Newsletter/November 2006
From Star Trek : Freedom's Wiki
Revision as of 18:32, 4 December 2006 by Picard1234 (talk | contribs) (Mis-spelling of Characters in title - corrected.)
Newsletter for November 2006, Star Trek: Freedom
News from the Front[edit]
- USS Nimitz:
- USS Boudicca:
- USS Spectre:
- USS Dennison: The Dennison is struggling, running aground in space, with the CO and FO locked in the Holodecks, Systems malfunctioning everywhere. Will the crew manage to rescue them? Will they survive the physical damage from space?
- USS Mystique:
- USS Champlain: The USS Champlain is in orbit around the planet named Ivor Prime. The away team which is lead by Captain Wolfe and Lt Janeway is currently exploring an underground starfleet structure. The crews ultimate goal here is to figure out if the planet is in-habitable after the Borg attacked the last colony which was set up there.
- USS Paladin: The Paladin has just successfully defended the outpost on Beta Aquari III, but is suffering from moderate system failures across the board. They must now finish dealing with a pandemic without triggering anarchy. Can they keep control over a planet that is slowly dying and on the verge of chaos?
Story One[edit]
Add text here
Nostalgia: the finer memories[edit]
For Members to answer
What were your favourite storylines in the game? (&why?)[edit]
Whats next for your character(s)?[edit]
Well, I just got briefed on what the next mission we're doing is, and all I will say for now is, big, profound changes. -- VulcanTrekkie45
Well at the moment Janeway is leading the away team down on Ivor Prime. Don't really know whats going to happen in the future; But I HOPE great things. --Jono Bradley
Happy Holidays everybody! -- VuclanTrekkie45