madon

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Character Bio

Name: Sulia Madon

Age: 29

Sex: Female

Birthplace: Cardassia Prime

Species: Cardassian


Eye Colour: Black

Hair Colour: Black

Height 5 feet 8 inches

Weight 135Lbs

Skin Colour: Brown


Rank: Civilian

Current position: Detapa Council Member

Assignment: Wherabout`s Unknown

Status: SPC


Sulia was abducted from her parents by armed Bajoran militia at the age of three years. Her parents were brutally executed before her & she was taken to Bajor & kept from the eyes of others until the age of seventeen. She has suffered much brutality & hostility in her life from Bajoran`s during her lengthy & difficult assimilation into Bajoran culture & lifestyle & has had an almost impossible time adapting.

At the age of twenty seven, she fled back to her homeworld of Cardassia prime in search of her paternal grandparents. After a lengthy search with no success, she then joined the Detapa council to begin a career in politics.

Whilst serving as a council member, she was kidnapped by unknown assailents & infested by a parasitic lifeform to be used as a vessel for a planned incursion into federation space.

Her current status is unknown......


Various Bajoran Educational facilities...




In her true form, Sulia suffers from horrific nightmares & has never come to terms with her troubled childhood, despite this, she has strived to serve her race with pride & diligence. She bears the physical scars of many beatings, mostly from Bajoran children during her youth. A side effect of the Parasitic infestation however has rendered her free of nightmares & in an almost totally regenerated state. It is unknown how she would adapt should she become free of the parasitic influence.