Jono Janeway
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Jono Janeway | |||
class="even" | Male | |||
Species: | Human | ||
Age: | 28 | ||
Position: | Third Officer / Security Chief | ||
Ship: |
| || | |||
Status: | Active (Day 7), On Battle Bridge, Assisting In Battle. |
- "Our Destiny Is In Each Other"
- — Inscription in Jono's Sword AND Plaque
Jono Janeway - The Whole Man
Lieutenant SG, Jono Janeway - Third Officer and Security Chief on the ship USS Champlain
Lieutenant Jono Janeway is a very determined young man. This character is played by Jono Bradley.
Janeway grew up wanting to become a Star Fleet Captain and that is still his ambition. Once he got to the academy he found out that he had a flair for Tactical/Security so that is what he majored in. He graduated the Academy and got transferred to the USS Nimitz.
The ships Jono has served on are:
USS Wyvern (While he acted as the ACTING CO bringing the ship back to Starbase Geneva)
He's also been on his parents ship the USS Lost Island for a short period of time while visiting as a young boy.
While in Star fleet, Jono has traveled many places including:
- Planet Terrelia
- Starbase Geneva
- Planet Ivor Prime
- Mars Defense Perimeter
Jono's friends...
Prior to starfleet
Jono made many friends before joining starfleet, including:
- Outside Star fleet
- Ashley Walters
- Daniel Draper
- Nicholas Bowley
- Rebecca Parker
- Rebecca Parker is a character also played by Jono Bradley within ST: F.
- Natalie Wright
- Astra Wright
- Daniel Jesson
- Lisa Mallet
- Ewan Gedge
- Lucy Dunbar
- Nikki Dunbar
Since Star fleet
Since Jono had joined Star fleet he's made several new friends and collegues, including:
- Inside Star fleet
- Jonas Lemar
- Edward Wolfe
- Devan Sash
- Salat Bartaeen
- Dru Tagon
- Brianna Frazier
- T'Larah Sullivan
- Ahmed Ibn Salid
- Susan Rivers
- Sam Moto
Biographical Information
Name - Jonathan Janeway
Nickname - Jono, Janeway
Hair Colour - Jet Black
Eye Colour - Brown
Height - 5.9
Skin Colour - White, Tanned
(As in Biography on ST:F Website)
- Granby School
- Ilkeston School
- Earths Tactical Defense Academy (ETDA)
(As in Biography on ST:F Website)
Granby School
Granby School, was a small school located in the town of Ilkeston. The school got blown out by a terrorist bombing/hostage situation just after Jono had left. Jono in his last year was the leader of 'Green' Team. This was an extremely proud moment/year for him. He gets his leadership ability's from this moment - Well thats where they originate from.
Ilkeston School
Ilkeston School, is a Secondary School combined with a college. Jono attended this school for 7 years, learning and gaining his Qualifications which lead to where he is now.
Starfleet Academy
Jono joined Starfleet Academy originally but left before his final exam, to further his studies by taking up a place in ETDA and then he came back after 4 years and took his final test.
Medical History
Jono has a scar up right arm, from previous incident at a doctors when he was 5 years old. This doesn't impede his work anymore. He takes a monthly medicine which sorts it out. He has mental blocking ability that allows him to be able to deal with great pain for some time. To find out more scroll down, to find the whole of Jono's history...
Stardates, Of Importance
All the Dates of important things since Jono began his trip into joining Star Fleet....
Stardate: 2358.11.11 - Jono joins Starfleet Academy
Stardate: 2402.11.09 - Jono Leaves Starfleet Academy to train under ETP
Stardate: 2406.10.28 - Jono re-joins to take final test
Stardate: 2406.10.29 - Jono Graduates from Starfleet Academy
Stardate: 2406.11.30 - Jono Arrives at Starbase Geneva and meets Commander Jeff Hyland and Ensign Lemar
Stardate: 2406.12.03 - Jono first arrives on the Nimitz
Stardate: 2406.12.03 - Jono's first conference on the Nimitz
Stardate: 2407.01.16 - Start of mission 'End of Days'
Stardate: 2407.01.17 - Jono and away team land on planet Terellia
Stardate: 2407.01.17 - Jono lands in 'prison' on the planet
Stardate: 2407.01.17 - Jono begins to fight his way out, Successfully. Quickly contributing to the mission's success. Promotion to Ensign Senior Grade
Stardate: 2407.02.03 - Start of mission 'Stitch in Time'
Stardate: 2407.02.06 - Jono gets promoted to Acting SC/TAC, on the USS Nimitz
Stardate: 2407.02.07 - Jono and away team beam down to Earth, San Fransisco. To undertake in a high profile mission to destroy a device designed by Zachary Falthgood. This mission had the whole away team travel through time, finally to make their way back into their own time.
Stardate: 2407.02.08 - Jono gets promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Stardate: 2407.02.08 - Jono gets awarded the Combat Action Ribbon
Stardate: 2407.02.08 - Jono begins communication with Lt. Ortez - Geneva Security Chief
Stardate: 2407.02.08 - Start of mission 'A Taste of Hate'
Stardate: 2407.03.09 - Jono steps back onto Geneva, to help out with investigation of why one of the new USS Nimitz crew has been attacked.
Stardate: 2407.02.09 - Mystery solved, The group Humans 4 Humanity were behind this all along.
Stardate: 2407.02.10 - Commander Edward Wolfe is taken ill
Stardate: 2407.02.10 - Geneva is put on medical lock down
Stardate: 2407.02.10 - Jono begins putting new ensigns through there paces, in Holodeck 1 - Geneva, as Commander Wolfe instructed him to do so. The medical lock down is then lifted as the virus spreading rapidly around the Starbase is cured, although not before Janeway was hit with a dose of it himself.
Stardate: 2407.02.17 - Jono is asked by Wolfe If he would like to be his SC/TAC on the USS Champlain
Stardate: 2407.02.17 - Jono attends farewell party for himself and Wolfe, They depart that very day for a new adventure on the USS Champlain
Stardate: 2407.02.24 - Mission, 'Worlds Once Lost' Begins
Stardate: 2407.02.24 - Jono reports on board the USS Champlain
Stardate: 2407.02.25 - Champlain's Launch Party, Jono was put in charge of it - 2000 hours
Stardate: 2407.02.26 - First Senior Staff Briefing on Champlain, 1000 hours
Stardate: 2407.03.04 - Wolfe Has left the ship on a shuttle with many of the new Ensigns - on a mysterious mission, which Jono is not privy to information in. He faces a new challenge with a new senior - Lt. Cmdr Ulia Mason and has to coordinate a Tactical defense against the USS Wyvern which is heading for their location
Stardate: 2407.03.04 - Ensign Frazier gives Janeway a visit late at night in his office trying to help get Smith off the suspect list
Stardate: 2407.03.05 - Janeway is presented with a Captains Commendation
Stardate: 2407.03.05 - Janeway and Sullivan's investigation begins with Interrogation of Ensign Smith
Stardate: 2407.03.06 - Final Mission Briefing before going down to the planet Ivor Prime
Stardate: 2407.03.06 - Away team beam down to Ivor Prime. Janeway and Rhinehart set up Medical tent. Before Jono takes his team into the settlement via the Right hand side
Stardate: 2407.03.06 - Captain Edward Wolfe goes missing. Janeway is put in command of the away team. Mission: 'Worlds Once Lost' comes to a close as the away team bring their Captain back through the 'bridge' and find the colonists.
Stardate: 2407.03.07 - Promotions take place, Jono becomes 'Security Chief'. On this day, he finds the spy on the USS Champlain is Crewman James Alexander. Ensign Smith joins him in the interrogation.
Stardate: 2407.03.07 - Later on that day, Janeway meets with the Champlain's coroner and discusses the skeleton he sent up from Ivor Prime. Apparently the man used to be Dr. Patris and he was murdered 30 years previous, Janeway then takes it into his own hands to find the mans killer. He goes through the files which were recovered from the planet and finds that Dr. Schell was the only one in the room with Patris as he... 'died'. He calls Schell into his office and to his misery the woman brung her small child with her.
Stardate: 2407.03.12 - Jono's birthday. He receives a message from his family.
Stardate: 2407.03.13 - Mission, 'The Hephaestus Principle' Begins
Stardate: 2407.03.14 - Mission, 'Beyond Vengeance' Begins - See next star date to find out why.
Stardate: 2407.03.14 - On this star date, Captain Edward Wolfe of the USS Champlain died in combat, FO Ulia Mason was in-capacitated and Jono was forced to take the Acting First Officer role under Brianna Frazier who had taken over as Acting CO. It was not how Janeway wanted to rise to the top. On this date, Janeway captured the USS Wyvern a nebula class vessel and became the Acting CO of this during the short duration of two weeks while the Champlain and Wyvern escorted each other back to Starbase Geneva. Janeway and his team found a member of the 52nd fleet aboard the USS Wyvern in the brig, Ensign Sam Moto a Tac/Sec Officer from the USS Paladin, he re-instates the Ensign under his command, pending further investigation on the Starbase, Geneva.
