Ikev Sector
The Ikev Sector is a section of Federation bordering the Cardassian - Federation border and is close to the Sentani Expanse.
In late 2408, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid of the USS Rosenante disobeyed direct orders to patrol the Sentani Expanse in favor of exploring the Ikev sector so that he could validate the information given to him by a Vorta named Julman.
The information was such that Salid felt that it justified his actions even if it placed his command, ship and crew at risk. It was his hope that the information would prove to be false rather than true, because if it turned out to be true, it would be a risk to the entire Alpha Quadrant.
The USS Furious under the command of Captain Saleke was assigned to patrol this sector of space as well. this brought the Furious and the Rosenante into conflict when the Furious mistook the USS Rosenante for the ISS Rosenante which had attacked the Boronite mining facility on Bardon Alpha.
Planets in the Ikev Sector
The Ikev Sector first appeared in the USS Rosenante mission: Into the Darkness, Go I