Masiform D
From Star Trek : Freedom's Wiki
Revision as of 21:54, 15 February 2009 by Nicesociety (talk | contribs)
Masiform D is a powerful stimulant that can administered via a hypospray.
When Commander Spock was once poisoned by thorns fired from a pod plant on Gamma Trianguli VI in 2267, Doctor McCoy quickly gave him enough Masiform D to "make the whole crew turn handsprings," in response to the attack, but it got no immediate reaction.
A short time later, Spock came to, as a result of the Masiform D injection, stating, "Dr. McCoy's potion is acting like all his potions; turning my stomach. Other than that, I am quite well." McCoy ribbed back, blaming Spock's physiology on his reaction of the drug, "If your blood were red instead of green, you wouldn't have an upset stomach." (TOS: "The Apple")