Stardates: 2407.03.14 - 2407.04.05 - During this time Acting Captain, Jono Janeway took control of the USS Wyvern and brought it back into friendly space.
Stardate: 2407.04.02 - Mission, 'Crossroads' Begins (Starbase Geneva - New crew awaiting Champlain's/Wyvern's return)
Stardate: 2407.04.05 - Both the USS Champlain and the USS Wyvern arrive safely back at Geneva under the command of Brianna Frazier and Jono Janeway. Janeway is greeted by the new Captain of the Champlain, Captain Susan Rivers and the new FO an old colleague of Janeways which has risen through the ranks.. very quickly, first officer Ahmed Ibn Salid... Jono writes a letter or recommendation for Ensign Moto and then later that day is the first to show up in the Champlain's observational lounge for the meeting called by Captain Rivers. He is shortly accompanied by the Captain and others to begin the meeting.
Stardate: 2407.04.05 - After the staff meeting is over, the Captain and Janeway head over to her ready room to discuss Ensign Moto, she tells him that he can inform the man that he is to become part of the Champlain's crew. He is delighted by this and finishes the meeting with the Captain off by discussing a few small matters with her.
Stardate: 2407.07.03 - Mission, 'Do Not Go Gentle' Begins
Stardate: 2407.07.03 - The Champlain's senior staff are pulled into an early morning briefing by the Captain, who wanted an update on the ships readiness; considering the Champlain had just in the last day arrived at their destination - arriving to the welcome of Task Force 19, under the command of Rear Admiral Sevant. Jono gave a rather long report which updated the senior officers on the uses of the *new* tactical and security systems the Champlain would be trialling in the next mission.
Stardate: 2407.07.03 - About 20 minutes after Admiral Sevant had come aboard the Champlain Captain Rivers called a senior staff meeting in which the Admiral outlined the battle plans set down by 52nd Command and himself. The USS Boudicca; Sevants ship, would be spearheading the attack and making a break with the Champlain and several other ships for the Mars Defense Perimeter. With the Champlain defending the Boudicca would try and punch a whole through the perimeter big enough to let the fleet return to earth for the final stand-off. The expected survival rate for this mission is next to zero.
Stardate: 2407.07.03 - Later on that day, Janeway and Ensign Sam Moto made their way to the First Officers office, where the man asked the gentlemen there thoughts on each departments status on defending themselves. Janeway gave a truthful report and told Salid that if boarded he had every confidence in the Security department and Marines currently on the Champlain. The first officer then quickly outlined what he had in mind for the next 'mission' he wanted Lt. Janeway to accompany him to the Battle Bridge once the battle begun, this meant that if the main bridge was incapacitated Salid and Janeway would step into the command roles and take control of the ship, Janeway as Acting FO. Because Jono would have little access to the security of the ship internally while the battle was commencing, the First Officer also asked Ensign Moto to become the Acting Chief of Security for the duration of the battle.
Stardate: 2407.07.04 - While making his morning rounds, Jono discovered several of his officers huddled around. They suddenly split up as he moved towards them and quickly discovered that the men were hiding an isolinear chip which contained a 'video' entitled 'Jungle Passions'. The video was a security recording of Lt. Commander Frazier and one of Janeways assistants Lt. Bohb. Janeway immediately contacted the involved officers and the Captain. Rivers was in a meeting with Lt. Rhinehart who had called the Captain to his office on the same matter. Janeway went to meet with the captain, Chief COUNS, Frazier and Bohb. As this meeting came to an end, the Captain told Janeway that he and Ensign Zanarra were to be the officers in charge of the investigation on how the video came to be. Lt. Cmdr Frazier and Lt(jg) Bohb were forbidden to interfere in the investigation.
Stardate: 2407.07.04 - Once Jono arrived back at his office to find an rather odd call from a Captain... The Captain of the USS Wyvern, Martin O'Shea. Jono was astounded but soon calmed down enough to speak with the man. Once he has spoken to the man he had set a dinner date with him and his senior officers at 1900 hours on the USS Wyvern. Jono invites both Ensign Moto and Captain Rivers to the dinner, however both of them are busy at that alloted time and are un-able to attend.
Stardate: 2407.07.04 - Jono and Ensign Zanarra a Vulcan female in the role of Assistant Chief of Operations, begin there investigation into 'Jungle Passion' it soon becomes clear that they're in for a long day of investigating.
Stardate: 2407.07.04 - Jono attends a late night gathering on the USS Boudicca started up by Lt. Cmmdr Zzt (Former CEO of USS Nimitz when Jono was aboard). He is delighted to find his old friend Jonas Lemar at this rather large get-together. He is also confronted by the Nimitz's new acting CEO Linda Morris who jumps on top of him, hugging him. He had only met this Lieutenant once before for about a minute.
Stardate: 2407.07.05 - Jono and his assistants Ensign Moto & Lieutenant Bohb attend a meeting with Captain Rivers in the observation lounge, to discuss evacuation procedures. After this meeting Janeway gives a report to the Captain on the 'Jungle Passion' investigation.
Stardate: 2407.07.08 - Jono was visited in a dream by old memories of emotional times in his life. This dream woke up a forgotten part of his personality before the major battle was to commence.
Stardate: 2407.07.09 - The USS Champlain heading the 'C-Group' in the Vanguard of Task Force 19, drops out of warp just outside the MDP's defenses along side the USS Boudicca (B-Group) the A-Group and the USS Nimitz\USS Hades. Jono alongside, Lt. Cmmdr Salid, Ensign Smith, Ensign Trent and Lt(jg) Dorga Cha Nooras, moves to the Battle Bridge and are ready to take command of the ship from there if anything goes wrong on the main bridge. The battle begins.
Jono's Past (Prior to Starfleet) - Short Version
Jono grew up in a relatively untouched area of England. He grew up with his friends and family and had an easy first 16 years. On his 5th birthday he had an accident which involved him slicing his right arm and right arm nerves to the bone. This has left him with a large scar down his right arm. He still has to take medication treatments and probably will for the rest of his life.
Because of this disability, Jono has always had great aspirations to be someone deemed worthy of respect, and to be an individual with strength and integrity. This has lead him to a career in Starfleet.
Jono has had one true love in his life when he was 16. He was going to marry the lady he was in love with and she loved him. Her parents didn't agree with this and to end it, they took her off planet. Jono has never seen her since. This was one of the issues that made Jono decide to join Starfleet. Jono secretly hopes to someday run into her out in the galaxy somewhere.
He joined the Academy and after he completed 4 years of very hard work and study, he was assigned to the USS Nimitz.
Jono's History - Longer Version
Jono was born in the year 2379 - in the month of March, the date was 2379.03.12.
Jono was born to a family in the town of Ilkeston, England. His mother was the Captain of the Starfleet ship the USS Lost Island, a galaxy class starship. His father was a Starfleet Admiral. He is the oldest of three children. Jono has two siblings. His brother is Ian Janeway (26) and his sister Christy Janeway (23).
On Jono's fifth birthday he had an accident. He had to be rushed to the Hospital after he had almost drowned in the swimming pool his family had in their garden. While at the Hospital a fatal thing happened. A terrorist group called H4H (OR Humans for Humanity) blew up a certain ward within the hospital, which housed both cross-species humans and various alien species. As this explosion happened Jono was being carted across the hospital and right along side that ward.
His arm was pierced with a long metal implement, along with several needles including some extremely harmful toxins. His right arm - because of the piercing began loosing a lot of blood, very quickly. He was transferred to a surgical room, and was operated on throughout the night. Because of the amount of toxins that had infected his body the Doctors had a hard time saving his arm. But finally after a 14 hour operation, his arm was free of most of the toxins except one which he would have to, take an anti-toxin injectant for the rest of his life to keep at bay from rising up and attacking his internal organs.
Because of the surgery and the piece of metal that had pierced his skin. He now had a scar down his right arm, from the shoulder blade right the way down the wrist. The scar however much Jono tried to stop it - continuously grew with the size of his arm.
Because of the injury to his body, he had to have help to train his mind to block out immense slots of pain. He went to a counselor, who helped in training his mind to block pain. He could and still can raise a mental wall around his brain (Which blocks off all of his pain senses). When he is attacked or injured he can retrieve this wall and feel as little pain as he needs to, to get through what he is doing.
During Jono's years as a child he got into many fights over his arm and he usually came of the victor because of his pain therapy he could beat his victim up without feeling anything. One side effect to his therapy is that it some time took an effect on his friendships. As he was one of the first to jump into action, when his friends would just walk away from it and stay out of it.
Jono was one of the only survivors of the attack on that ward, and the only one who knew who did it. He was the only one who saw one of the more 'corrupted' H4H members set the detonation of. Although he never understood what he saw until a late age of 14 years old, when he re-visited the memory in a dream.
