Project Darkstar
This Information is Controlled by Level 1A Clearance[edit]
Only First Officers of Duty Stations containing scientific personnel involved in this programme and above may access this informaton. Misuse of this information will incur the strictest penalties allowed by Federation Law.
Basic Principles[edit]
Matter-antimatter reaction is the reaction of matter and anti-matter which results in the most exothermal reaction presently known.
It frees energy the same was as nuclear fusion or nuclear fission, by creating a “mass defect”, which means the mass of the initial products of the reaction exceed those of the resulting educts. This “lost mass” is transformed into kinetic and heat energy in accordance with Einstein’s formula E=mc2.
Fusion reactions usually have a mass defect of less than 1%, whereas the matter-antimatter reaction transforms almost 100% of the mass of the initial products into energy.
The reaction of deuterium with anti-deuterium creates enough energy to power faster-than-light propulsion for starships, the Warp Drive.
Dangers and Rewards[edit]
Dark matter represents a huge destructive force within the galaxy. Its energy is so strong that it can destroy ships which is why Dark Matter nebulae are generally avoided. If dark matter and conversely antimatter could be controlled and used as an energy source it could allow for faster than warp 10 travel. To achieve this, it is necessary to find a stable way to capture and control dark matter. This device is almost complete but needs to have safety controls placed on it to keep it from being used in –less than proper- ways. Currently, all experiments, prototypes and scientific data are under level 1A or higher clearance and are to be stored and shipped covertly and under close supervision.
Preliminary Studies[edit]
Preliminary studies took place on the USS Pasteur where small amounts of dark matter/antimatter were collected and used in limited power experiments. Further testing will occur on Starbase Geneva, close to a number of spacial anomalies and sources of dark matter/antimatter energy. See attached diagrams for technical and theoretical details. At this point, the ability to harness this power now lies 20 years or less away from us. With each development, we get closer to making the use of dark matter/anti-matter a reality.
Advanced Studies[edit]
To continue studies into the next level, a team of 6 scientists have been employed, each with their own special talent and area of interest. These scientists are not serving on the same ship and are following their particular area of research independently of the other. This is to avoid the possibility of project stall or failure due to the death or disappearance of one or more scientists. This also guards against the possibility of capture and exploitation of information for improper purposes.
Science Team[edit]
USS Boudicca - Dr. Engtamn-Jensi
USS Dennison - Doctor Jewort Trewe
USS Champlain - Professor d'Kla's'turr
USS Nimitz - Scholar T'lexinath
USS Providence - Doctor Sutar
USS Ulysses - Doctor Herodimus James