A hospital is a place of medical, surgical, or psychiatric care for sick or injured.
Kira Meru died in a Cardassian hospital in 2353. (DS9: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night")
A hospital facility was to be built in the Melona colony. It would have faced north and would have been located in a grove of trees. Melona IV was destroyed by the Crystalline entity however and the hospital was never built. (TNG: "Silicon Avatar")
When Captain Jean-Luc Picard as Kamin was living a life on Kataan, his wife Eline refused to send him to a hospital when he was sick and insisted on caring for him herself. (TNG: "The Inner Light")
In early 2375, the Romulan Star Empire constructed a hospital on Derna, a moon of Bajor. They also placed several plasma torpedo launchers, but were unable to bring them online due to a Bajoran blockade. (DS9: "Image in the Sand", "Shadows and Symbols")
Medical Hospitals and Institutes
Adelman Neurological Institute Central Hospital of Altair IV (Altair IV) Mercy Hospital (Earth, San Francisco, California) Sisters of Hope Infirmary (Earth, San Francisco, California) Starfleet Medical Starfleet Medical Academy Taylor Hospital (Melina II) Taylor Hospital (Nel III) University of Nairobi (Earth, Nairobi) Vulcan Medical Institute (Vulcan) Wiemer Medical Facility (Melina II) Sikla Medical Facility (Malcor III)
Mental Hospitals and Institutes
Adelman Neurological Institute Central Bureau of Penology (Earth, Eurasia) Elba II colony (Elba II) Tantalus colony (Tantalus V) Tilonus Institute for Mental Disorders
Hospital Vessels
Federation hospital ship Hospital Ship 4-2 (Dinaali) Medical Transport 136/Nightingale (Kraylor) USS Pasteur (Starfleet)