By some strange co-incidence the group H4H, found out that he had realized it was they in the attack searched for him. They asked him not to tell the authorities, as it wasn't their fault, the man who set the detonations off was a 'rogue' H4H agent. When Jono at the age of 14 was taken of the street by a H4H agent and told this - he refused to help them and ran back home. Since then every so often he would be hunted down by an Agent and had them turn violent on him.
During his days in star fleet Academy he was attacked several times by H4H Agents warning him not to take it any further or there wouldn't have been a point in him surviving the attack.
At the age of 15, Janeway's father stepped down as Admiral and came to live in the family house with his family. His mother however stayed as Captain, so he still didn't get to see her much.
Jono made some really good friends as he Joined Ilkeston School, including a girl. This girl was named Rebecca Parker, she was his best friend for about 2 years and then he asked her out. They both really liked each other but when Becky's parents found out about her planning to marry Janeway they took her off planet to a nearing moon OR planet. Jono never found out, although he has been searching for her ever since.
He joined Star Fleet at the Age of 18 after Becky had been forced to leave, in an attempt to find her. He did the four year course but never took the final test, He left and Joined ETP Academy, and did 4 years there training as a Tactical/Security Cadet.
Once training there, he returned to Starfleet and they let him take the final test, at the age of 26 - nearing 27; Jono entered Holodeck 5 and took his final test under, Instructor, Lieutenant Arzi Taba.
Jono passed the test with relative ease since Starfleet and ETP had trained him in the Art of Tactical and Security for nearly 8 years. He was then commissioned to the USS Nimitz under Captain Devin Sash, and First Officer Jeff Hyland.
Rebecca Parker
Becky was ripped away from Jono in the later years of there teenage years together, my her parents. He continues his search for Becky, while joining starfleet - Even though he fully admits that he wouldnt be sure on what to do if he finally found the woman he had been searching for, this whole time.
USS Lost Island
The USS Lost Island is a Galaxy Class Vessel.
Commanding Officer - Captain, Joy Janeway
First Officer - Commander, Tillo Poliak
Technical Specifications
- Type - Explorer
- Length - 645 Meters
- Width - 480 Meters
- Height - 140 Meters
- MASS - 4,960,000 metric tons
- Decks - 42
- Crew - 1045
- Speed - Normal Cruising speed of Warp 8
- Weaponry - 12 Type 12 Phaser Arrays and 3 Photon/Quantum Torpedoes Launchers
- Defense Systems - Deflector Shield, Regenerative Mk. VI Shields as main defense.
More Info soon...
Assignment 1 - USS Nimitz
Mission 1
Mission - End of Days
Stardate - 2407.01.16
Janeways first assignment, after graduating freshly from the academy was assigned straight to the USS Nimitz under Captain Devan Sash.
Jonos superior officer in security and tactical was Lieutenant Dru Tagon. In Jono's first mission, he was beamed down the the surface of an inhabited planet, which didn't have warp technology, with a small team including Lieutenant Dartena Bixx, His FO Commander Jeff Hyland, Dr. Jonas Lemar and some other members.... During this expedition they met with the planets heads, and Jono got kidnapped, by the religious leader of the planet. He managed to fight his way out of the situation and return to the USS Nimitz in time to help with the rest of the mission. Once this mission was over, Jono kept a relative low profile, and amongst this time, they received a new FO Lieutenant Commander - Edward Wolfe. He liked this first officer more than the last one.
Mission 2
Mission - Stitch In Time
Stardate - 2407.02.06
The Next mission (Stitch in Time) got Jono slightly more involved, As the fleet moved closer towards enemy lines, the USS Nimitz began preparing for there departure to earth. While this happened, Jono became the Acting Chief of Tactical and Security, on the USS Nimitz Since Lieutenant Dru Tagon Got a promotion to Strategic Ops....
Jono began organizing holodeck programs for training his officers so they would be ready for the upcoming mission.
Jono leaves Tallis Luxulyan Assisting Tactical Chief in charge while he is on Earth with the away team including:
Away Team
- Captain, Devan Sash
- First Officer, Edward Wolfe
- Acting SC/TAC, Jono Janeway
- Asst CMO, Jonas Lemar
- SO, Tarus Daban
- SO, Daigon Shimply
- Asst. CONN, Rizoru
- Asst. CSO, John Linskens
- Science, Zachary Falthgood
- 3 - 4 Marines
Mission 2 - Continued
On Earth Janeway and his team transported down into San Francisco and then went on into a secret science base, which is where Admaril Doenitz has hid one of his time portals. Falthgood destroys this time device but there is still one more.
However During this time the USS Nimitz in orbit it taken over in a major space battle and its crew taken to Alcatraz for 3 years. On the anniversary of the 3rd year to date there is a major explosion in the middle of San Francisco killing millions of innocent people. This devastation was caused by the destroyation of the time device that Falthgood destroys.
Luckily the away team beams out and is then met by a Cecilia Bruce, the away team by this time now also includes an Academy drop out, (John Linskens old Girlfriend) Miss Francesca dela Rosa.
After spending a little time in Miss Bruce's apartment the away team his quickly taken by force back to the USS Nimitz via, transporter by two stow aways Crewman Debbie Weston and T'lexaxinith. The Nimitz had been mothballed and now the away team is trying to figure away how to get there crew back and then get back to their own time frame.
A plan is quickly formulated and then put into action. Just before anything happened a small Runabout detected the Nimitz's presence and came to investigate, after towing the runabout into the shuttlebay so they couldn't call for help. Janeway, Tarus Daban, Francesca dela Rosa and Diagon Shimply headed down to the shuttlebay to take there visitors into custody.
An almighty battle pursued and Jono was badly injured although the rest of his team, weren't. They took the prisoners to two spare rooms and then Jonas Lemar came down to make sure they wouldn't wake up. As Jonas entered he noticed Jono's injuries and quickly rushed him up into Sickbay, where Jono wasn't allowed to leave. Not even to go an assist the rescue attempt of the prisoners on Alcatraz.
Jono was abit deflated but determined to do something, in an essence he tricked the Emergency Holoprogram by switching it off and on, to get out of the Sickbay and then headed for the bridge. Once he arrived there it seemed the Hologram had contacted the Captain about what had happened. Jono received an earful, but was then put too work.
Once the attack on Alcatraz had finished and the away team including - Lieutenant Commander Edward Wolfe, Dr. Jonas Lemar and Security Officers - Tarus Daban, Diagon Shimply and Francesca dela Rosa. Had successfully liberated the Nimitz crew from Alcatraz, Jono beamed all the crew up in several attempts using the transporters.
Sash, Engineer Debbie Weston, Science officer Zachary Falthgood and Security Officer Tarus Daban were beamed down the Earth's moon's service to take out the time generator.
Meanwhile, Jono and the rest of the crew on the Nimitz held a flock of star ships off, mostly due to Janeway's skills with aiming. Jono used manual aiming at all times. There wasn't a point at all where he switched it too automatic. After successfully defeating the ships, the USS Nimitz [Future Version] jumped back into the Present day (Three Years Previous) to when the USS Nimitz [Present Version] was being attacked. Janeway rounded up the normal away team and told them to meet in transporter room 1. He and Lieutenant Commander Wolfe headed down the transporter room 1, from the bridge.
Once there, they all beamed across to the USS Nimitz [Present Day Version] and aided the attack, the USS Nimitz [Future Version] rammed the massive Marine ship that had took the Nimitz the first way round.
The Nimitz then picked up Captain Sash and the others who left, Minus Debbie Weston as she had been killed in helping them jump back three years also.
The Nimitz then began to head back for Geneva and the away teams was ordered get some R & R. Jono reported to Sickbay to be checked over but fell asleep before the Dr. could do anything. He dreamt about one of the oddest things, he dreamt about the past as the present and all of his old friends, and Becky.
He then took the rest of the day off.
The de-briefing was interesting as Jono received a promotion from Ensign (SG) to Lieutenant (JG). After all the promotions had been given out including the first officers rank being upped to Commander and Jonas's rank being upped to Lieutenant (SG), Wolfe stood up and gave a report on Geneva's status.
Apparently one of the Counselors they had to pick up Divon Lronen had been badly beaten.
Mission 3
Mission: A Taste of Hate
Stardate: 2407.02.08
Jono was called to Commander Wolfe's office where Wolfe told him that he would be keeping the 'Acting Tactical/Security Chief' Role and he wouldn't be making him full chief until Jono had fully proven himself worthy of it to the Captain and himself. Jono agreed to do better in there objectives on Geneva.
Keen to show he was up for the task, Jono took liberty to contact Geneva's Security Chief several times, creating a communication flow between them. The Chief requested Jono come on board the Starbase when they arrive. It seemed that the Chief had some extra information that he didn't want to share over open channels, encase it was intercepted.
The Captain called Jono to his ready room, for a quick chat on some of the requests Jono had put to the Security Chief of Geneva - Lieutenant Horatio Ortez. Sash wanted to know about the body guards Jono was suggesting for the Command staff.
