Wilson Particles
A Wilson Particle is a unique type of subatomic particle that when passed through an energetic material or supersaturated material, causes a rapid nucleation of that material, in some cases creating rapid expansion of the newly created nuclei which in turn cause the summary expansion of the material so affected. This releases a inordinate amount of heat and energy as the expansion takes place.
In 2414, Ensign Narvak, aboard the USS Rosenante used specialized Wilson Particles, to create heterogeneous nucleation in the cells of Vexarak Spoilers which were infesting Starbase 989 at the time.
Three bars of Wilson Particles were sufficient to release 4.3 kJ of energy, in the Rosenante's Science Labs. This energy release was enough to cause interference with delicate equipment and to release enough energy to destroy a testing chamber.
Later two bars of Wilson's particles were used to create enough internal pressure to cause the creatures to explode, and therefore die rapidly.