Lewis Nymes

Lewis Nymes
Lewis Nymes (previously Lewis Gemill) is a Joined Trill serving as Assistant CMO with the rank of ensign on the USS Dennison.
Early Life
Lewis Nymes is a joined Trill. A young doctor, he found his calling in Starfleet at the urging of his parents and sisters after the forced joining ceremony after a shuttle accident that took the life of his younger sister. As a child, he spent his years travelling around the Federation with this parents, Priscilla and Koren Gemill, and sisters Sellie, Olixia, and Parazia. His parents were both doctors, and offered there services at the various triage centers set up on Federation planets.
After a serious shuttle accident on Trill, only the process of joining would save Lewis' life, and he was joined with the Nymes symbionte at the early age of 17, and was closely monitored psychiatrically in case of adverse effects. Once he was allowed to leave, he continued his medical training at Medica Universitas on Trill, graduating early thanks to the knowledge his symbionte gave him. Following the completion of his training, he served in various hospitals with a few to a life in Accident and Emergency medicine.
During 2405, the Gemills found themselves heading to Earth to meet up with Parazia, who was due to complete her Starfleet Training as a Fighter Pilot. Lewis was due to meet them there for the family's celebration. Sadly, Tradegy struck as the Breen incursion occurred, forcing the scrambling of the Cadet Fighter Unit, an infamous order as only 2 cadets survived the battle. Sadly for Nymes, his sister wasn't among the two.
Starfleet and Assignments
Nymes battled with his sense of duty after the tragic loss of his sibling and joined Starfleet Medical the day of his sister's funeral, with his previous hosts' memories allowing him to fast track most of the training.
He was required to undertake a conversion course in order to practice medicine in the wider Federation, and following the exam results he was sent to the Academy to take General training as a Cadet, arriving at Starfleet Academy (San Fransisco) and being placed under the tutalage of Lt.Standorval Thrall, who put the cadet through his paces with simulations of massive casualties and sleep-deprivation, and general chain of command and tactical excercises. Nymes passed the course, and graduated the Academy at the age of 25.
Nymes wasn't the most social cadet at the Academy, with the medical cadets being separated from the other specialities for the initial training, and the upsets in his private life (the loss of his sister, and the early joining) meant that he was a bit of a loner. His closest friends at the academy were James Hudson, an engineer and Jayne Martyn, a Bajoran doctor who went on the same conversion course. Out of class, Nymes was a member of the Academy's medical fencing team, which regularly competed against the other teams; he also dabbled in games of chess, his experienced host memory allowing him to succeed. Nymes was also a member of "The Wandering Minstrels" - a campus Jazz band with Hudson and Ensign Elenor Night.
Upon graduation, he was assigned to the USS Dennison, arriving on stardate 2407.01.19 on the new Shuttle, Topaz.
Serving on the USS Dennison
Ensign Lewis Nymes started his first tour of duty as Assistant CMO on the Indefatiguable Class USS Dennison, serving under Captain Madison Davis. His CMO was Admirial Gr'iann. Also serving in the medical staff is Petty Officer Dylan Hedges, a member of the Night shift.
His first day on board was an eventful one, involving the final medicals of all transfering staff, including the wary Lt. Khran, Ensign Dale Bracken, and the late-arriving Ensign Ash Divay. Prior to the Senior Staff meeting, Dr Nymes was called to treat a crewman for spacesickness, an afflictation that his late sister suffered from. So far, it is unknown whether the illness was caused randomly or aggravated by a Dennison technical fault, a possibility that Lt. Jewort Trewe, as CSO, wasn't thrilled about.
This represents the furthest point in this character's history.
Lewis Nymes (previously Lewis Gemill) is the son of Priscilla and Koren Gemill and has 2 surviving sisters; Sellie and Olixia. His youngest sister Parazia was killed in action during the Breen Incursion.
Following the Joining, Lewis has become increasingly distant from his family, and considers the previous hosts of the Nymes symbionte as close as family.
Nymes Symbionte Hosts
Salvia (Nezla) - first host, diplomat to the Federation Council
Dremo (Pria) - second host, aide to Trill First minister
"Whiskey" Ollie (Trammler) - Federation Intelligence Operative
Quinera (Trammler) - Doctor, eventually Cmdr in Starfleet
Hennrietta (Ulme) - Lt. (Pilot of USS Eskimo) Starfleet
Lewis (Gemill) - current
Nymes enjoys many hobbies, included amongst these are Fencing, Chess, Music