After a small debate Jono made the Captain let himself have a bodyguard while on Geneva, Jono quickly contacted Wolfe and made sure he was fine with it also. While waiting to transfer to Geneva, Jono picked up a shuttle heading towards the Nimitz, he told Sash and then opened a communication channel to the Shuttle.
It was a new crewmember requesting permission to dock. Still Jono had nobody in Security underneath him that he could un-load some of his work onto, As Luxulyan was in-capacitated.
Jono, Captain Devan Sash, Lieutenant Zzt, Ensign John Linskens and Dr. Jonas Lemar Headed over to the Starbase, where they were added to during the transport by Yeoman Ansia Rosen. Once on Geneva Jono headed to the Security Chiefs office to meet up with Lieutenant Horatio Ortez. They discussed some matters in hand.
Later on that day Jono was contacted by Commander Edward Wolfe, and was requested to meet the man in an hour within the Assistant Security Chiefs Office on Geneva. It seemed the Commander had took over the investigation, which Jono was not opposed to as it would mean he would have a greater clearance than he expected.
Jono headed to this meeting, once there he and Wolfe talked about suspects, Jono was given the task of hunting down Da'Maro Forge, a top suspect and then given the job of interviewing Salat Bartaeen, and some other Civilians. While Edward interviewed a few other suspects...
As Jono's raid of Starbase Geneva continues Da'Maro Forge still doesn't turn up, its likely that he went on the run. Jono began tracing his steps and was then told to stop and begin interviewing his other suspect by the Commander. He set two security men onto the Forge case, in hope they would find him; They didn't.
Jono's first suspect a civilian named Salat Bartaeen, was a Larosian female... And to be able to talk to her at all he had to go through the oldest male member of her family. Thankfully, the man wasn't difficult to persuade to let Janeway talk with his granddaughter. Jono was convinced that Miss Bartaeen wasnt the suspect for him and left it at that... Obviously leaving a major impact on Bartaeen's life, because of something he finds out later...
Jono then deters that his other two suspects couldn't have done it as they were off base at the time of the Lronen attack.
Within the next couple of hours, Jono meets with his new ATAC and Commander Wolfe in collaboration with base CSO, Dr. Daniel Proview finds the attacker of Lieutenant Lronen.
A crazed woman who was madly in love with Divon was the only person who could do this to him...
Jono was ordered to rest for the remaining night...
Mission 3 - Day 4
The next morning, Jono was summoned to a meeting with Commander Wolfe and all the new Ensigns coming aboard the Nimitz. They all met up in Cafe Azteca on Geneva, during that meeting the Commander told the Ensign's that they would be running Phaser drills with Janeway at 1400 and then the next day they would be participating in a Bridge simulation ran by Commander Wolfe at 2000. Then Wolfe was taken ill, he was sick and then passed out...
Jono contacts the Captain about Wolfe's condition. Jono gets Sash's permission to go to Geneva's Medical Center and find out what exactly was wrong with Wolfe...
Medical Center's Report
Wasn't Released to Jono
Mission 3 - Day 4, Continued
After visiting Wolfe, Jono finds that Geneva is put under Lock down, so the Ensigns that had gone over to the Nimitz already, wouldn't be joining in, on the Phaser Drills Jono would be running on Holodeck 1 on Geneva.
Janeway heads over to Holodeck 1 and creates his simulation. The Ensigns turn up right on time at 1400 hours.
The Ensigns
Ensign, Cecilia Bruce - ACOUNS
Ensign, Eric McDermott - ATAC/ASC
Ensign, Oliver Montague - Sec. Analyst
Ensign, Tom Jackson - AOPS
Mission 3 - Day 4, Simulation
The Simulation contains several parts within the simulation:
Phaser Firing
In the first part of the simulation, Janeway placed all of the Cadets on a skyscraper on Earth. He had suspended many object varying in size 50 meters away from where they were allowed to stand.
Jono went first to demonstrate what they had to do, he picked of a tennis ball in one shot and it fell of the edge, just to re-appear seconds later.
McDermott, picked off an 8 ball - about the same relative size to Jono's tennis ball in one shot. The Ensigns showed great promise.
Montague aimed at the furthest target from him and fired, it took him two shots to fully disable his target but he managed it. Being a Security Analyst, Jono had suspected Montagues performance to be of a good standard.
Jackson aimed at some floating green aliens, that Jono had actually put in the Sim for fun. However the Ensign did reasonably well at taking them out, Jono was impressed.
Counsellor Bruce, then took out the smalled object out.. Smalled than Jono's or McDermotts. Jono was stunned and the rest of the Ensigns seemed to be also....
Convoy Escort
The group is in the middle of a long road, in Early 20th century San Fransico. There is a Medical Convoy coming down the street and it'll be at there position in exactly 7 minutes. Non of the Ensigns have any weapons, yet there are snipers and enemy marines waiting for them down the road. Jono has told the Ensigns that approximately 30 meters up, in the building behind them are a few Phasers from there time in the year 2407. What the Ensigns don't know that the Phasers are suspended in mid air in the middle of the room, and the Enemy have also found the weapons although they don't know how to get to them....
So far
Ensign Bruce has decided to run up the building by herself to try and get the phasers, throughout the whole simulation she has shown good initiative and great fighting skills.
Ensign Jackson has decided to Scout forward a little - without any weapons. Good intentions but not very wise. He gets pinned down by a sniper only to be rescued by Ensign McDermott who along with Ensign Montague noticed the old Weapons Emporium across the street.
McDermott headed into the Emporium in hope on finding some weapons, he saves the shop keeper and then scares the man into showing him where he keeps his heavy weapons. McDermott ends up finding some heavy artillery which he thinks could be useful, he takes them to the front of the shop and helps Ensign Jackson escape.
Ensign Montague also found the Weapons Emporium, after stealing a few hand pistols Montague then broke into the house above it and stole some civilian clothing and re-dressed himself so he would blend in more.
All the Ensigns are doing extremely well. All of them are yet to hear from Ensign Bruce, and Montague is excelling in leadership qualities as is McDermott.
After great confusion and explosion the Holodeck Sim was finished and Jono issued the scores.
Assignment 2 - USS Champlain
After the Geneva case, Jono was re-assigned. Jono's future awaited him on another ship, the USS Champlain... Under the command of his previous FO, Captain Edward Wolfe.
Mission 1
Mission: Worlds Once Lost
Stardate: 2407.02.24
Jono was transferred to the USS Champlain and one he arrived by shuttle, he reported into his friend and commanding officer, Edward Wolfe.
Jono reached the CO's office and they both sat and talked about many different things....
Jono then left Wolfe and re-decorated his Office to what he liked.
The Party Preparation
Jono is contacted by Captain Wolfe Asking Jono for help. The Admiral's aide has dumped a Launch Party on the Captain and it was to take place tomorrow at 2000 hours.
Jono enlists the help of Ensign LaQua and Ensign Rhinehart, and request they meet him tomorrow morning in Ten Forward at 0845 hours.
The next morning Jono awoke and then headed to Ten Forward to meet the Ensigns, he and they spoke and they came up with a plan for the whole festivities.
Jono then received a call from Starbase Geneva FO, Lieutenant Commander Ulia Mason. She tells him that the Chefs and Orchestra will be coming across onto the Champlain at approximately 1100 hours. Jono agrees to this, and then goes away and quickly comes up with a new plan which included a stage and dancing floor.
Shuttle Hunting
Not long after the the Champlain is launched and on their way to its first mission to the planet Ivor Prime, Wolfe decides to keep the Champlain waiting while he takes several of the new Ensigns including, Brianna Frazier, T'Larah Sullivan, Derrick La'Qua and Olen Rhinehart on a survey mission for Starfleet.
During the time that they are gone Ensign Smith, delves into some information he shouldn't have about why the Captain has taken this ship and Janeway was no choice but to through him in the Brig - under orders of Lt. Commander Ulia Mason.
This leads to an investigation as once the USS Wyvern attacks and Wolfe and his motley crew return (just in time for the battle) it becomes obvious that the ship has a leak... Which was feeding information to the Wyvern. The Wyvern is over powered by the Champlain, as the Champ used a tactical approach. They sent two of their shuttles out and re-configured the shuttles signal to emit the same as the Champlain. So theoretically on sensors the shuttles looked like the USS Champlain. Its hard to hit the right ship when there is three of them flying around you at the same time.
Speaking with the Wyverns Captain - Angela Smithwick, it become obvious that Ulia Mason the Champlains temporary first officer, had known the Captain... Very Well.
The Champlain has now resumed course for Ivor Prime and Jono and Ensign Sullivan have began an investigation on who their rat is.
A Rat in a Tin Can
Lt. Janeway and Ensign Sullivan's investigation start's logically with Ensign Smith. They bring him for the brig to Interrogation Room 2A and begin the Interview with him..
Half way through the interview it became obvious to both Jono and T'Larah that Smith wasn't their man, he had aided their Rat un-knowingly - Via his PADD.
