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Arborians, nicknamed 'walking trees' inhabit a planet known as Arboria Prime that orbits the large hot blue star, Alpha Regnus.

Physical Appearance

Tough durable rubbery skin covers hirn bodies and limbs such as that found on dolphins or elephants but slightly wrinkled and range in color from of white and beige, golden yellow, to terra cotta to brown black in color. Arborians have lots of root legs that join together at a trunk that is approximately at middle of the thigh on an average human.

The top part is composed of upper tree branches with leaves such as those of a quaking asp that shake and rustle when speaking. The voice is generated through the leaves themselves by vibating them at specific speeds to achieve various frequencies. ‘Leaves’ are a silvery green. Main trunk is roughly 2.5 feet and connects the ‘legs’ or root-like structures to ‘arms’ or branches. Overall height at full growth can reach approximately 7 feet tall. Main branches that at rest are anywhere from 90 - 135 degrees can number from four to seven.

Correct pronoun would be ‘hir’, ‘hir’s’ or plural ‘hirn’.


Arborians can hear by detecting vibrations through touch and through the air. No ears are visible.

Special needs

Arborians eat through root tips on their ‘feet’ that can open or close with large pores in rich loamy soil. They require a few hours of sun with plenty of UV rays in which to rest, eat and conduct photosynthesis each day.