Will Alexander

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Lieutenant Junior Grade Will Banowsky is the Second Officer of the USS Spectre as well as the head of the Conning department, and a chief advisor in the Operations department.

Lt. Junior Grade Will Banowsky

Physical Details

Biographical Information

Name:Will Banowsky



Birthplace: Earth


Eye Colour:Hazel

Hair Colour:Brown

Height:6 foot 1

Weight:210 lbs

IBS Blood Colour:Red

Skin Colour:White(tan)

Physical Description

Will is a sturdy looking guy. Some what tall, muscular, and buffish, while at the same time not looking to big or overweight. Has short brown hair, and is naturally tanned.

Historical Details


Born on a Starfleet base in Rota, Spain on Stardate 2380.04.26. His father served six years in starfleet then retired at the rank of Lt. He then became a lawyer. Will lived his entire life on earth along with his parents, and his younger siblings, John, David, and Elisa. He is the grandson of former Starfleet Admiral Gonzalo Rodriguez Martin-Granizo, who died when will was 6 in 2386.

He lived a pretty normal and uneventful life. He wanted to be a lawyer before entering Starfleet academy. In fact he had taken that path and enrolled in the university of Oklahoma and obtained two degrees there. After graduation he decided to enroll in Starfleet Academy, deciding that becoming a Lawyer would be enjoyable, but decided that, it wasn\'t the best choice for him. At least not yet. He is still debating going into law after he finishes out the length of his duty as a starfleet officer.

His brother John is currently a Senior in starfleet Medical. His brother David a Junior, with a tatical major. All 3 siblings attended Major Universities before going to the academy because they wanted to make sure that is what they truly wanted to do. John graduated from Texas A&M university with a Pre-Med degree and David graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Interplanetary and Earth history. When they were little they all wanted to be starfleet officers, like there dad was, and most of their uncles on there mom's side of the family were. They would always make believe they were onboard ships and would play. But as they grew older those dreams seamed to fade. Will became more interested in business and managing things. He wanted to be an interplanetary business lawyer and work with other planets. Business and managemnet grew on him, as well as studying law. However his senior year at The University, while he was debating Starfleet or Law school, he didn't want to make a descion he would regret. Realizing he could always become a lawyer after finishing his service in Starfleet he thought he would pursue his dreams of traveling the stars.

His brothers also followed suit. The day Will entered Starfleet the three brothers made a pact they wouldall serve time in starfleet and but there careers on hold, serving in Starfleet to achieve there childhood dream and to "protect" the galaxy. John, knowing that with a medical degree from starfleet would allow him to practice privately when he was done serving entered as medical major. David an avid weapons collector, had planned all along to enter starfleet as a career and only got the degrees in history because history was one of his passions.

Will is of spanish(spain) and American descent. He grew up in Dallas, Texas, USA, but also lived in Florida, Mexico City, Mexico, and Hondruas mainly inpart to his dad's lawyer job that he took after being honorably discharged from Starfleet.

Will comes from a family of Starfleet officers. On his mothers side he has 10 uncles currently serving in Starfleet with about 3 of them in command of their own ship, 3 serving as first officers, 1 Chief of engineering, 1 Chief of Operations, 1 Chief Tactical officer, and 1 JAG. His grandfather on his mom's side was also a Starfleet Admiral before he died when Will was six. Well also has many cousins serving in Starfleet as well. On his fathers side, only his dad served in starfleet as a CONN officer and then later as a flight instructor at the Rota Base in Spain. Although his grandfather on his dad's side did serve as a politician on Earth, as well as the President of Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. On his dad's side Will has no cousin's in starfleet, and his sister has no plans of entering into Starfleet.

Will wanted to become an Operations officer because he has a love for managing things and as well as making sure things run smoothly, thanks mainly because of his interested in Business admistration. He views running a Starship like running a business except with a lot more circuitry,technology, and the fact that it is a ship, he aslo belived that Of all the positions available for him he fealt the OPS position best suited who he was. He is also interested in a postion as a CONN officer because he is very interested in flight, and flying things and also because when he would play "Starship" with his brothers he would always be the pilot.

He played American football collegiately for the University of Oklahoma while he was there and was the deep snapper and a reserve fullback. His senior year in College, the team he played for, the University of Oklahoma Sooners, beat the Starfleet Academy team in the Earth Collegiate Football National Championship game.

When he arrived in the academy he joined the debate team. During his junior, and senior year (2404-2405, 2405-2406) he captained and led the Starfleet Academy Debate team to consecutive champions in the Earth Intercollegiate Debate Championships, beating the University of Texas in 2404-2045, and his Alma Matter the University of Oklahoma in 2405-2406. His team also placed second in the Federation Intercollegiate Debate Championships, losing to The Vulcan Academy of Arts and Science in 2404-2405, and winning by a slim margin in 2405-2406 against The Vulvan Academy of Arts and Science.

Will was also engaged once, but he broke off his engament when he decided to enter Starfleet Academy as he didn't want to haver his fiance sacrifice her dreams and life for him, even though she was willing. He proposed to another woman his senior year in the academy but she declined because she wanted him to leave the academy for her, and she wasn't willing to sacrifice her dreams so that he could be a starfleet officer. He quickly ended the relationship.


Starfleet Academy

Interplanetary Business and General Business Management Degree as well as an Aviation minor from the University of Oklahoma on Earth.

Pre Starfleet

He graduated from the University of Oklahoma with degrees in Interplanetary Business and General Business Management as well as a minor in Aviation. He was ready to go to law school when he decided instead he wanted to go into starfleet.


After graduation from Starfleet Academy was posted onboard the USS-Cochrane as a CONN/OPS officer. However right after he arrived on board the Cochrane, the crew was decommissioned. He was then transfered aboard the Mystique. Stardate:2406.11.05-Arrives onboard Mystique as an Ensign Junior Grade and as a CONN/OPS officer. Stardate:2406.11.06-Promoted to Ensign Senior Grade and moved over to the USS Spectre as the Chief Operations and Conning officer. Stardate:2406.11.11-Named Third Officer aboard the Spectre. Stardate:2407-Is now a Lt. J.G. and Second Officer on board the Spectre.


Will doesn't get sick very often, excpet for the occasional cold and whatnot. He has never broken a bone, nor had any serious injury. Ordered to attend weekly counseling sessions to help deal with stress related to leaving Earth.

Other Information


Will enjoys studying law, and keeping up with interplanetary business deals. He also enjoys watching old movies from the 21st century and studying 21st century sports, and then playing those sports in the holodecks. Played football for Highschool and University teams.


He has a good understanding of business and interplanetary relations, trade and so on thanks to his degrees in those fields. He is also very skilled in the fields in which he trained at starfleet academy, especially piloting and transporter systems.


He is looking about entering Starfleet's JAG corp sometime in his future.



Awarded Captains Commendation: For the recapture of the Spectre on Stardate: 2406.11.13