The night before the Interrogation, Ensign Brianna Frazier - Who was promoted to Chief of Operation on the Champlain the next day, came to find Jono late that night. She presented him with the Data from Smiths PADD which made it possible for their Rat to get information off the ship easily. She explained that whoever it was, was using the PADD to upload and download the information link through Smiths PADD to a Biological Interface.
Jono took this PADD into the interrogation with Smith and questioned him on what he knew of the software used. Smith quickly identified something to do with 'Binary' code and explained that he had a program in his quarters to crack it, from when he used to work with the 'Binars'. Jono restricted him to quarters under his authority and assigned two Security Guards to him to make sure nothing happened.
After this Jono arranged a meeting with Bree Frazier for 1600 hours to talk to her about Smiths lack of Operational Security and to find out what she knew about 'Binary' code. He wanted to confirm what Smith had said.
Mission on Ivor Prime
Jono and the other senior officers were called to the Observation Lounge by Wolfe for a final mission briefing. Jono was pared up in a team with Ensign LaQua the Science Officer. He would be protecting the man as he took reading on the surface. Wolfe would be with Ensign's Sullivan, Frazier and Stanton and Dr. Mor'rel would be heading up a Triage center on the planet with Rhinehart and d'Kla's'turr.
Ivor Prime is in the Eta Scorpii system by the Typhon Expanse. This planet had been a Federation Colony that had been destroyed by the Borg. Decades had passed since that attack and the Champlain was dispatched to examine the ruins of the former colony and determine if the planet was suitable for recolonization.
Jono requests extra security officers along for the trip. Just to be extra cautious, After hearing about the Borg, security is a major issue for him at Ivor Prime. He's always expecting the worse.
Away Team
- Captain Edward Wolfe - Human
- Lieutenant Jono Janeway - Human
- Lieutenant d'Kla's'turr - Coridanite
- Lieutenant (JG) Mor'rel - Vulcan
- Lieutenant (JG) Bohb - Magillian
- Ensign Brianna Frazier - Half Betazoid
- Ensign T'Larah Sullivan - Half Vulcan Half Human
- Ensign Olen Rhinehart - Human
- Ensign Derick La'Qua - Human
- Ensign (JG) Gabriele Suvik-Bertorelli - Human/Vulcan Hybrid
- Ensign (JG) Leesa N. Stanton - Human
- Ensign (JG) Ro'Dal - Takaran
- Crewman Kohlass - Klingon
Down On Ivor Prime
The away team beams down to the planets surface. As soon as the away team lands it is quite obvious that something is wrong. Dr. Mor'rel scans the area and finds no Biomass. There are no bodies.
After the Borg had attacked the colony they didn't land on the planet, which leads to the assumption that Assimilation had not happened. There should be bodies.
Soon after they beamed down Ensign Brianna Frazier was overcome with emotional feelings. She is an empath.
Janeway and Rhinehart began setting up the Medical tent. During this time Crewman Kohlass - A tactical crewman decided it was best to, argueable question Lt. Janeways orders. Once he had done so Edward Wolfe stepped up and ordered the Crewman to do what he was told and then spoke to Jono about controlling his Men.
Wolfe ordered everybody to gather around him as he coerced orders out to everyone. Janeway was to take a team with -
- Ensign (SG) Derrick La'Qua - Science Officer
- Ensign (JG) Gabriele Suvik-Bertorelli - Asst. Chief Of Engineering
- Ensign (SG) Olen Rhinehart - Counsellor
- Lieutenant (JG) Bohb - Asst. Security Chief
Wolfe himself lead a team with -
- Ensign (SG) Brianna Frazier - Chief Of Operations (After being treated by Dr. Mor'rel)
- Ensign (JG) Leesa N. Stanton - Helmsman
- Ensign (SG) T'Larah Sullivan - Asst. Security Chief/Asst. Tactical Chief
Janeways team entered the settlement through the right hand side and the Wolfe's the left. The settlement was a mess, Jono described it as an old scene from a World War battle - Just with modern technology and no Bodies. The team enters the settlement.
As Jono and his team make their way further into Ivor City, Janeway is contacted by Wolfe who asks him to head towards his team as they are having a small problem. Wolfe did not elaborate on what he needed their help on.
Before Jono and his team can get to Wolfe and the others he gets another COMM Call from Ensign Ro'Dal, A lonely Borg Drone had landed on the planet and was heading towards the Base camp at an alarming rate.
Jono and Bohb returned to the Base Camp and began conversing with Dr. Mor'rel and Dr. d'Kla's'turr. During this time the Borg drone entered the camp and passed straight through the group and left them un-scathed. As the Borg left Jono began dishing out orders. He had the Scientist - d'Kla's'turr try and isolate several of the Borg's transmissions and keep them transmitting, while Dr. Mor'rel used his touch telepathy to bring the Borg down. Although before this happened Jono was shot in the shoulder by the Borg Drone.
Jono was healed by Mor'rel while d'Kla's'turr gained access to the Borg's memory engrams and altered them. Janeway's security team moved the Borg back to its ship and allowed it to leave - its memory altered.
Underneath Ivor Prime
Once the Borg drone had been dispatched, Lt. Commander Ulia Mason communicated with Jono and told him that the Captain had need of them underneath the surface. The other team which now also included La'Qua, Rhinehart and Suvik-Bertorelli had ventured underground after Ensign Leesa Stanton had fallen through a whole. The whole lead the team into what seemed a Starfleet Labratory.
When Jono caught up with Captain Edward Wolfe, the captain had Ensign Sullivan report to Janeway and tell her superior what had happened. This is the report she gave:
"After Ensign Stanton fell down into the hole, and we followed down, at a much safer speed, with climbing gear, to an equipment tunnel that lead to a small catwalk. From that vantage point, Ensign Frazier found a ventilation shaft sealed by a force field. While the team was dealing with that problem, Kohlass and I proceeded to secure the the other two tunnels. Each of us took a tunnel, Kohlass this one and I took the other. We performed a comm check and kept our lines open, to remain in contact. I got about thirty or forty meters into my tunnel and I saw a blur rush past me, but my tricorder didn't pick it up, so I warned the rest of the team of an unknown contact moving toward them. I got a response from the away team but, Kohlass's transmission was broken up, I was unsure if he received the transmission or not. At that point I heard a very loud voice, perhaps a battle cry or signal of alarm from Kohlass. I sprinted over to make sure that Kohlass had gotten the message and to investigate the blood curtling scream. On my arrival to Kohlass's position I found that the blur had caught him by surprise, and managed to poison him. The creature was perched on top of Kohlass and when I fired my phaser at it, the beam some how refracted doing the creature no harm, I was able to increase the setting on my phaser and fire as it charged and jumped at me, when I managed to get a shot off, the beam hit it center mass on the heaviest stun setting. It collapsed to the ground, I attempted to treat the crewmember's wounds to the best of my ability. Kohlass briefly awoke and killed the animal with his bare hands. I called for medical assistance, first LaQua showed up and then Captain Wolfe. With his aid we treated the Klingon's wounds. Using Kohlass's knife while he was out, I extracted the venom glands and Captain Wolfe synthesized a antivenom. I took a phaser that was left by the colonists and used it to modify my tricorder in an attempt to ensure there were no more creatures around. With the Captain's permission I reconnoitered the med lab and ensured that it had no hostiles. In the lab I found a log that indicated that one of the large puzzle pieces is in the science lab. I reported that to the Captain, and he called the rest of you down here and went to investigate with the recovering Mr. Kohlass. I then came back to report to you."
Upon hearing Sullivan's view on things and learning about Kohlass being attacked he determined that he wanted the tunnel that Sullivan had previously ventured down to be further explored. He sent Sullivan down it while conversing with Ensign Ro'Dal and Lt Bohb about their orders. After 5 minutes Sullivan reported back to Janeway that she had found another laboratory. She believed she was directly above the Science Lab that the Captain was in. She found biological remains and an un-determined power source.
Jono instructed her to stay put while he made his way down the tunnel towards her. On the way he reported back to the Captain on what the Ensign had found. Wolfe told him to take Sullivan's finds to Dr. Mor'rel who may be able to get a more positive reading of it; he also asked that Jono gained reinforcements on his arrival in the Sickbay (which was where Mor'rel was).
Jono caught up with Sullivan and they ran back to the sickbay. It didn't take them long to get there. Once they had arrived Janeway instructed Sullivan to go and take the remains to Mor'rel. Jono contacted the Champlain and relayed the Captains orders for reinforcements in the Engineering, Medical and Science departments.
Before the Champlain could reply however. Ensign Frazier called Jono over the COMM System and explained that the Captain had mysteriously vanished and that Ensign Stanton was being attacked. Jono made a quick decision to pull Stanton out from where she was by using a site-to-site transport. Brianna also told him that d'Kla's'turr had been injured and was being transported to the Sickbay. This ultimately left Janeway in charge of the away team.
