USS Boudicca (NCC-49901)
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Keltoi Class USS Boudicca, NCC-49901 |
The USS Boudicca is a Keltoi Class Starship currently serving in the 52nd Fleet. The commanding officer is Captain Caladryll Sevant and the first officer is Commander Trevan J. West.
Currently, the ship (and the rest of Task Force 2) are under way to the moon called Tau Seti VIId.
Crew Roster
Command Staff
Commanding Officer, Captain, Caladryll Sevant - Vulcan/Human
First Officer, Commander, Trevan J. West - Human
Operations Staff
CONN/OPS, Lieutenant, Victoria Sevant - Human/Betazoid
Counselling and Medical Staff
Counsellor, Lieutenant, Domini Alizara - Betazoid
Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Commander, Kaitlyn Mackenzie - Human
Chief Counsellor, Lieutenant JG, Brian Rogers - Human
Medical Triage Chief, Ensign, Mor'rel - Vulcan
Tactical/Security Staff
Asst. Tactical Chief, Ensign, Samantha Chandler - Human
Security Officer, Senior Chief Petty Officer, Melody Leigh Haverstaad - Human
Chief Tactical/Security, Lieutenant Commander, Aleksander Stolev - Human
Strategic Operations, Lieutenant Commander, Paul Alexander Casely - Human
Engineering Staff
Chief Engineering Officer, Lieutenant, John Fredericks - Terran/Betazoid
Asst CEO, Lieutenant JG, Matthew McLaren - Human
Asst CEO, Ensign JG, Stephanie Hagan - Terran (Mirror Universe)
Engineering Crew, Petty Officer 1st Class, Jason Miller - Human
Science Staff
Research Scientist, Lieutenant JG, Dr. Engtamn-Jensi - Grazerite
Acting CSO, Lieutenant, Dr. Madison Munroe - Human
Scientific Personnel, Senior Chief Petty Officer, Ian Callaghan - Human
Marine Executive Officer, Lieutenant Major, Leonal 'Spider' Drizzt - Andorian
Combat Engineer, Lieutenant Major, Standorval Thrall - Andorian
MCO, Lieutenant Colonel, Eva Straton - Betazoid
Other Information
Complete Technical Specs
A complete PDF download of the Keltoi Class Techincal Specs can be found here: Boudicca Tech Specs
All Marines on the USS Boudicca are part of the 1st Boudicca Company, Wolfpack.
Fleet Update
Written by JP B
A ship floats disabled in the middle of space, clearly Federation and clearly attacked. New and old crew of the USS Boudicca must work together to help the survivors but is the enemy lurking around the corner?
History of the USS Boudicca
(To be Written) |
Her Plaque |