USS Boudicca (NCC-49901)
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USS Boudicca | |
Registry: | NCC-49901 |
Class: | Keltoi Class |
Launched: | 2404.04.05 |
Commanding Officer: | Captain Alan Durand |
First Officer: | Commander Jennifer Olivia Susan Caskie |
Status: | Active |
The USS Boudicca is a Keltoi Class Starship currently serving in the 52nd Fleet. The commanding officer is Captain Alan Durand and the first officer is Commander Jennifer Olivia Susan Caskie.
Crew Roster
Command Staff
Commanding Officer (CO), Captain, Alan Durand - Human
Acting First Officer (FO), Commander, Jennifer Olivia Susan Caskie - Human
Operations Staff
Assistant Operations Officer (AOPS), Lt (jg), Doug Roberts, Human
Medical Staff
Assistant Chief Medical Officer (ACMO), Ensign(jg), Basil Candle - Human
Counselling Staff
Tactical/Security Staff
Assistant Chief Tactical/Security (ATAC/SC) , Lieutenant, Detron Trei - Klingon/Betazoid
Engineering Staff
Acting Chief Engineering Officer (aCEO), Ensign(sg), Anton Gesar - Human
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer (ACEO), Ensign(jg), Henry Jacobs - Human
Science Staff
Theoretical Technology Unit
Advanced Theoretical Technology Officer (ATT), Lieutenant Commander, Robert William Lorimar - Human
Other Starfleet
Civilian Bar Manager - Arania - Iradonian
Child Toral Loren - Bajoran
Child Toral Shun - Bajoran
Child Parami 'cha Nooras - 50% Human/25% Klingon/25% Vulcan
Child Rivers 'cha Nooras - 50% Human/25% Klingon/25% Vulcan
These are NPCs that have been mentioned in posts but do not yet have a bio on the roster. They are available for anyone to use.
Science Department
Psth'tk (more-or-less humanoid, but definitely not human; Biophysics)
Helmuth (arrogant, insufferable, egotistic, very smart near-human)
Gharlane (multiple gendered nonhumanoid, doesn't get along with Helmuth very well)
Schaeffer (human)
Wermarth (human)
B'uuoiu (large nonhuman, often hungry, was tempted to snack on the telepathic bug-critter Loqi)
Karthok (male Vulcan; organic chemist)
Mrr'esh (female Caitian; organic chemist)
Security Department
Hrrissan Caitian (female)
CPO M'ren Vulcan (female)
Tansporter Chief Bayer Human
Crewman 1st Class Helen Hunter Human
Crewman 1st class Torquil Andean Human
Teacher Graine Kilkenny Human (female)
Other Information
Deck Plans
Click here to see the Boudicca Deck Plans.
Complete Technical Specs
A complete PDF download of the Keltoi Class Techincal Specs can be found here: Boudicca Tech Specs
List of Commanding Officers
Captain Susan Rivers
Captain Sam Kaneshiro
Captain Joe Morrison
Captain Caladryll Sevant
Captain Susan Rivers (for the second time)
Commander Dorga 'cha Nooras
Captain Alan Durand
Fleet Update
Written by Liz Geuken
Captain's Log, Stardate 2408.12.04
The Boudicca is currently docked at Laatstekans Station and the crew are enjoying some R&R before receiving their next assignment. The station is a small, independent one on which there is only a token Starfleet presence, but we have been made welcome and despite the difference in facilities from Geneva, I have to say that the crew seem to appreciate the time off-ship. We have lost some officers to transfers and gained others, most notably Ensign Basil Candle and Ensign Davris Maxon, both of whom I believe will be a great asset to the ship and the crew. A new OPS officer has also arrived on temporary assignment from the Mithrandir.
Everything considered, I'm happy to report that things on the Boudicca are going very well. The loss of First Officer Commander Stolev to both the Boudicca and Starfleet has been felt keenly but his replacement, Commander Dorga cha'Nooras, has already shown herself more than able to fill the slot. I'm also pleased to report that Lieutenant Bob Lorimar has accepted the position of Acting Second Officer, and I am hopeful that his position will soon be confirmed as permanent. All in all things could not be going better for us. Which is probably why I ought to begin worrying, right about now.
End log.
Post of the Month
(Laatstekans - Docking Arm - Ens. Davris Maxon - Day 2 - 1130)
Mrs. U'uskl deboarded the transport ship in a hurry so as not to lose sight of her prey.
He strode ahead of her at about 100 paces, across a space wedged with a mass of travelers all heading on to Laatstekans. She narrowed her shrewd eyes, fixing on the young man, determined not to lose him. Though he had said he was refusing her offer for the last time, all polite and mannerful as she had come to expect of him, she would not believe he could really mean it. Mrs. U'uskl was not one to say die. There was always another angle, and that was the end, as far as she was concerned.
The young man's Starfleet uniform was distinct, of course, setting him apart in this area of space. He was powerfully built, like a good useful worker should be, and stood tall above most of the crowd, except the Nausicaan whose head kept bobbing through her line of sight. She focused on the color of her young man's hair, a brown just tinted with red, as if touched by the sun, though his skin was pale like that of one who has been traveling for months through space. He had in fact, she knew, done just that, leaving 2408.08.28 from Alpha Centauri on a brief assignment, then trading off several ships, both Federation and non, on his way to Laatstekans, before ending up a week ago in the berth next to hers on the transport. That's when she'd discovered him.
