Remae Ktell
Bio is undergoing heavy updating -- I need to add in 8 years worth of information -- Anthony Update underway, finally! -- Anthony
Remae Ktell is a former Commanding Officer of the USS Spectre, now assigned as First Officer of the USS Paladin, Remae is well known for crashing his ships into planets, being more Starfleet than Bajoran and for his unusual command style.
File:Ktell.jpg.jpg Commander Remae Ktell, in dress uniform, at the time of being FO of the USS Paladin |
Bio Details
Name: Remae Ktell
Sex: Male
Birthplace: Bajor
Species: Bajoran
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: 6 foot 4
Weight: 125 IBS
Blood Colour: Red
Skin Colour: White
Physical Description
Remae is tall and seems to be more suited to a security officer, but has the demur that comes from years of counselling others.
Family and Background
Worked on farm with his parents on Bajor but normally spent his time at a nearby Federation shuttle repair facility. He is a contradiction, being Bajoran but his faith his almost non-existent... something his parents blamed on his exposure to Starfleet and their 'godless' values. Over the years, he has reassested his faith. Still Atypical, allowing anyone to call him by his first name or last, depending on what they want to do.
- Starfleet Academy (4 years)
- Command Academy (2 years)
- Counselor Extension Courses (2 years)
Pre Starfleet
Spent his life on Bajor, devoted to family and friends. Remae spent his time on Bajor at Valour province, during this time at his parent's farm, he spent more time at the local Starfleet Installation for the provience. Hanging around watching the Federation in action, Remae steeled himself to one day join Starfleet.
Remae has spent most of his career on the USS Spectre, as Counselor. His counselling sessions have always gone well and he believes in the choices he has made in counselling others. Moving up to COUNS/2O and then First Officer, Remae was given command of the USS Spectre when the former Captain, was involved in an incident in which a Romulan Warbird was stolen. The USS Spectre was Remae’s ship for a short while, and in a mission to Cardassia, she was nearly destroyed, was separated in half and the saucer was towed back to Starbase 968. The details are still locked by Starfleet Intelligence; Remae was never told of Starfleet’s official response to the loss of the USS Spectre. Unofficially, Admiral Kriller has told Ktell that the Spectre will be rebuild and launched, but Starfleet are concerned about the near destruction of her. Remae was in command of the Prometheus Class USS Athene, and in her maiden voyage led a mission into the Gamma Quadrant.
His rapid rise to Captain has not gone to his head and he listens to others before choosing his path. After a brief spell on the USS Nimitz, he was placed around the fleet while waiting for the trial for the loss of the original Spectre. He was then assigned to Utopia Planitia under the command of the USS Firebrande but the ship and the command was wasn’t a real command but he tolerated it while he waited for his time to come again. Thanks for a strange set of events, and a duplicate Spectre from another timeline, he was assigned to her once more, a ship he knows inside and out. Since then, more events have caused the Spectre to be pushed out of her own timeline and into another, one that the Dominion War he remembers so well, never happened.
The Spectre was assigned to the 52nd Fleet and is currently engaged in a mission to restore the Federation to the state it was before this Civil War started.
Whilst on Betazed on a mission to investigate the state of the resistance, Remae lost both his legs after stepping on a mine, he was taken back to Starbase Geneva and command of the Spectre was handed over to his First Officer, T'Vhor.
Due to an unexplained anomaly, Remae was once again transported to the alternate reality and spent many months at Utopia Planitia after artificial legs were attached and he spent time learning to walk again.
Remae learned of a new warp drive experiment, the Spiral Geometry Drive and he plotted a way to use it to get back to the war and the 52nd Fleet.
Starfleet Academy
USS Spectre
Remae spent the bulk of his service to date on the USS Spectre. Assigned their from the Academy, he was given the position of Counsellor. The CO at the time, another Bajoran, Captain Ro was none too happy to have a Counsellor onboard. He skipped through the ranks quickly, rising to FO for a short period and then to CO.
His adventures were long, varid and seemed to last forever, many of his friends he had started with, moved on to other commands.
That means that someday, I will have to add them in here...
USS Athene
Utopia Planitia
“Computer, prepare to activate the Geometry Drive.”, he said as he entered the entry and exit points close to the red giant, everything has been calculated long before he had stepping onto the ship, all he needed to do was engage the drive.
The core shutdown and began to turn… it was like watching the hands of a clock move, it was slow. With the core offline, the ship was decelerating but it wasn’t too long before it connected to its second set of injectors, the core came back to life, it was at a strange angle but it was powered up again.
Remae turned on a monitor, it showed the forward view of the ship, a beam of energy was shooting out the front, from the dish, it was digging into subspace and before Remae knew what had happened, the beam had opened a hole in space, the Firebrande was inside the wormhole, inside the blue vortex travelling at quite a speed.
Something shook the ship, it slammed Remae into the wall… whatever was happening, it was taking over his existence, white was engulfing him and he passed out.
USS Paladin
After another awkward meeting with command when he returned, Remae was assigned to the USS Paladin as First Officer, mainly due to the need of experienced officers lacking.
USS Mithrandir
After the war was over, Remae was reassigned again, and again as Acting FO, this time of the USS Mithrandir. They had lost their CO and Remae was requested to support the command staff until the return of the CO.
Over the years, recent encounters with the Orbs of the Prophets have become normal. On these rare occassions, the Orbs have lodged themselves inside Remae's chest and connected him directly to the Prophets.
Remae lost both his legs thanks to a mine on Betazed, during the Civil War. Although they work properly and noone can tell the difference, Remae has to cooperate with the legs to make them work, this doesn't always happen.
Swimming and running.
Listening and helping others with problems. Patience and the ability to assess someones personality within minutes of a conversation. People skills.
He grew up with his parents' knowledge of the Cardassian occupation and spent time during the recent Dominion invasion helping family and friends through their traumatic experiences. His three visits from Q have usually been more trouble than they are worth. But his visits and visitations from The Prophets have shaken his beliefs of having no faith to reassessing those values.
Remae Ktell is played by Anthony Keen
Alternate Timelines
There are a few Remae's around, 4, if I am correct in the current timeline, although 1 of the 4 is back in time/space on Utopia Planitia, in 2404 (Alt Timeline), a Remae was moved to the current timeline of Freedom, and I am not sure if the same one is back there again, I think so.
The others? I think one of them is one of the three USS Spectres roaming around the Freedom universe, one of them is on the USS Wraith with Jana Bell, I hope so, the love of his life, at least one of these Remae's should be happy!, and the other? Erm... what's that over there...? --> runs away.