Hupyrian Beetle Snuff
Hupyrian beetle snuff is a fine powder made of dried beetles that was a delicacy among Ferengi. It is inhaled through the nose and can often produce a fit of sneezing. It acts as a mild stimulant with some euphoric side effects. It also has a deleterious effect on the linings of the nose which is cumulative.
In 2151, Ulis offered his cousin Krem his beetle snuff collection in exchange for his freedom. Krem declined, noting that it made him sneeze. (ENT: "Acquisition")
In 2373 Grand Nagus Zek invested a considerable amount of Ferengi wealth into a new strain of beetle that he believed would revolutionize the beetle snuff market. (DS9: "The Nagus", "Rules of Acquisition", "Prophet Motive", "Ferengi Love Songs")
During Zek's captivity in the mirror universe, he introduced Regent Worf to beetle snuff, which the Regent took a liking to. (DS9: "The Emperor's New Cloak")