He ordered Briana Frazier to send Ro'Dal to where he was AND he and Ensign Sullivan were going to use the S2S transporter to arrive at the location Frazier and the rest of the team was. Before they could transport, Chief Petty Officer Kohlass requested to return to duty. Jono told him he could if he got medical clearance from Dr. Mor'rel.
As this was happening, Jono was aware that a new Doctor from the Champlain had arrived on the scene.. Dr. Deanno Lorn (Ensign Junior Grade) - A new transfer, Jono left the betazoid in Dr. Mor'rels capable hands.
The *NEW* Away Team
- Captain Edward Wolfe - Missing in Action (COMMANDING OFFICER)
- Lieutenant Jono Janeway - Leading Away team (SECURITY/TACTICAL CHIEF)
- Lieutenant d'Kla's'turr - Medically Incapacitated (SCIENCE OFFICER - XENOBIOLOGIST)
- Lieutenant (JG) Mor'rel - Currently Treating Patients (ACTING CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER)
- Lieutenant (JG) Rellie Dezlar - Rushing around trying to fix the generator (ACTING CHIEF ENGINEERING OFFICER)
- Lieutenant (JG) Bohb - Currently in Science Lab; Securing Perimeter (ASSISTANT CHIEF SECURITY)
- Ensign Brianna Frazier - Desperately trying to find Wolfe; Shaken but not stirred by the Captains disapearence (CHIEF OF OPERATIONS)
- Ensign T'Larah Sullivan - Awaiting Transport (ASSISTANT TACTICAL OFFICER)
- Ensign Derrick La Qua - Heading the Science Department (SCIENCE OFFICER)
- Ensign Olen Rhinehart - Keeping a Clever sense about himself (COUNSELOR)
- Ensign (JG) Leesa N. Stanton - Transporting (HELMSMEN)
- Ensign (JG) Gabrielle Suvik-Bertorelli - Helping Dezlar (ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEERING OFFICER)
- Ensign (JG) Paul Bird - Trying to correct his error, which may have been the cause of Captain Wolfes disappearance (ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEERING OFFICER)
- Ensign (JG) Deanno Lorn - Reporting In (ASSISTANT CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER)
- Ensign (JG) Ro'Dal - Waiting for Orders (SECURITY OFFICER)
- Chief Petty Officer Kohlass - Awaiting Medical Go-ahead (SECURITY OFFICER)
- Chief Petty Officer Maurice Logan - Reporting In (SCIENCE OFFICER)
- Chief Petty Officer Banda Ree - Reporting In (SCIENCE OFFICER)
Now in Command?
With Wolfe missing Janeway was forced into the position of the CO of the away team. Being thrust into a foreign position Janeway struggled to grasp the concept of commanding the small group of people. With Bree's help he managed to bring them all together and begin working on separate projects - but ultimately towards the final goal of bringing Captain Wolfe back. With Frazier in near constant telepathic contact with Wolfe he wasn't in complete control.
Finally they settled upon a plan and it was sprung into action - But with Dezlar still injured and un-treated Janeway had to deal with Dr. Lorn who apparently hadn't been paying attention when he ordered her to make her way to Lt. Dezlar. Since the Captain's disappearance a few of the away team hadn't thought it nessesary to inform him on what they were doing. Since he had to send Counselor Rhinehart to fetch the woman. Although about 20 minutes later she had to be sent back to the Champlain due to injuries.
The mission came to a wrap as the away team led primarily and subtly by Ensign Brianna Frazier, solved the problem of bringing the Captain back. They reversed the polarity of the machine which took him and the 'bridge' between reality's re-opened allowing the Captain and 54 other civilians through the rift.
As Wolfe and Bree were beamed back to the Champlain Jono took control of the situation once again, getting the away team to round up the colonists into the med lab near the main lab they were in. Once the civilians had been filtered through into the main lab, Janeway and a group of Champlain scientists with the added expertise of Dr. Laura Schell (The second in command of the facility) went through with shutting the device down. Ens(jg) La'Qua made a quick decision to kill the 1000's of other colonists trapped within the reality by shutting the machine down completely. He and Dr. Schell argued mean while Dr. Fiacie (ACSO On the Champlain) discovered that everything wasn't futile and the colonists could be saved. Janeway then made a decision NOT to allow Fiacie of any of the scientists to bring the colonists back at that time as the Champlain doesn't have the resources to house the amount of colonists on the planet. Instead he AND Fiacie have made notes for the 52nd fleet to bring a task force to Ivor Prime to retrieve the colonists and set the colony up once more.
Mission 2 (3 Parter)
This mission is split into several parts as the mission changed direction several times. The mission names changed to help differentiate the different parts of the mission.
Mission: The Hepheastus Principle (Part 1 of 3)
Stardate: 2407.03.13
One day after Janeway's 28th birthday (12th March) he and all the senior staff were quickly called to the bridge by Captain Edward Wolfe.
Jono quickly makes his way to the bridge, wondering to himself what has happened. As he gets to the bridge and logs onto his station he quickly notices several of the scans which had been activated in the last couple of minutes. He doesn't mention anything and waits for the captain to address the crew in their little 'bridge briefing'.
Edward Wolfe then went on to explain that the Champlain had discovered a ship jumping to warp for the first time. A type of warp test flight for the specie. The catch is, that the warp signature is the same as a standard starfleet warp signature. This is causing much confusion within the staff and several debates kick off, within the Champlain's senior staff on the bridge. Wolfe decides to dismiss his senior staff to go do what is needed.
Lt. Frazier (CoPS & 30) decides to pull most of the senior staff into her office to pull together some ideas and figure out who should be on the away teams going down to the planet. Fiacie (ACSO) presents her scans to the group, which indicate that the planet is running on a 32 hour cycle. The planet is 65% water and M class, very much like Earth.
Once all this is done, Janeway speaks to Wolfe about setting up a small party for the senior officers in Ten Forward that evening, he hoped that the informal get together could help mesh the crew together and lighten there moods for the mission tomorrow. The party goes ahead and is a big success, the crew mingle and seem to have a fair amount of fun. After the party had finished many people were heading back to their quarters when the Yellow Alert was signaled.
Janeway quickly made his way to the bridge, ensuring that all of his security teams were in place by the time he got there. Once he arrived a the Champlain's command center he quickly found out what was happening, the ship from the surface had been launched, this ship was not as technologically advanced as the Champlain however was summarized to have enough Fire power to give Wolfe's ship a run for their money. Not wanting to be found, the Champlain backs off and Lt. Brianna Frazier hacks into the alien ships comm.
From this the bridge crew heres the alien ships intentions and realizes that the ship wasn't a danger to then... That was until they found out that the Champlain had been listening in on them. Meanwhile Lt. Alosar had reported to the bridge and Jono had quickly asked him to check if the Captain was OK. Wolfe had been awfully quiet and seemed to be ignoring everyone.
Alosar quickly ordered a retreat from the alien ship and took the ship into warp. The order was quickly reprimanded by Bree who took control of the bridge situation; being the next officer in line to take control since the Captain and First Officer were both acting strangely.
Mission: Beyond Vengeance (Part 2 of 3)
Stardate: 2407.03.14
As the Champlain dropped out of warp; a revengeful USS Wyvern dropped their newly acquired cloak and fired several torpedoes at the Champlain's bridge. The ship failed to raise shields quickly enough and the bridge was struck with the torpedoes, instantly killing, Captain Edward Wolfe; Chief Medical Officer Mor'rel and severely incapacitating First Officer Ulia Mason.
Bree quickly took command of the bridge and with the help of Janeway came up with a plan to board the USS Wyvern and take control of the ship. Jono abandoning the Champlain and taking several security teams across to the Wyvern to seize the vessel. After a grueling battle and several discussions with the Wyvern's First Officer Martin O'Shea, command of the USS Wyvern was passed over to Lt. Janeway the Acting First Officer of the USS Champlain and the new Acting Command Officer of the USS Wyvern.
Once the command had been passed Janeway, he asked security to escort Ensign Moto a 52nd Fleet officer, formerly of the USS Paladin to meet with him in his new temporary 'ready room'. He was able to re-instate the Ensign under his command, as the Acting First Officer of the Wyvern while the Champlain and the Wyvern were in transit back to Starbase Geneva.
Mission: Crossroads (Part 3 of 3)
Stardate: 2407.04.02
As the USS Wyvern and USS Champlain, now under command of Lt. Brianna Frazier and Lt. Jono Janeway came to dock with Starbase Geneva, they received word of the new command team coming aboard the Champlain;
Cptn. Rivers was a suitable candidate for the her new role within the Champlain's crew, she had been Captain of several other ships before the Champlain and Jono was eager to meet her. It wasn't until the Wyvern was docked that Jono learned who the new First Officer was to be. The Chief Engineering Officer of the USS Nimitz; Jono's first assignment had risen through the ranks quickly; it was the every ready to prove himself, Lt. Cmdr Salid.