The transport ship was named The Bon Bon, which turned out to have been the Tellarite captain's nickname for his late wife. Mrs. U'uskl herself had never cared for Tellarites, having once run afoul of a pair of them in her youth, but this captain was a pleasant enough sort of person, and she had passed rather a nice hour pumping him for information on his Starfleet passenger. Ensign Maxon was a science officer, trained by the Daystrom Institute, then later, of course, by Starfleet. He spoke at least seven languages - useful indeed! He was Trill, but unjoined, nearly 30 years old, unmarried and likely unattached. He had grown up in a farming family - now there was a skillset! Oh, how useful he would be to her, out here on the fringe of society. And yet he wouldn't budge!
Of course she'd put her own self in the young officer's path during their week-long voyage, to learn what sort of a person he was. He seemed a sweet boy, quite decent and respectful, and beyond his blunt usefulness was a type of person she rarely hoped to find, out here where so many were rough and ungenteel. He was handsome enough for her purposes, with broad, friendly features and such kind green eyes. Oh, if only she could have one last chance, she would change his mind, and that was the end, as far as she was concerned.
She made her way through the crowd just as quick she could, with an "Excuse me," a "Beg pardon," or a "Move it, sister," tossed in as needed. He would reach the end of the docking arm too soon, she thought, and she would have lost him for good as he melted into the crowd, then boarded his Starfleet ship, out of her grasp. With a last shove that sent a very short alien flying, she was in range to catch him. A few hurried steps closed the gap, then she laid her hand on his arm. He halted, made a sound like a sigh, and turned to face her. Mrs. U'uskl beamed.
"Max, you naughty boy. You never said goodbye to me!"
"Ma'am." His normally genial tone was curt, his features drawn in with annoyance. "I'm afraid ou--
"What is this ma'am? There's no ceremony here, not between two friends such as us. Why, my dear, dear Max, don't say you've forgotten what a friend I am to you! Why just as I left the ship I said to the captain, 'I have made a dear friend on your ship,' and he knew, he knew I meant you, Max. Oh, we are such friends. Tsk! Dear boy! You are in a hurry, I know, but you can spare a last moment for your dear friend."
During this speech he had done his best to pull away from her. "Mrs. U'uskl, I have a ship to board."
"Here now!" she exclaimed. "It takes time to board a ship, especially a Starfleet ship. All the processing and whatnot. Perhaps I will keep you company while you wait!"
"That won't be a good idea, ma'am. I really wish you'd allow me to say goodbye and be on my way."
Mrs. U'uskl snorted. "Goodbye?! Oh, Max. So young, so hurried! There is time! Now, why don't we have a seat over here, drink a nice cup of--"
"Mrs. U'uskl. For the last time, you can't recruit me for your settlement."
He had said it again. Oh, if only he had listened to her. "What?" she said, registering shock, though she knew quite well he wouldn't be impressed. "Have you not understood my offer? There is food and housing and pay, and the further benefit I detailed for you."
"I will not join your colony," he repeated, quite firmly. "I will not give up Starfleet to farm your planetoid. Furthermore, I am not going to marry your daughters as a further benefit, not either one of them, and certainly not both. Now please don't ask me again."
"Mrs. U'uskl, I understand your need to recruit citizens for your colony, and I appreciate you, uh, considering me. But I have already politely ended this conversation a dozen times, and as a person who has been pestered in close quarters for a week -- I'm just about out of politeness. Now please, ma'am. Goodbye, and good luck with your settlement."
"Good luck with my--? Why, young man, how dare y--?" Mrs. U'uskl stammered as he walked away. She thrust her fist in the air at him. "You low-life ingrate!" she yelled after him. "My daughters are the loveliest girls in this sector, bar none!"
Ensign Maxon stopped in his tracks and turned back to her, his last bit of politeness worn away. "Yeah, well, I don't like girls!" he called, barely restraining his own fist from making a rude gesture similar to her own, then turned on his heel and headed in the other direction.
Mrs. U'uskl watched him leave, the man she'd hoped would work so well for her colony. "Well!" she said, and that was the end, as far as she was concerned.
(reply none) (Posted by Brian)
History of the USS Boudicca
To be expanded
The investigation of the abandoned freighter Bristol carrying much-needed medical supplies caused the crew some unforeseen problems. Two lifeboats were missing but there was no sign of the crew, nor any indication of problems which might have caused them to abandon ship. Feelings of panic, loneliness and even terror assailed them on the Bristol, and when the cargo was transferred to the Boudicca, the feelings spread there too. Investigations led by Lieutenant Trei and Ensign Orion, both part Betazoid, led to the discovery of a small, adolescent lifeform which had unknowingly crept into one of the crates of supplies when they were being gathered. Loqi communicated only telepathically and it was his loneliness and fear that the crew were unknowingly receiving. Loqi will be returned home to his pod (family) once the medical supplies have been delivered. Happily, the crew of the freighter have also been traced to a near-by star system.
Her Dedication Plaque
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