Teverine Telqu
Character Physical Description[edit]
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 150
Blood Colour: Red
Skin Colour: White
Physical Description
Teverine in well shaped from his extensive work out programs, a side effect of his race is a addictive trait which shows in his work outs. He is far from being an attractive man and his harsh features suit his dowdy personality
History, Education and Skills[edit]
Family and Background[edit]
Teverine was married but walked out on his wife when she yeilded to Felicium the worlds old scourge of drugs, after years of battle the Ornarans overcame there problems and applied to Starfleet to join after many more years they where granted this honour, Teverine wanting to prove his worth and get away from the under current of drugs still on the black market had made the final descision seeing his wife in hospital overdosed, leaving that day and never looking back at his old life
He went to Ornaran city University where he studied science, before being consribed into the ornaran army at the age of 19, where he learnt many aspects of tatical life, after seving his mandatory 5 years, he met his wife and put his science background to work at the local refinery.
Pre Starfleet history[edit]
Teverine was a worker at the refinery on his old world helping re establish the economy that was devastated by the wide use of Felcium for many many years, wanting to prove a point he always admired Starfleet and everything it upheld, but soon married gave on his dreams to start a family. Unfortunately his wife always erratic again got hooked on felcium a under world of drug sales still plagueing the Ornarans. Not wanting to be tied down Teverine left her after several chances and decided to persue his dreams
Starfleet History[edit]
Starting Starfleet at such a late age, and joining at a awkard time in his life, Teverine never made many friends, also bring a slight Misogyny with him due to his wife he kept himself to himself.
Medical history[edit]
All Ornarans have a addictive side to there nature, after 200 years of Felcium use, even after all these years without it, it has effected the race. Teverine has a hatred for anyone on drugs and as a side effect only under the most extreme conditions will use painkillers preffering to have any medical work done without the use of them.
All ornanarans can discharge a burst of energy from there hands, this ability has been with his races since the dawn of there ancestors, a handy mechanism of defense or attack. They can control the amount of force applied from a tingle to a force large enough to kill.
Teverine's nature has focused his addictive nature into physical fitness, if he is not working he usually will be found in the gymnasim working out