Once meeting with the Captain & First Officer, Jono went to settle in to Starbase Geneva and make sure Ensign Moto was to be assigned to the Champlain. He wrote a letter of recommendation for the Ensign, after getting to know the older man on the voyage back to the Starbase.
The *new* captain called a meeting for senior staff later on that day, in which she handed out several promotions. Two of these included making previous COPS/30, Lt(jg) Brianna Frazier to COPS/20, Lt. Cmdr Brianna Frazier and making Jono himself the ships Third Officer as well as his duties as Chief of Security. Jono didn't gain a promotion in rank, however was awarded with his second Combat Action Ribbon. After this senior staff meeting, Jono and Captain Susan Rivers headed to her *new* ready room to discuss, Ensign Moto coming aboard as a TAC/ASC officer. Jono felt accomplished as the Captain gave him permission to tell the Ensign he would be joining them on their next mission, he also got to know the Captain a little further as they discussed the Civil war.
With little more insight into what his teams and Lt. Colonel Drizzt teams were training for, he kept his security forces under check with the help of newly appointed Ensign Moto and Lt(jg) Bohb, both of these Asst. Security Chief's did extremely well in training for the new Tactical Interface Holographic System that the engineers at Starbase Geneva had installed into the Champlain.
Security Breakdown
Jono sat down with Ens(jg) Moto and they re-arranged the security teams into, platoons an squads; modeling the security department after the Marines Corps, helping the department to be more efficient in the event of a 'boarding'. The platoons were then given staging areas to which they would defend the ship encase of this eventuality. This is what they finally decided upon:
- 125 Tac/Sec (On whole ship)
- 5 officers in department
- 3 Security Platoon’s (40 personnel each Platoon)
- 6 Security Demi-Platoon (20 personnel each Demi-Platoon)
- 12 Security Squads with 10 personnel and one officer leading
Each Demi-platoon has its own staging area on Deck 15 and weapons locker adjacent to this.
Throughout the ship there are also smaller staging areas for the 12 Squads to take up position during hand to hand combat on the USS Champlain.
Saucer Section:
- Platoon 1 - Lead by Lt. Janeway
Stardrive Section:
- Platoon 2 - Lead by Lt. Sullivan
- Platoon 3 - Lead by Ens. Moto
Senior Officers or Chief’s of department may need to be on the bridge or ships command centre if battle is commenced, therefore the next person in the line of command for that squad will take over.
New Security Systems Aboard
Janeway also ran through with his Assistants the new systems in which he had requested be trialled on their ship for the next mission. These systems included:
- SMPT - Spinal Mounted Phaser Turrets (Full 360 rotation), these are small turrets which deploy from ceiling and can be set through the tactical interface panel on both the bridge and in engineering. These Phaser turrets can be set to different settings via the tactical interface, although don’t have much protection against any retaliation, slow to recharge and easy to target they are primarily used to slow any advancing boarding parties down.
- THS - Tactical Holographic System, this system takes its inspiration and is largely an adaptation of the EMH, first employed in the Intrepid Class vessels. Adapting from this, holographic emitters placed around the ship produce HSP, (Holographic Security personnel) which although are unable to inflict harm or damage to an enemy target, are used to confuse, manipulate and in essence delay boarding parties.
After weeks of training and getting ready for the mission, which Jono sensed was a big on the USS Champlain left dry dock onto their next mission with a new command team. Leaving the Starbase behind, Jono reflected on what had gone on there since their arrival. At least there had been no plague of such, but the plague of grief which had gripped him at his Former CO's funeral, had a major effect on Janeway's judgement and personality. He became a much more serious person and even more (if possible) dedicated to his job and the friends which he had around him, but still letting his thoughts linger on his old best friend, Edward Wolfe.
Mission 3
Mission Name: Do Not Go Gentle
Stardate: 2407.07.03
Once the USS Champlain caught up with Task Force 19, which was lead by Rear Admiral Sevant, the Captain called an early morning meeting in which the departmental chiefs gave reports on all the updates within their department. Jono gave a rather lengthy speech on the *new* security systems aboard the vessel. Jono was able to answer all the crews questions on this matter with sufficient ease. The rest of this meeting was rather un-eventful.
After the Captain had met with Rear Admiral Sevant, shortly after the senior officer meeting their was another meeting called, this time lead by Sevant. He outlined the task-forces mission and Jono who had worked before joining Starfleet with the Earth Defense Perimeter, new accuratley the rather hard task that Task Force 19 was to be completing. Breaking through the Mars Defense Perimeter wasn't a clever thing to do in Janeway's eyes, however he understood why it needed to be done.
The Champlain would be accompanying the USS Boudicca and a small array of other ships to from the Vanguard of the attack. They would run through the 'main' battlegrounds and head for the heart of the MDP, the Champlain's primary objective would be to stand guard over the USS Boudicca (Lead by Admiral Sevant), The Boudicca would be then striking the heart of MDP.
Janeway left this meeting in a rather, less-than-happy mood. Later on that day himself and Ensign Moto made their way to Deck 2 and the First Officer office as requested earlier on that day. They entered and began their meeting with the First Officer. Salid wanted to know more about the ships readiness if they were boarded. Janeway and Moto both gave a truthful report on the ships readiness. The First Officer then went onto explain his plan for the battle which was looming ever closer. He wanted Janeway to accompany him to the Battle Bridge, which was effectively chopping the command team in half. Leaving Captain Rivers and Second officer Frazier on the main bridge and First Officer Salid and Third officer Jono Janeway on the battle bridge. His theory was that if the main bridge was knocked out of commission, Himself and Janeway would be able to continue to command the ship from there.
Because Janeway would also be needed desperately on the Tactical Console (or TIHS) on the battle bridge, it would mean that the ship would be left without direction of the Security Chief. The First Officer asked Ensign Moto whether he would be up to the task of taking the role of Acting Chief of Security for the duration of the battle.
The next day, Jono was making his usual rounds, around the Security department when he came across a small group of sec officers huddled in Security Conference room 3b. When he confronted these officers, one of them gave him a small isolinear chip.
Jungle Passion
Jono wasn't particularly happy with what he found on the isolinear chip. It was a scene which involved one of his own Assistants, Lt(jg) Bohb and one of his superior officers Lt. Cmdr Brianna Frazier. He immediately contacted the Captain with this issue as it became obvious that this little 'security' issue had become known to allot of the junior officers and crewman. This 'porn' video was being sold for seemingly quite allot of credits, around the ship. The captain was in a meeting with Chief Counselor Olen Rhinehart, who seemed to have come across the video at around the same time as Jono. He was advised to get to the meeting so they could discuss with Bree and Bohb what had transpired.
Jono contacted Ensign Moto and asked him to take statements from the officers he had locked in Conference room 3b, Neglecting to tell Sam what the urgency was about he left the Ensign with no clue on what he was collecting statements for, as he rushed of to meet with the Captain and Chief Couns. He arrived at Olen's office before either Bohb and Bree, however was surprised at Bohb's tone of voice when he entered the room and told the man quite coldly to calm down.
After a small debate the Captain told Janeway that he was to work alongside Ensign Zanarra of Op's to investigate the distribution of these videos. The Captain forbid both Frazier and Bohb to interfere with this investigation, or to try and sort through it themselves. Janeway completely agreed with this statement and began wondering what Ensign Zanarra was like. After a particularly hard question answered by Bohb about the star date on which the 'activity' was 'taped' Jono gives Lt. Bohb his orders to return to duty and then leaves the counseling section of the ship, heading for his office.
Once he managed to get to his office, he sat down and was contacted by a crewman from Operations. They told him he had a call waiting, Jono abruptly asked the man who it was and was very surprised when the man informed him it was Captain Martin O'Shea on the USS Wyvern. Jono informed the man to put the call through straight away. When the newly appointed Captain's face pooped onto the screen Jono couldn't help but smile a little. It seemed that O'Shea just wanted to 'chat' and in-form Jono that the USS Wyvern would be battling next to the Champlain helping to protect the Boudicca. As surprised as Jono was, he was also rather elated at the fact that the Wyvern would be fighting along side them. He asked the Captain whether he would allow Jono to transport over at some point before the battle and take a look around.
After speaking with Captain Martin O'Shea, Ensign Zanarra rang the door chime and Jono let her in.
So the Investigation Begins
Jono quickly briefed Zanarra on what the chip contained and how he had come about it. They discussed several means of finding the perpetrator and quickly decided that Zanarra would be best of using the Third Officer's personal computer terminal to access the chips coding to find out where the chip originated from.
While Zanarra worked on this chip, Jono went in search of Counsellor Rhinehart to retrieve the chip Ensign Ro'Dal had given Counsellor Dorga Cha' Nooras
Zanarra contacted Jono a few hours later, telling him that she had managed to decode the chip he had given her. The information she could derive from it, was that it was 'created' on Medical Terminal 7219. Jono thanked the Vulcan ensign for her help and then asked her to meet him in Sickbay. He contacted CMO, Dr. Jennifer Caskie to ask her to also meet him in sickbay in relation to an 'investigation' endorsed by the Captain.
