Subspace Distortion
From Star Trek : Freedom's Wiki
Revision as of 22:06, 28 February 2009 by Nicesociety (talk | contribs)
A subspace distortion or subspace disturbance is a distortion of normal spatial fabric, subspace fabric is vulnerable to distortions when a mass is placed within subspace. This effect is similar to the effect of gravity, however due to the properties of subspace the mass is somewhat lighter and the effect is slightly different.
In 2154 Travis Mayweather detected a massive subspace distortion, caused by twelve Vulcan cruisers who were sent by the Vulcan High Command. (ENT: "Kir'Shara")
In 2372 Chief O'Brien detected a big subspace disturbance when the cloaked Klingon Task force set course for Cardassia Prime, to invade the Cardassian Empire. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")