To Sickbay
On Janeway's arrival to Sickbay he quickly heads for the CMO's office. After a quick explanation to Dr. Caskie, the doctor shows him into the 'Autopsy Suite' which is where the terminal earlier mentioned was located. On the way into the Autopsy Suite, Ensign Zanarra meets up with them. Jono quickly asks Zanarra to investigate the terminal and take as much information relating to the chip as she can. While the ensign does this, Dr. Caskie mentions to Jono that pretty much anyone in Medical, command or Security could have accessed this terminal.
That wasn't the most useful of information to the security chief, but he thanks the Doctor and asks her how she has been and tries to engage her in some social interaction. He had made a pact that he should get to know all of the senior officers better before the main battle. However 'Josh' didn't seem to keen with talking to Jono. She gives the Third Officer a quick breakdown of how she feels her medical staff is doing and then made a comment about the security cameras that were installed in the room. She mentions that not all medical staff know about these cameras.
Ensign Zanarra comes back to Jono after he had communicated with a crewman from security asking him to check the security camera tapes. Zanarra tells Jono and Josh that the chip had been uploaded to this terminal wirelessly from a terminal in the Science department. Jono begins to get the feeling he is going on a wild goose chase. He thanks Dr. Caskie for her time and contacts CSO, Lt. Megan Tallos via the comm. system.
When he receives no answer from Tallos he becomes worried and decides to communicate with one of her assistants by trying to comm. Ensigns Derrick La'Qua and Samantha Wilde' Fiacie.
This is as far as Jono's History Goes.... I'll update it at next possible convenience..
The Dream
On Day 6, of Mission: Do Not Go Gentle. Jono had a rather disturbing dream, the post below is the dream and delves into two past instances in Jono's past. One dealing with Rebecca Parker and the other dealing with how he came about his scar;
(Dreamscape - Jono Janeway - Time Unknown)
Black faded to white and finally his eyes made sense of the surroundings. His eyes were his eyes, but his body not his own. It felt strange, odd, small and worst of all he couldnt move. The music in the background and the chill in the wind were the first things to bring him round;
'Summer of 69...' Somehow he knew this scene, he had been here before. Somehow he knew there was a 'retro' disco going on around the corner, but how did he know that? 'They were young and restless...' He kept catching parts of the song, his head was pointed at the floor.
"Talk to me, Jono" came an all to familiar voice, the head tilted up and he saw where he was and who he was 'speaking' too. ~Becky~ He thought, he still couldnt control the body he was in. He could feel his or rather the adolecent 'Jono Janeways' heart beating fast, the blood running through his vains, the un-controllable urge to hit something, anything. The boy was upset, very upset and confused.
"It's not my fault. I cant stop them." She said again.
Jono was leaning agaisnt the wall opposite her, she was looking at him; pleaing for an answer, hoping her eyes just lingering on him. At only 17 he was lost, not only because of this but he didnt know what to do in life, he didn't have a plan, she was his plan and now...
His breathing deepened, taking slower breaths in between jumbled up thoughts. His arm began burning the more upset and angry he got, the more he fought the urge to cry. His fist clenched, but he didnt do it. His head moved again, but it wasn't him that moved it.
He was now looking at the stars, the emotion sweeping over him. "We never have time to just look at the stars anymore." The words came out of his mouth, but he didn't say them. Infact all he was able to do was watch what was happening.
His head shook, the town clock began to strike the chimes for midnight and it was then that Jono realized where he was. He understood the pain, grief, anger and all the other feelings running through. This has happened before, he had blocked it out sometime ago, it had hurt too much. He was watching the scene he had found out Becky was being taken away, the night before she had left. "But I suppose that doesn't matter anymore." The teenager said, not looking directly at Becky as he rested his head in the upright position so Jono got a good look at the teenage girl.
~A face I have not seen in such a long time~
The boy Janeway seemed to have made up his mind, he walked forward. His hands in his black coat, he got level with the girls eye level, an inch away from her. He took his hands out of his pockets and the kissed her, one kiss while he held her hand. They separated and he looked into her eyes and then leant forward.
"I love you. I'll find you." He whispered in her ear and then on the last stroke of midnight turned and headed down the dark footpath they were standing on.
"I know." He heard from behind him, he looked back, stood and watched as the girl turned away and walked home. She didn't turn back once.
He turned, ready to head back home a tear rolling down his cheek and then came face to face with the shadow of a huge dog, he was verily shocked. It was huge and looked almost like a wolf. Jono just stood staring at it. A faint glow began to proceed out of the shadow and then the creature growled.
A blinding flash and his arm felt so hot, he wanted to tear at it, rip the wound open, take his own arm it was that painful. He tried to initiate the mind block but couldn't, the light was pulling him in.
"Now, Jonathan. Please stay here." He heard another womans voice, it was his mum. ~Whats happening?~, the 5 year old Jono was smiling, looking up at his mother in apprehension, he didn't know what he was at the clean place why was he at the place sick people went to?
He nodded in response to his mothers statement but began to shift around in his seat as soon as the woman turned her back on him. It was the same as before, Jono couldn't; move, speak, detach himself from the younger him. He didn't know what was going on? Had some alien intruder entered his brain and began making him relive some of his more gruesome memories? The ones he had tried the hardest to forget.
He knew what this one was, straight away. The day he received his scar. He had re-visited this memory only once before, at the age of 14 when he realized that a rogue H4H agent had blown up the facility.
The child looked up as Joy Janeway walked back towards him with a wheelchair. "Pop in here, Jonathan. We'll take you for a ride init.", Janeway nodded eagerly and jumped into the comfy chair which moved. The man in a blue uniform took handle of the chair,
"He'll be right back, Just a few bio-scans. Shouldn't take long at all." He said to the boys mother. She nodded,
"I'll wait here." She said and sat down. The man nodded and asked Janeway is he was ready, after the boy had shook his head they began moving. They headed into a turbolift and then headed up to one of the higher floors, while in the turbolift the young Janeway became preoccupied with the badge the man had on his clothes, it was of a wolf and as the turbolift doors opened it began to glow orange with the reflection of what was happening outside the lift.
The boy turned his head and could see in the full view and man with 'H4H' printed on his uniform press a button. The man exploded in a brilliant succession of light. Pain came. He was pierced. Scarred for life. All went dark.
Jono, the 28 year old now man was stood there. A green field of grass around him. He spun around, he now had control of his own body; not trapped in some memory. There were loud noises all around him, explosions, drums and chanting. He looked down, there was the wolf. Next to him, it circled him and looked up.
Jono wasn't sure what to do or where he was, he bent down to the wolf and it spoke. "Great Danger is coming. Prepare yourself for the worst."
He jumped back, "NO!" Jono shouted, he could see all the people he cared for dieing, old and new. "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" He shouted repeatedly, The wolf began glowing again.
It exploded, Jono was ripped into thousands of tiny pieces and was no more.
(USS Champlain, 30/Sec Chief's Quarters - Third Officer & Security Chief, Lt. Jono Janeway - 0230)
Jono woke with a start, sitting up in his bed. He was shaking terribly with a cold sweat pouring down his face. It took him a moment to gain his bearings and then looked around his room.
He shook his head while he was breathing heavily and got out of bed after a few moments and then fell to the floor, his body to weak to stand from the experience his scar glowing red hot. He tried to summon energy to put up his pain block around his mind, the energy he was lacking to be able to stand he lacked in this also.
He just sat there, shivering and finally sleep took him once more.
(Posted by Jono)
This is as far as Jono's History Goes.... I'll update it at next possible convenience..
Janeways Awards (Starfleet)
USS Nimitz, Awards
- Stardate: 2407.02.08
USS Champlain, Awards
- Stardate: 2407.03.05
- Stardate: 2407.03.13/14
Janeway's Interests and Hobbies
Jono prefers to spend his free time aboard the USS Champlain planning stategies or holodeck programs to futher his security teams into being one of the most trained forces in the 52nd Fleet.
He has a flair for hand to hand combat with swords and is a master swords man. He enjoys spending time on the holodeck fighting, and training in the art of Melee Weaponary.
Although Jono doesnt have any real opponents that he can strive to beat on the Champlain, he uses the holodeck to simulate battles of history and he takes part in them.
Jono commits himself to being a better officer and one day to become a CO.
Jono's Sword and Plaque
Jonathan Janeway is very adapt in many sord techniques. Since the age of four he has had a fasination in Sword play and he begun training at the age of four. Of course the swords he used in training then were not *real* swords they were small plastic/wooden swords which he used to spar with.
Jono's Holodeck Programs
Jono's Ambitions
Jono has many ambitions, like most people.
- He has the ambition to be better than himself.
- He dreams of becoming a Captain someday.
Notes By Author
This article is continuously edited as the character of Jono Janeway develops through each storyline. You will probably realise with the differing amount of writing styles through this page it all hasnt been written at once and is continuing to be written at this very moment.